Here’s the true Zio-Nazi bloodline fighting in Ukraine as Russia’s arch enemy.

A PhD’s Historical Retrospective Analysis Proving
the Talmudic, Judaic, Khazarian, Zionist Roots of
Today’s Ukrainian Zio-Nazis

Comment posted by Irene Caesar, Ph.D.

First of all, I am not an anti-Semite. I strongly oppose any forms of fascism, racism and Nazism, especially by Talmudic Judaism and Hitler, who introduced Talmudic anti-values of genocide into our Russian-Aryan culture. Moreover, I organized a Club for Defending the Rights of Semites, especially, Palestinians and Syrians, and True Negroid Israelites against their genocide. Here is the disclaimer:

I also suggest you see this video:

This video clearly states that the maternal DNA of Ashkenazi (92% of all world Jews) is from white European (Russian) women, and their paternal DNA is from Turks and Kurds. This means that these “so-called Jews” are half-brothers of Russians. They are Turks from a white mother, and their motherland is Turkistan. Ashkenazi so-called Jews are Mongoloids, and NOT SEMITES! “Semite” means half-black-half-white. Ashkenazi so-called Jews are Goyim who pretend to be Jews! True Old Testament Jews were Negroes from the Tribe of Seth, which also calls itself the Tribe of Judah in the Land of Seth (Upper Egypt – Ethiopia and North Sudan. Ashkenazi so-called Jews have nothing to do both RACIALLY and HISTORICALLY with the true Negroid Jews of the Old Testament.

As regards the true Negroid Jews of the Old Testament, they were a very primitive tribe when they crossed the shallow Sea of Reeds into Sinai. They were so primitive that they did not even have their own written language. They used our Russian-Aryan Runes to create their written language Hebrew. All so-called Paleo-Hebrew is written with Russian-Aryan runes (identical to all runes of white races, i.e., Celtic Runes, Germanic Runes, Anglo-Saxon Runes, Sanskrit, and Russian Runes).

Here is my response to your criticism regarding the textual evidence of Talmudic anti-values of genocide, racism, and Nazism. I strongly suggest that you refer to the research by Eduard Khodos, who is himself a Jew and the head of the Jewish community of Kharkov, Ukraine. He is the most famous Russian critic of the Talmudic Judaism, which he calls “Jewish Fascism”.

The citations in my essay pertain to the wide variety of sources from the Talmudic Judaism. For example, Simeon Haddarsen (Simon Haddar) is the 10th century commentator of the Talmud, himself of the Khazar origin. It is clear that the Khazar commentators of the Talmud added some purely Mongoloid world-view into the Negroid Judaism, including purely Mongoloid traditions, which you would never find in the Old Testament. For example, they added the cutting off of ears of the enemy, which is still practiced by the Muslim Khazars of Azerbaijan (these Khazars do not have the addition of the Russian-Aryan blood).

All the Medieval textual evidence from the Khazar’s commentary on Talmud is solidly confirmed by the present-day Khazar’s commentary on Talmud. Nonetheless, lobbyists and shills of the ultra-radical Nazi, fascist and racist Hasidic movement of Chabad-Lubavich are making effort of concealing the textual evidence from the Talmud and its commentators. But it is impossible to conceal this evidence, and to conceal the offshoot of Talmudic genocidal Nazism in the books of contemporary Chabad leaders, e.g., those by Yitzchak Ginsburgh, who said the following things: “Jewish blood is not the same as Arab [goyim] blood. He who is not a Jew, and throws stones, or threatens Jews, comes under the (biblical injunction) ‘you should kill him first.” (Ilana Kass, Bard E. O’Neill, The deadly embrace: the impact of Israeli and Palestinian rejectionism on the peace process, University Press of America, 1997, p. 100.)

Even the Israeli newspaper Haaretz has called Ginsburgh “a well known radical on his views on Israel Arab public”, noting his “prosecution in the past for incitement to racism after having published a book insisting that there is no place for Arabs in the state of Israel“. (Levinson, Chaim (29 July 2010). “Police detain second Rabbi in connection to book condoning murder”. Haaretz. Retrieved 29 July 2010).

In 1989, Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburgh was quoted in the New York Times regarding his views on recent attacks against Palestinians and the rise of racism in Israel:

Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburgh had offered biblical justification for the view that the spilling of non-Jewish blood was a lesser offense than the spilling of Jewish blood. “Any trial based on the assumption that Jews and goyim are equal is a total travesty of justice”, he said (Cowell, Alan, “An Israeli Mayor Under Scrutiny”, New York Times, 6 July 1989).

