SOTN Editor’s Note: It’s of paramount importance to correctly understand exactly who the Khazarian Mafia really is. While the following massive data dump relates primarily to the Northern Italian Black Nobility throughout the entire history of the Roman Empire and especially the Roman Catholic Church, their true origins should be properly understood. The most simple explanation is as follows:
It’s essential to understand that many of the Northern Italian Black Nobility, who were domiciled throughout the Republic of Venice during the period prior to the founding of the British East India Company in 1600, eventually found themselves without an empire to rule. The Venetian Empire was, after all, maintained by the Doge’s supremacy of the seas, specifically the Adriatic, Ionian, Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean Seas (see map below). As soon as the British Empire began to emerge as the dominating naval force in the Atlantic and elsewhere, the Black Nobility made their way to London to set up shop along with the Khazarian banksters who already owned and operated the Square Mile, as explained in the exposé below.
However, what the Italian Black Nobility did was bring their super-predatory capitalism in the form of their corporate and banking models with them. For the first corporations in the world were established throughout Northern Italy, from Venice to Genoa and from Milan to Florence, during the late 13th century onward. As a matter of historical fact, the banking families in Italy (e.g. House of Medici in Florence) were the wealthiest and most powerful in Europe at that time, and they intended on remaining so. Hence, the City of London became their new stomping grounds from which to rape, pillage and plunder the then known world.
KEY POINT: If ever Satan was to create an extremely powerful entity by which to carry out his countless nefarious deeds, surely the CORPORATION is it.
Those original Black Nobility families were formed by strictly business marriages between Catholic Italian noblemen and landowners AND Khazarian Jewish bankers and merchants. Between the untold riches of the Roman Empire, the spoils acquired throughout the 9 Crusades to the Holy Land, and the incomparable wealth accumulated in the wake of Venetian Marco Polo’s trading trips to the Orient via the Silk Road, the treasures possessed by the Black Nobility made London’s look like a mere piggy bank. Hence, it ought to be crystal clear who really rules the world today; and it’s not the notorious London banksters such as the Rothschilds (they are quite low on the totem pole by design as Ashekenazi Jewish frontmen). While the Roman Empire may have fallen, the Khazarian-controlled Vatican has silently reigned supreme the world over.
Of course, the Vatican is not really a Roman Catholic institution; it’s a religious front for the Khazarian Cabal by which they control the world’s 1.3 billion Catholics. Which is why the current Khazarian Freemason Pope Francis wears a Jewish yarmulke as have the preceding pontiffs. Which is also why the popes began wearing a mitre shortly after the Khazarian disapora made its way to Rome. The mitre design is nearly identical to the headgear worn by the Egyptian Pharaohs, especially Akhenaten (see statue of him above), the Pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt who was eventually transformed into the Moses of the Ten Commandments.
BOTTOM LINE: Empires never really die, they just morph into new global power centers as they have done from time immemorial. In light of this reality, it ought to be obvious that the United States is only the latest and greatest empire — now well-known as the “Empire of Lies” — to undergo a controlled demolition by the Khazarian banksters (who were known as Babylonian Radhanites pre-Khazaria*). Just as the Egyptian Empire, Persian Empire, Greek Empire, Roman Empire, Holy Roman Empire, Venetian Empire, Portuguese Empire, Spanish Empire, French Empire, Ottoman Empire, Russian Empire and British Empire have each undergone a final collapse triggered by the banksters, the American Empire has now been slated for the same fate. Wherever Mammon is worshiped as the GOD of any empire or civilization, as it is throughout the USA today as the Almighty Dollar, just as GOLD has always been venerated in the City of London’s Crown Temple, the Khazarian Cabal rules the day as they have each and every day for millennia.
(Source: How the Khazarian-controlled City of London was set up to rule the world)*The Babylonian Black Brotherhood was originally formed by Babylonian Radhanites in their quest to establish the Babylonian Banking Cartel whose primary mission was to control all money supplies and national currencies throughout the entire planetary civilization—FOREVER.
