OPERATION WAG THE DOG: These Palestinian ‘Surprise Attacks’ Against Israel Are Not What The CIA’s Mockingbird Media Is Reporting
Palestine only ever attacks Israel because Tel Aviv planned it that way…because PM Netanyahu is in
super desperate need of a war to distract the populace from so much institutional criminality and corruption and worse.
If Hamas really did stage this attack,
*MIHOP = Made It Happen On Purpose
Submitted by The Israel Watchman
SOTN Exclusive
The Premise: Nothing that happens in Israel can ever be taken at face value.
And, whenever it concerns the Palestinians, you know the Israelis are lying
through their teeth.
First of all, you know if CNN is reporting this utterly fake event, it’s being staged with melodramatic effect to distract the whole world from … … … you name the crime against humanity or ongoing genocide.
Really, after staging the Holohoax and maintaining that “Biggest Cover-up in Modern History”, does anyone believe a single word that comes out of Tel Aviv?!?!?! Keeping the Holocaust Industry profitable in so many ways is perhaps the greatest feat in the history of humanity, YES?!
Which brings us to this ALLEGED attack by Palestine.
As the previous link title states: “Tel Aviv knew this was coming and did nothing to stop the attack ON PURPOSE”. Isn’t that their MO — 24/7 — where it concerns all things Palestine, especially when the current government is in such HUGE trouble with the citizenry.
For those who are unaware, never in the Modern State of Israel’s history has the government been so at odds with the governed. We’re talking about a full-blown rebellion against Netanyahu’s nakedly corrupt administration. The protests that have occurred throughout Israel during 2023 are unparalleled and completely without precedent.
Therefore, Tel Aviv knows that the only way to short-circuit these constant protests and spontaneous demonstrations is to give the citizens something much more scary to worry about.
What, pray tell, is scarier than this: “Hamas has claimed that it fired some 5,000 rockets at Israel in just the first 20 minutes of the attack“?
KEY POINT: You mean Israel’s much vaunted Iron Dome couldn’t stop a bunch of Palestinian-fired ‘Roman candles’ launched from Gaza?! And they actually got off over 5000 of them. That’s better than Russia does in the Ukraine in a week!
October Surprise 2023
Everyone has been saying that this October is the month that things will jump off into uncharted territory; not that the entire planetary civilization has not already been in such a state of unrelenting chaos, confusion and conflict.
But when the BEAST System stages a really BIG event in Israel, you know things are getting very hot and heavy, as in ominous End Times happenings.
Look it, no one does drama like the Israelis. And when they do it like they did 9/11, the whole world community of nations is drawn into their mega-show. Why do you think they own and operate Hollywood forever? They have had decades to perfect their stellar showmanship and consummate manipulation of their audience.
As for the choreographing of this latest war, it’s common knowledge that there are more MOSSAD spies and spooks living in Palestine than there are real Palestinians. In light of that little data point, it ought to be very easy to see how Israel could pull off this classic false flag invasion in a New York minute.
KEY POINT: When even the ISIS terrorist organization was obviously set up as the ISRAELI SECRET INTELLIGENCE SERVICE to tear up the whole Middle East, what can’t the Zionists perpetrators get away with? See: ISIS = ISRAELI SECRET INTELLIGENCE SERVICE
Remember, it was Israel’s intelligence services which set up Hamas in the first place, so how easy is it for them to orchestrate a missile barrage like this one, as well as set up a bunch of terrorist cells in cities and towns close to Gaza.
People, nothing happens in Israel unless it was perfectly planned that way. Period.
And, whatever does happens in Israel with global repercussions is especially designed to trigger other events which remain to be seen.
KEY POINTS: The following insightful comment was posted under this article at The Burning Platform.
It’s not adding up. How does HAMAS fire 5,000 rockets in two hours. Could the Russians even fire 5,000 rockets in two hours? How does HAMAS cut a big hole in a fence that the Israelis are supposedly monitoring 24/7? If HAMAS actually started this “war” on its own, what does it hope to accomplish? The destruction of Gaza?
On the other hand Netanyahu seems to have everything to gain, at least in the short run; a distraction from his political and legal woes and a chance to appear to be a strong, forceful and effective leader. In the longer run, if this “war” is real, he could be blamed for being caught off guard.
It’s said that truth is the first victim of war. I suspect that whatever we hear, it’s not the truth. — James R. Chaillet, Jr.
Now a “Hostage Situation”
If there’s one way for the Israelis to sucker the world onto their contrived narrative, it is to create a hostage situation. The Khazarians are truly masters at directing this type of psyop. They know there’s no better way to evoke sympathy from all the naive and uninformed folks watching every minute of this drama unfold.
The preceding headline says it all as far as where Tel Aviv is determined to take this black operation. Now sit back, grab your popcorn, and watch the show.
Here’s why Netanyahu staged the false flag invasion by MOSSAD-controlled Hamas exactly when he did.
To be continued —
The Israel Watchman
State of the Nation
October 7, 2023
SOTN Editor’s Note: If there is one dead giveaway that this Khazarian Cabal-directed ‘surprise attack’ was completely staged by the Israeli Neocon Zionists, just consider the date of this MOSSAD black operation and global psyop—October 7. Notice how this date falls on the very day AFTER Jews complete the celebration of their Fall Feasts, also known as the Autumnal MOEDIM. In point of fact, the final Jewish Fall Feast — Sukkot — was celebrated from the evening of Friday, Sept. 29, 2023 until Friday, Oct. 6, 2023. How convenient for all the practicing Jews in Israel to finish the observance of these sacred days … and just in the nick of time?!