Check out this great lady empowering people to protect themselves and flourish (Video)

“Making Positive Waves of Change”

Peggy Hall
The Healthy American



Here at THE HEALTHY AMERICAN, we focus on understanding our rights, the laws that protect them, and how to defend our freedom against tyranny.

The way we do this is through CONNECTION, EDUCATION and ACTION.

CONNECTION is how we overcome isolation and division, finding other freedom-fighters in our communities and across the country who stand with us in this battle. Creating supportive freedom communities is absolutely crucial in surviving these stormy seas without drowning.

EDUCATION is the antidote to ignorance. Many people are confused and deluded by the deceptive information delivered by the evil-doers. This is done by design to keep people distracted and despairing, and living in denial of the harsh realities that need to be faced.

ACTION is a powerful antidote to despair. When we take action — regardless of the outcome — we feel empowered and engaged. Action is the key to never giving up, giving in or giving over our freedom to the tyrants who seek to steal the very soul of humanity.

“Take heart, take action — and keep going! We need all hands on deck to go full steam ahead to life, liberty, truth and freedom!” ~ Peggy Hall, Founder of THE HEALTHY AMERICAN

Peggy has educated thousands of businesses on how to defend their property rights and defy the unlawful shutdown orders in California and across the country. Click here for info on OPEN FOR BUSINESS options.

PEGGY HALL, Founder of THE HEALTHY AMERICAN, is a national leader in the freedom movement and is dedicated to “breathing life back into liberty.”

Peggy is the former Director of Teacher Education at the University of California, Irvine and has been an educator for 30+ years. She has a bachelor’s degree in Political Science, a Master’s Degree in International Relations, and has years of experience as a health educator and community activist.

Through her inspiring educational videos, hours of legal research, and online and in-person programs to keep businesses open, to help parents get their kids out of government schools, and to help Americans protect their medical rights, Peggy empowers patriots all across the country to take action to make “positive waves of change” as we fight back this growing tidal wave of tyranny.

While others see Peggy as a leader in the “anti-mask” movement, she considers herself pro-civil rights, pro-human rights, and pro-God-given rights.

Follow Peggy on social media here, or see her in person at rallies and conferences where she calls for “all hands on deck” and “full steam ahead” to defend life, liberty, truth and freedom.


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