In light of this historical background, the detailed disclosures made below will make much more sense. However, it’s crucial to bear in mind that all of the Roman Catholic Papal Bloodlines and Black Nobility Crime Families identified below have continuously intermarried with the Khazarian Klan over many centuries. In this way, the Khazarian Cabal effectively rules the world today by using the ubiquitous Khazarian Mafia to enforce the many dictates and decrees associated with the implementation of the New World Order agenda.
What this really means is that the Khazarian Mafia completely controls every other mafia on Earth to include these international crime syndicates and mob families: Northern Italian Black Nobility Crime Families, La Cosa Nostra (Sicilian Mafia), Japanese Yakuza, Russian Mafia, Albanian Mafia, Mexican Mafia, Israeli Mafia, Chinese Triad, Colombian Drug Cartels, Jewish Mafia (U.S.), Irish Mafia, Corsican Mafia, etc. Because there is no international crime spree or crime wave against humanity that the Khazarian Mafia will not perpetrate in pursuit of total domination of the world community of nations, they rule the realm writ large. An list of their most unfathomable crimes can be found here: MULTIPLE HUGE RED FLAG POINT DIRECTLY TO A KHAZARIAN-CONCOCTED WORLD WAR III
State of the Nation
February 9, 2023
The Papal Bloodlines Black Nobility
Crime Families
Posted by :The-Great-Work.
For thousands of years the ruling elite classes of monarchies, priests, black nobility, pharaonic blood lines, secret societies, money changers, dark occultists and cabalists have been keeping knowledge from humanity, dividing and ruling us through fear and ignorance, all the while setting up a system of enslavement based on creating ignorance and division amongst us through false paradigms like money, religion, race division, the spreading of multiple conflicting ideologies, confusion through mixing of different languages, holding back occulted esoteric knowledge from our schooling and the general population, chemical dumbing down of populations through food, air and water additives, controlled propaganda, psychological warfare, false flags, psy-ops, hegelian dialectic tactics, sports and entertainment distractions, pharmaceutical, drugs, alcohol and other means.

These international criminals and royal and noble crime bloodlines are threatening society with more fake epidemics, weaponized forced vaccinations, wars based on lies, civil war, world war, martial law, and genocides. They are attacking society with secret societies, organized crime, corporate fraud, and electronic weapons. These bloodlines spread plagues and have been doing that for hundreds of years. These families are behind all the major wars including World War I and World War II. When real people stand up to tyrants like them they infiltrate opposition such as the American Revolutionary War which was hijacked by Freemasons. These criminals collectively have trillions of dollars in offshore accounts in Switzerland, Liechtenstein, and Luxembourg and they are controlling the Bank for International Settlements. They extort governments and people and make hundreds of billions per year through organized crime. They torment people with electronic weapons. The entire electronic grid has been weaponized with neuro-bio hacking programs.
They finance continual lying in society through the media and entertainment. Their primary tactics are lying, making false accusations against people who expose them, and using phony arrogance to appear like they are in control at all times. The royals and nobles run all the religious organizations, secret societies and covert organizations like the Jesuits, Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Scientologists, Skull and Bones, Kabbalists, Wiccans, Five Percenters, Knights of Columbus, Knights of Malta, Shriners etc. They own the organized crime syndicates including all mafias, drug cartels, street gangs, and biker gangs. They oversee the global organizations like the United Nations, NATO, World Bank, IMF, World Economic Forum, World Health Organization, CERN, Maritime Law, INTERPOL, Conference on Disarmament, Red Cross, Geneva Conventions, etc. These criminals have infiltrated every government agency in the world through pedophilia, child sacrifices, criminal financing, bribery, secret organizations, and mafia tactics. They have designed all governments as corporate entities and chartered subsidiaries of their corporate houses and monarchies. They are mass human traffickers, mass murderers, and war criminals who commit crimes against humanity at all times.