In 1994, Ginsburgh received widespread criticism for his article “Baruch Hagever” (The title means “Blessed is the man,” (from Jeremiah 17:7). A version of the article later appeared as a chapter in a book, also called “Baruch Hagever” (1995), edited anonymously by Michael ben Horin (Ehud Sprinzak, Brother against Brother, p. 259), in which he praised Baruch Goldstein who had massacred 29 Palestinian worshippers at the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron. [Motti Inbari, Jewish Fundamentalism and the Temple Mount: Who Will Build the Third Temple? (State University of New York Press, 2009), p. 132.] [Don Seeman, Violence, ethics, and divine honor in modern Jewish thought, Journal of the American Academy of Religion, Vol. 73 (2005), 1015-1048].

Rabbi Ginsburgh wrote that it is possible to view Baruch Goldstein’s act as following five Halachic principles, namely “sanctification of God’s name”, “saving life” (referring to testimonies that he had allegedly received regarding a planned Arab massacre of Jews [Kuntres Baruch Hagever. p. 11, footnote 3], “revenge”, “eradication of the seed of Amalek” and “war”[Kuntres Baruch Hagever, Introduction, p. 3].

Motti Inbari commented on this:

In his writings, Ginzburgh gives prominence to Halachic and kabbalistic approaches that emphasize the distinction between Jew and non-Jew (Gentile), imposing a clear separation and hierarchy in this respect. He claims that while the Jews are the “Chosen People” and were created in God’s image, the Gentiles do not have this status…. Ginzburgh stated that, on the theoretical level, if a Jew requires a liver transplant to survive, it would be permissible to seize a Gentile and take their liver forcefully. From this point only a small further step is required to actively encourage and support the killing of non-Jews, as Ginzburg did in the case of Goldstein [Inbari, p. 134].

You refer to the freemason website to prove the falsity of the well-known genocidal citations of the Talmudic commentators:

For example, the freemasons of the above website try to explain away the following textual evidence of the genocidal essence of the Talmudic Judaism: “One of the basic doctrines of the Talmud is that all non-Talmudists rank as non-humans, that they are not like men, but beasts.” (Kerithuth, 6b, p. 78) The website claims: “This claim is based upon a particular dialogue in which reference is made specifically to heathens in a fashion comparable to that of many Christian preachers who today still thunder away with the doctrine that only those who accept Jesus Christ will be “saved.” Obviously no sane person with a semblance of decency would condemn present-day Jews for the dialogue of some individual religious philosophers 1700 years ago.”

The difference between Talmudic Judaism and Christianity is the difference between the doctrine of the universal genocide and enslavement by the God’s Chosen People of Negroid Israelites and Mongoloid Khazars, on one side, and the doctrine of the universal brotherhood of Christians, on the other side. I am very sorry you do not see this difference.

The Old Testament clearly states that the Covenant with G-d is made by and only by the Tribe of Seth. And the Tribe of Seth is the Negroid Tribe from the Upper Egypt. This is clearly a racist and Nazi doctrine from the beginning. Christianity offers Covenant with God to everybody independently of race and national identity.

Secondly, the calls for the universal genocide by the Talmudic Judaism are not something that happened once 1700 years ago. Talmudic Judaism insistently reproduces its calls for the universal genocide and genocidal racism and the Nazism of Rabbi Ginsburgh is the late 20th century sample. And the genocidal racism and Nazism of Rabbi Schneerson is the mid 20th century sample. While the genocidal racism and Nazism of Ihor Kolomoyskyi is the 21st century sample. It is clear that the paradigm of the global depopulation of the so-called “Illuminati” (13 Khazar Bankers of the so-called “Council of Thirteen”) is precisely the call for the universal genocide by the Talmudic Judaism. And Ayn Rand described it well in her “Atlas Shrugged”.

Furthermore, the freemasons of the above website try to explain away the following textual evidence of the genocidal essence of the Talmudic Judaism as A JEW WHO KILLS A CHRISTIAN COMMITS NO SIN, BUT OFFERS AN ACCEPTABLE SACRIFICE TO GOD. ‘Even the best of the non-Jews should be killed.’ (Abhodah Zarah, 26b Tosepoth).” The Freemason website says: “Abhodah Zarah, 26b, Tosepoth. Tosepoth is not a part of the Talmud. It is a collection of commentaries on the Talmud. In a passage alluded to by Van Hyning, Tosepoth quotes a Talmudic source as stating that the command of killing all Canaanites was applicable only during the war against them.”

I refer you to the previous citation: “One of the basic doctrines of the Talmud is that all non-Talmudists rank as non-humans, that they are not like men, but beasts” (Kerithuth, 6b, p. 78). If ALL GOYIM are non-humans, then, clearly, Talmudic so-called “Jews” would treat them like non-humans or beasts. Whether Talmudic so-called “Jews” would kill Goyim or enslave Goyim is not that important from their point of view.

Khazars were engaged in slave trade. They traded white slaves. Russians destroyed Khazaria in the 10th century. And, RUSSIANS WILL AGAIN DESTROY KHAZARIA IN UKRAINE.

We will destroy the Global Zion.

No global depopulation! No global slavery via brain chips!


So sorry, free-Khazar-masons!


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