Zio-Anglo-American Axis Determined to Provoke War with Russia to Distract from Collapsing Covid Narrative

From Jim Stone:

Russia is heating up.

NATO claimed a successful meeting with Russia today, but Russia’s attitude says otherwise. Wait and see, HOWEVER, there are OMINOUS things going on, I will touch on briefly

Yesterday flights were ordered to land on the west coast for the first time since 911. No one can figure out why, and an excuse was hatched about a missile test by NK that no one believes.  Something happened and mums the word.
NEXT, I already mentioned this – Mysteriously an undersea cable was cut between Norway and a satellite uplink facility, and upon inspection it was definitely cut and did not get something like an anchor.
NEXT: I already mentioned that all the cameras were removed from Trafalgar square in Britain. 

NEXT: Rumor has it that the live stream cameras in DC have also now been shut down, at least in the most critical areas. BOOM: IT IS NOT RUMOR. Obviously they would not want those cameras going during a war.

So when does the fun start? That’s anyone’s guess but it appears to be keenly timed with the collapse of the Covid narrative. The perpetrators of that narrative can spew all they want and gaslight all they want, but the reality is that whoever is not vaxxed won’t be getting vaxxed, and there’s about 40 percent in both America and Britain that are not vaxxed with even one shot.

Britain was a surprise, but the scam was laid bare when there was a conflict of data that showed the number of people vaxxed by municipality and just adding up the big cities got the number to within striking distance of 40 percent not even having one shot. That might still be on this page if you scroll down a ways.

Today the CDC said only 15 percent of Americans have not had one shot but we all know about that British data now. My numbers whenever I get a gold nugget in the form of a clue always points to about 40 percent of America not having even one shot also.
So there is an enormous pile of people in America who have not had even one shot, and it consists of the REALLY REALLY wrong people. Literally an errant and unwittingly carried out eugenics plot.
What it all boils down to is the salt and vinegar said NO, and the sheep said YES. That’s a real problem that needs a solution, like perhaps war with Russia??
https://youtu.be/aJVYA49MEi8   <<<this guy talks about the flight groundings, but he says it was all over the USA, whereas other reports say it was just the West Coast, where flights were grounded.  Also he says that Russia issued an ULTIMATUM to NATO countries.  No one is saying what that ultimatum is.
You know, all this reminds me of the book “1984”.   There was always a WAR going on some place, whether it was real or not, Big Brother just showed footage of war some place, and the evening news reported the war like baseball scores each night.
The USA is in the wrong and is deliberately provoking this war.  For the USA to put missile silos in the Ukraine aimed at Moscow, would be exactly like what Kruschev did putting missile silos in Cuba aimed at Washington DC.  JFK gave up some missile silos the USA had in Turkey, I think it was, in exchange for the USSR removing their missile silos from Cuba.  If the silos are too close to the country, there could be no response time.  Both sides know this. 
IF the Ukraine wants to join NATO to protect them from Russia, I think they are going about it all wrong.  A war with Russia would be won by Russia, so the Ukraine is just walking into a trap.  Why not just remain as a neutral country?  I mean, who wants all the death and destruction of a WAR anyway?  By joining NATO they are defeating their own purpose.   The whole thing just makes no sense.  So WHY is it being pursued???  It definitely is NOT in the Ukraine’s best interests to provoke war with Russia.  Its all nonsensical.  Everyone needs to step back, and cool off.
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