WARNING GRAPHIC: Extensive Research of Deep State Cabal Including GRAPHIC Screenshot of Hillary Clinton Victim from “Frazzled-rip” Video

Hillary’s Snuff Film (GRAPHIC CONTENT)

*While the Greek TABLOID site “Slaughter/SFAGI.GR” was one of my early go-to sources for “Cabal”-related resources, they’ve quickly been relegated to full-blown sensationalist tabloid status(I should have known better)after their incessant sourcing from con-artist Timothy Charles Holmseth, despite my continuous emails and notations in the comments sections attempting to notify them of this, so they could stop citing him. They appear to be “click-whores”, while I am not, and any information I discover that may discredit a post, I will make note of, as I am doing now. For more credible international coverage, check out these Turkish media news reports instead. Additionally, the below photo they provide, claiming to be Hillary Clinton & Huma Abedins’ sacrificial Adrenochrome victim, may or may not be an actual screenshot from the infamous alleged video from the Weiner laptop. Rather a crime scene photo from an unrelated case in the U.K. I can’t confirm any of this yet, until I find conclusive evidence either way, I will leave the photo up as a vector for overall awareness about the disgusting activities of Kabbalist elite like Killary, Huma & their POS husbands, Anthony Weiner & Bill(drug trafficker)Clinton. (For Huma, not by choice).

I have removed any “discredited” content from the below post. There is still good research in here, notably from one Robert David Steele, who is one of the legit advocates/insiders on this topic. Check HERE for information on which con-artists to avoid. The alt. news community is chuck full of them unfortunately.

The screenshot above is explained in greater detail & context where it appears at the bottom of the article. These articles from “Slaughter” are originally in Greek, translated to English. When watching videos simply select English closed captions in YouTube settings. I’ve went and modified any of the YT links to an English version if there was one available.



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