NWO Globalists Targeting Red States
With Relentless Weather Warfare

Massive CHEMTRAIL operation conducted right over the Florida State Capitol in Tallahassee, Florida
The Sunshine State has been geoengineered
into the “Chemcloud Cover State”
An Open Letter to Governor Ron DeSantis
Office of Governor Ron DeSantis
State of Florida
The Capitol
400 S. Monroe St.
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0001
Dear Governor DeSantis:
As a Tallahassee resident, surely you have noticed that the sun very rarely shines in this city anymore. See: THEY’RE PUTTING THE CHEMTRAILS SPRAYING ON SUPER STEROIDS ESPECIALLY OVER THIS STATE CAPITAL—WHY?
What was once known as the Sunshine State has become a state that is continuously geoterrorized via the nation’s most aggressive chemical geoengineering program.
That patently unlawful (and unconstitutional) military-directed program has undergone a marked intensification since Joe Biden’s Inauguration Day, especially here in Florida.
Perhaps you have also noticed that the daily weather forecasts televised by WCTV for Tallahassee are never, ever, correct anymore. Those quite unfortunate meteorologists cannot even predict the weather for the next few hours, much less for tomorrow or next week.
In point of fact, their weather forecasts are now so inaccurate, and often dead wrong, that they have surely wrecked and ruined many a picnic, outdoor wedding, boating expedition, and weekend at the beach.
What’s the crucial point?
Gov. DeSantis, the NWO globalists who control Florida’s weather are also destroying the state’s economy.
The means by which their geoengineers can manipulate weather events and modify climate patterns has gotten quite alarming.
Covid & Chemtrails
For those of us who have been closely watching the chemtrail operations in our local skies, there is definitely a direct correlation between the various COVID-19 outbreaks and subsequent variant scares AND the intensity of chemtrail spraying during the same time frames.
We don’t have to tell you that the Covid Plandemic can easily be perpetuated just through the advanced technologies now utilized within the US government’s chemical and biological geoengineering programs. And that, because of your courageously conservative approach to governance, Florida is perhaps the biggest target in the USA for these series of covert operations of what are essentially acts of both geoterrorism and bioterrorism. As follows:
An Open Letter to Governor Ron DeSantis
Regarding Biowar Waged Against Florida
Certainly you are aware that many Floridians moved here in the first place to retire in the sun, have fun in the sun, heal in the sun and surf, etc. and yet here many of us are hoping for a single day of sunlight unobstructed by that highly toxic chemcloud cover. Who doesn’t know during the Covid era that direct sunlight on human skin stimulates the production of Vitamin D—a natural defense against SARS CoV-2.
It was Dr. Marvin Herndon, a Ph.D. in nuclear chemistry and a geophysicist, who has identified many of the constituents of the chemtrail aerosols that are systematically sprayed over Tallahassee as they are in the skies all over Florida.
Dr. Herndon recently published a scientific research paper with Dr. Mark Whiteside, MD, Ph.D. who is the Medical Director of the Florida Department of Health in Monroe County. Their rigorous analysis of the chemical composition of chemtrails indicated that aluminum, barium and strontium are all present at significant levels. The aluminum oxide is actually derived from the toxic waste product — COAL FLY ASH — which is statutorily removed from all coal-fired power plants as per EPA rules and regulations. Their highly informative paper and urgent warning follows.
Intentional Destruction of Life on Earth
However, that’s not the worst of it, Gov. DeSantis.
It has also been recently asserted that graphene oxide is also a component of the some of the chemtrail aerosol formulations (See these photos and video). Graphene has been proven to be a constituent of the extremely dangerous and often deadly COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ by various medical investigators and scientific researchers the world over.
GRAPHENE JAB ALERT! Italian Doctors Scientifically Identify
Metallic Particles In Blood Of Covid Vaxxed Patients
In their independent and collective quests to determine why so many people around the world are dropping dead from heart attacks and strokes, dying from massive blood clots, as well as contracting myocarditis, pericarditis, angina, etc. where they were not previously present, they found extremely hazardous levels of graphene in the Covid ‘vaccines’.
In light of these grave transgressions committed against the state of Florida as well as chemical and biological assaults on the residents, may we suggest two gubernatorial responses.
Firstly, by exposing these egregious crimes against humanity here in the Sunshine State, you will be empowering other red state governors to do the same. Much human life can be saved and/or protected across the USA in the process of making these vital disclosures.
Secondly, declaring a special commission to further investigate these highly premeditated offenses against the people of Florida would confer immediate legitimacy upon your very serious allegations. In so doing, a fully representative statewide body could be constituted to study the grounds for secession from the U.S. Corporation.
As you well know, Gov. DeSantis, the totalitarian U.S. Federal Government is now completely out of control having been taken over by a foreign New World Order globalist cabal. By inaugurating a secession movement, you would be putting Washington, D.C. on notice about Florida’s resolute intolerance of the ongoing Covid biowar as well as the geoengineered weather warfare which has been conducted over many years.
Concerned Florida Patriots
Tallahassee Florida Chemtrailed Like Never Before Prior To Donald Trump’s Visit