How the WHO’s ‘Pandemic Treaty’ is really a new global tyranny and pernicious plague

Pandemic Treaty: Plague of Tyranny + Dictatorship 101

Our Greater Destiny

The World Health Organization’s ‘Pandemic Treaty’

This is not just another story – it’s a direct threat

  • The globalist cabal wants to monopolize health systems worldwide, and a stealth attack is already underway in the form of an international pandemic treaty, proposed by the World Health Organization
  • The treaty is a direct threat to a nation’s sovereignty to make decisions for itself and its citizens, and would erode democracy everywhere. Not only would the treaty empower the WHO to mandate COVID jabs and vaccine passports globally, it could potentially also expand the WHO’s power to dictate all health care policy worldwide
  • The treaty would also give the WHO the power to censor health information worldwide. This would be disastrous, as the WHO has a long history of corruption and health policy failures that are intrinsically linked to conflicts of interest
  • When people are harmed by the WHO’s health policies, there’s no accountability because the WHO has diplomatic immunity
  • Bill Gates, the second largest funder of the WHO, has also been funding pandemic exercises, including Event 201 and the Nuclear Threat Initiative’s exercise on international response to deliberate biological events. This scenario involved a deliberate release of a genetically engineered bioweapon — a pneumonic plague — for which there is no available treatment. Both exercises were held in 2019.

Dictatorship 101

Thanks Judy.

How is it possible that a small number of people [few hundred globalists] can impose on a massive number of people [7.9 billion], something that is really harmful and painful with little to no resistance?

The response that follows came from Yuval Noah Harari, top advisor to WEF and Klaus Schwab, in the process of hacking and re-engineering life.

“The answer is they prevent people from trusting each other. If you have millions of people who cannot trust one another then they cannot unite against you. You can have a country with a hundred million, a billion people and you have this small elite that controls things, if it uses its power to sow distrust within the population, when people can’t trust each other they can’t organize against anything including against the dictator.

This is dictatorship 101, one of your most basic tasks is to sow distrust and prevent creation of any kind of alternative network of trust within society not under your control.

You often find that dictatorships don’t like people organizing around anything even it’s some environmental group that wants to prevent the pollution of a river, that’s dangerous because now they are organizing to save the river but once they are organized they can start acting against ‘us’.

In the long term, the rate of resistance is to create trust between people that don’t go through the center, and in this sense organizations are extremely important. As long as you have isolated activists or isolated individuals there is not much they can accomplish.

A hundred people who organize together and trust each other are far more powerful than 10,000 people who are isolated individuals. So, organization is really the key and trust within the organization.”

Who can you trust, if not yourself?

Ignoring what our internal compass is telling us in favor of allowing others to influence our thoughts, beliefs, decisions, and actions, is consent to give away personal power. The more we give away our power, the less we trust ourselves.

The Socratic Method

5:02 mins

This method of talking is founded on the premise that with the right encouragement people can eventually work out things for themselves and detect errors in their own reasoning, if we we carefully and quietly draw their attention to tricky points and don’t cast blame or get annoyed.

We’ll never teach anyone anything by making them feel stupid, even if they appear that way, at first.

We all started in that cave and it is Plato’s deepest insight that we don’t have to stay there. The road out is called philosophy. This is the sun whose light we can follow and by whose rays the proper nature of things can become clear.

Trust the power in positive intention and action

The Minister of Health in our respective countries, and World Health Organization [contact info in link] need to hear from a critical mass of people who ‘oppose’ this power grab by globalists.

Open letter on the WHO’s Pandemic Treaty

Inform others

Please share, for people to become away of personal risks … potential loss of all privacy, loss of human rights and freedoms, more scamdemics, subjugation through this and other power grabs [digital ID, social credit score, digital currency etc.] TY!


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