TEST SWABS: A Criminal Tool of Genocide in the Population of Slovakia

Analysis of test sticks from surface testing in the Slovak Republic -confirmation of genocide.


Analysis of test sticks from surface testing in the Slovak Republic – confirmation of genocide.

key words – 1) nylon, 2) Darpa Hydrogel, 3) lithium, 4) pineal gland

The analysis was performed in the months November 2020 to March 2021 on test sticks in sets. SD Biosensor, Abbott and Nadal in an unnamed hospital laboratory from Bratislava, Slovakia. The test swabs were from the sets used in surface testing in Slovakia and in hospitals.

Anyone who has at least a standard school microscope and a test microscope can verify the information regarding the test swabs published here. All information about test swabs, Darpa Hydrogels, and lithium is publicly available in scientific and corporate work. Links to some are at the end of the document.

From this information it is clear that test sticks are a criminal tool of genocide in the population of Slovakia. This is a worldwide, thoughtful and carefully prepared event.


Click here for relevant photos:  https://www.nutritruth.org/single-post/analysis-of-test-sticks-from-surface-testing-in-the-slovak-republic-confirmation-of-genocide

Darpa Hydrogel and lithium block and destroy the pineal gland and cause the thinking person to become a controllable biorobot. A hydrogel is a carrier of an active substance, its task is to get the substance into the body at a pre-desired place.

Briefly on the issue of vaccines. Vaccines contain Darpa Hydrogel, lithium and patented genetic information. mRNA is not an untested novelty. In breeding and for top athletes, this type has been using doping for many years. For top athletes 4), this doping significantly shortens the life.

Genetic information in the vaccine leads to the creation of a patented mutant. The dream of the dark forces around Bill Gates is to achieve to force these mutants, for example by vaccination, to regularly upgrade as a computer program.


Darpa Hydrogel hollow nylon fibers fill the FFP2 class plastic respirators. This Darpa Hydrogel with additives is slowly released from the respirators. When breathing, it enters the human airways.

The swabs used for PCR are also composed of hollow nylon fibers with Darpa Hydrogel.



The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is a research and development agency of the United States Department of Defense responsible for the development of emerging technologies for use by the military. Originally known as the Advanced Research Projects Agency, the agency was created on February 7, 1958 by President Dwight D. Eisenhour, USA


1) https://www.copan.com

2) https://www.darpa.mil/work-with-us/covid-19 LINKS

https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2020/05/18/technology-in-a-time-of-crisis-how-darpa-and-ai-areshaping-the-future /? sh = 47041f384e47





https://www.forbes.com/sites/kelseyatherton/2020/08/25/locust-bomb-sniffers-just-the-latest-military-insectcyborg/?sh = 77fd6e153efa







4) https://www.antidoping.sk/data/files/511_zoznam-zakazanych-latok-2020.pdf

5) https://tech.sme.sk/c/4289532/kobylky-ficia-na-droge-stastia.html


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