In retaliation to the Yeshua Mission, the Orion Group chose to invade the territories near the 5th dimensional stargate, by infiltrating this central region of Italy, in order to lay the foundation for what would become the Church of Rome, the Papacy and the Vatican City. This began the invasion of the Black Sun nonhuman entities into the region, which are the groups who originally built the Catholic religious control mechanism and then infiltrated the Jesuit military order. This historical infiltration of the Jesuits at its top Supreme General position, by the negative aliens in the Orion Group, greatly plagues human society today. By combining these two NAA infiltrated organizations over time, the Vatican and Jesuit Order, these would become the merciless planetary controller mechanism for the worldwide political banking cartels. It is the center point of the satanic pillars used for the perpetuation of global Blood Sacrifice offerings, which are used for summoning demonic spirits and satanic alien forces that actually enter this realm through the stargate that exists under Vatican City.
From about the 13th century, several Northern Italian aristocratic families infiltrated by the Khazarians much earlier, began to develop into the highest of the ruling satanic elites through the accumulation of vast wealth in the banking and merchant businesses. These ruling elites found their wealth exploding through satanic practices of blood and child sacrifice and began to settle into the areas close to the power center of the Vatican. These wealthy Roman aristocratic families are the main lineages of the Black Nobility and Papal bloodlines whose ancestors include: the House of Sfroza, Visconti, Savoy Genovese, Torlania, Colonna, Massimo, Aldobrandini, Doria, Orsini, Farnese, Pallavicini, Ruspoli, Hapsburg, Hesse and Rothchild.
Additionally, the Jesuit Order was being structured into a male only secret military operation from about 500-years ago, which began to infiltrate these same aristocratic lineages for gaining power and control in geo-politics. Over time, the Jesuit secret oath for complete obedience to the Supreme General, who eventually became the Black Pope, progressed considerably when the secret order became influential and in full control of the obscene amount of wealth hidden in the Vatican underground vaults. The Jesuit control over the Vatican institution further evolved into the generation of many other subsidiary organizations for handling assorted operations, such as the Military Order of Malta, along with the creation of various central banks, secret societies and cults. Many of these subsidiary organizations, run by the high-ranking Jesuits, were the driving force behind the creation of the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund, the World Trade Organization and NATO after World War II. These are the “globalist” organizations that were put in place, after the largest and most recent human holocaust, to fully protect the monopolies represented in the international business interests that promote the same anti-human agendas of these bloodlines.
The Black Nobility, through its Jesuit connections, put fascist dictator Benito Mussolini in power who established the Vatican as a sovereign nation, through the Lateran Treaty of 1929, ending decades of struggle between the Italian state and the Papacy. Following the conclusion of the Lateran Treaty in 1929, the Black Nobility were given dual citizenship in Italy and Vatican City. This gave the Black Nobility full unrestrained access and unchecked power to use the Vatican as their covert business entity, installing the Black Pope and forming the Holy See Corporation, while shrouded in the veils of secrecy and fronted by the White Pope and those wearing holy robes, purporting to be “men of God” to the religiously devoted. A top objective of the Vatican mafioso control, was accumulating and concealing vast amounts of wealth from global criminal activities when deposits were made in the Swiss and Vatican bank accounts. These funds are used for money laundering and funding the overall objectives of the One World Order in favor of these satanic ruling elites.
It is rumored that many prominent political figures across the globe have bank accounts with unfathomable wealth earmarked for funding and carrying out the objectives of the Satanic Council and the Black Nobility, whom are enmeshed within every political, financial and governmental decision that greatly impacts the state of the nations across the globe. Recent news reveals that Switzerland had bought the rights of the company connected to the current “back door” voting system used globally, as well as evidence of signed affidavits and testimony given about Italy’s involvement to manipulate recent elections in the United States. This goes straight up to the Black Nobility, Jesuits and the Vatican, which illustrates this point perfectly.
The Vatican remains a massive power and global control center for running the One World Order pedophilia operations for Satanic rule, throughout the Controller Pillars of Society, which is overseen and managed by the Black Nobility and bloodline families. This particular satanic agenda goes back to 2,000 years ago, when the Black Sun Draconians retaliated by infiltrating the Greek sacred texts and Rome to build the Church of Rome. Thus, mock the Christos Mission and spread their violent religious rhetoric through the mind control worshipping of the false Jesus crucified in a satanic blood sacrifice.
