Check out these incredible headlines after Biden declared war on MAGA Republicans.

WORLD · SEP 2, 2022 ·  148

Biden Swallows Cyanide Capsule In Underground Bunker

BERLIN — The war having turned against him, Biden has reportedly taken a cyanide capsule in an underground bunker. Biden holed up here in hopes of l…

WORLD · SEP 2, 2022 ·  44

Biden Forces Stalled 12 Miles From Moscow

MOSCOW — Biden’s forces hit a major stumbling block Friday as they were unable to reach USSR’s capital of Moscow before the harsh Siberian winter we…

WORLD · SEP 2, 2022 ·  36

Biden Announces Strategic Alliance With Mussolini And Emperor Hirohito

BERLIN — Biden announced last evening the signing of the Tripartite Pact, a military alliance that solidifies the union of our nation’s military wit…

WORLD · SEP 2, 2022 ·  53

France Surrenders To Biden

PARIS — France surrendered to Biden Friday after a brutal battle that lasted minutes. While there was little resistance to the Biden regime, not all…

WORLD · SEP 2, 2022 ·  43

Biden Announces Invasion Of Poland

BERLIN — Biden has announced a “defensive war” against Poland, after claiming that Poland had acted as the aggressor and launched unprovoked attacks…

WORLD · SEP 2, 2022 ·  52

Biden Signs Non-Aggression Pact With Poland

BERLIN — Supreme Führer Joe Biden signed a nonaggression pact with Polish Leaders this morning, causing world leaders everywhere to breathe easy. “…

WORLD · SEP 2, 2022 ·  87

Biden Opens Camps In Which To Concentrate Political Dissidents And Other Undesirables

BERLIN — In a unifying speech last night, President Joe Biden announced new measures against groups that threaten the nation’s foundations. Biden ex…

WORLD · SEP 2, 2022 ·  142

Biden Abolishes Office Of President And Names Self Supreme Führer

BERLIN — During his speech last night, Biden abolished the office of the president and named himself Supreme Führer. “It is with great reluctance t…

WORLD · SEP 2, 2022 ·  67

Biden Establishes Secret Police

BERLIN — Biden announced today the establishment of a secret police force known as the Geheime Staatspolizei, or Gestapo for short. The police force…
BERLIN — Biden has announced a new program for youngsters called Biden Youth. The program is designed to remove kids from their parent’s influence a…

WORLD · SEP 2, 2022 ·  74

Biden Publishes Autobiographical Memoir ‘My Struggle’

LANDSBERG — President Joe Biden has announced the release of an autobiographical memoir entitled My Struggle, detailing his strategic plans for grow…

WORLD · SEP 2, 2022 ·  51

Biden Rejected From Austrian Art School

VIENNA — Joe Biden was rejected from the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts Friday after failing his second entrance exam. Professor Alois Delug said Biden…
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