The Vatican City in Rome is one of the NAA Black Sun entity’s main control bases and global headquarters. It is the spiritual center used for carrying out the satanic ritual and operations for gaining wealth and material power for the globalist Luciferian bloodline families and funding their satanic agendas. The top power echelon in the Vatican is secretly working with the international criminal cabal government groups, the Jesuit military orders and the luciferian bloodline families –together called the “globalists”– to carry out blood sacrifice rituals and child trafficking in order to nourish the satanic forces on the planet.
These elaborate satanic rituals are meticulously well organized to directly communicate and interact with the Anti-Christ forces, mainly nonhuman entities. Through black magic sorcery, human sacrifice and blood harvesting, they receive detailed instructions from the off planet anti-Christ forces, to carry out the next moves for their One World Order agenda. These black magic rituals, with child sacrifices, go back to the NAA invasion and the introduction of the Kabbalah teachings, when the Artificial Tree of Life and demonic hierarchies were presented in Babylon by the Saturnian blood worshippers. This spiritual template is still being used by Satanists and Luciferians worldwide, it is their religion. Some believe they are the descendants of superior alien Gods and through the practice of blood ritual sacrifices, it gives them the means by which to contact demonic entities and their spiritual master, Satan or Lucifer, and carry out his wishes. Satanists and Luciferians are masterful deceivers who cloak themselves in many assorted names and labels, which go way beyond the Church of Rome, choosing their disguise to hide behind many different religions, atheism or secret societies. This makes them appear to be separate groups, but they are actually running the world under the same unifying umbrella of hidden satanic practices.
Since the Atlantian Cataclysm, these practicing satanists with hybridized bloodlines, sponsored by the NAA, have been enslaving humanity through instigating never-ending wars, racial discrimination, poverty, and blood sacrifice. Through divide and conquer manipulation tactics and increasing world suffering they maintain control over the human race. The Vatican, along with the draconian infiltration of the trained militants of the Jesuit Order, bring their combined objectives to infiltrate all world governments and cultures with the ultimate goal of achieving global satanism. This includes the implementation of Armageddon software and instigating wars and conflicts in partnership with the NAA. The Jesuits are behind the key soft kill methods being used in the attempt to accelerate the death rate for global depopulation and eugenic models through deploying and weaponizing multiple toxic exposures: GMOs, vaccine injections, Chemtrails, radiation, nuclear and toxic waste “accidents” and the transhumanist agenda.
Their sinister plan is to destroy sovereign nations and cultural identity in so to lay the groundwork for the one world religion, which is based upon the open acceptance of practicing Satanism by the ruling elite satanic families. The cornerstone of these depraved practices includes Child Sexual Abuse, child sexual ritual, human blood sacrifice, blood drinking and cannibalism. Packaged as a religion that is desired and promoted by non-human alien entities, assorted lunar forces and demonic spirits, these most vile planetary controllers carry out abhorrent anti-human agendas. Covered in opulent robes, they publicly profess to be devout men of God praying for world peace, while behind closed doors, the top echelon is negotiating to incite terrorism, war and run child trafficking rings to every corner of the globe.
Pedophilia is a prime tool used by the NAA to conquer various races, planets and solar systems. This why it is prevalent in the organizations they control, such as the Vatican, the Catholic Church and Washington, DC. This destructive behavior has been genetically programmed into the alien hybridization programs with human beings in order to destroy the original 12 strand DNA Christos design of the human lightbody. Conquer the earth by targeting the children as young as possible. This is one reason as to why all the world religions and organizations, formed to enslave humanity by the NAA, have major pedophilia problems in their leadership and representatives, even when they may not be practicing Satanists.
The Vatican and their armies have played a major role in the proliferation of global child trafficking and the Pedophilia epidemic. High ranking Satanists oversee an assortment of international banking and criminal activities making them the wealthiest organization on the earth. The grotesque amount of this stolen and accumulated wealth remains largely unknown in its accurate scope. The Vatican’s legal status as a sovereign nation with protected borders has made this wealth largely unaccounted for and tax free. However, it is known that the Catholic Church is the biggest financial power, wealth accumulator and property owner in existence–on the entire planet.
➝ The Unholy Roman Church — Control Power Tri-Entity Pyramid 🚨
The Real Families, who from behind the scenes, control the World through Religion, Finance, Property, Land, and through control and manipulation of the Markets of the World are the Black Nobility /Papal Bloodlines. Not the Rockefellers or the Rothschilds or the Bush/Clinton Regime, those are all lower on the totem pole subservient to the papal bloodlines of the jesuits/black nobility.
The Black Nobility/Papal Bloodlines are the founders of the secret society of our day from which all the others that are connected to and originated from — the Committee of 300, The Club of Rome, the C.F.R., the R.I.I.A., the Bilderbergers, the Round Table… all originate from the Committee of 300 and therefore from the European Black Nobility families.
The Black Nobility use the mafia as their enforcers to keep the other secret societies in line. They also blackmail initiated members to make it difficult to get out or to speak out against them. The mafia refer to the code of silence as omerta. A common theme among initiates of secret societies is the “Shhh” symbol. The most effective way to deal with the secret societies is by first shutting down the mafia.
The Black Nobility earned its title through dirty tricks, so when the population revolted against the monopolies in government, as anywhere else (aren’t we), the leaders of the uprising were quickly seized and brutally hanged. The Black Nobility uses secret assassinations, murder, blackmail, the bankrupting of opposing citizens or companies, kidnapping, rape and so on…
The Black Nobility is the most ruthless organization on the planet and they are seeking complete human enslavement and global domination. They work closely with the other royal families and they are all unified in their plot for take over while they use the tactic of divide and conquer and the illusion of compartmentalization.The Black Nobility own and run the Vatican, SMOM, Jesuits, KOC, and La Cosa Nostra. They are not all powerful and they must be dealt with. When they are exposed and resisted without fear they are the ones that tremble in fear.
Black Nobility own and run the Vatican, SMOM, Jesuits, KOC, and La Cosa Nostra. The European Monarchies like the British Crown are branches of Rome and they manage secret societies like the Freemasons which infiltrate government agencies and run corporations for the monarchs. The SMOM is the top military council and it works closely with the Orders of St John ran by Protestant monarchs. The Knights of Malta are the engineers of war. The royal and noble bloodlines are all working together as a global crime syndicate and part of the modernized Roman Empire. The Greek royal House of Glucksburg run the Greek fraternities and sororities and use initiates as their agents. The British Crown controls universities like Yale and Harvard and use them for recruiting Crown agents. Jesuits are Roman intelligence and infiltrators and use their universities for recruiting and training Vatican agents. Many Knights of Columbus are police officers, mayors, lawyers, and judges and they protect the Italian Mafia.
The Italian Mafia are enforcers for Rome involved in extortion, money laundering, murder, and drug trafficking; and they pay their dues back to the Sicilian Mafia which pay dues back to the Black Nobility. Court Jews like the Rothschild, Warburg, Walton, Wallenberg, and Dreyfus families serve the Roman Curia and royal courtrooms like Buckingham Palace and Stockholm Palace. The French House of Bonaparte and Swedish House of Bernadotte control many major European corporations through their knights of the Order of Seraphim and Legion of Honor running the European Round Table of Industrialists. The Holy See is the All Seeing Eye and operates as an intelligence network. The Latin phrase Novus Ordo Seclorum means New Order of the Ages and is on the US dollar bill and US Great Seal. The Vatican uses Latin as an official language and for documents. The Black Nobility and other royal families have been concealing trillions in private banks in Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, and Switzerland. The royal families of Luxembourg and Liechtenstein own and run their own national and private banks. The Este and Lorraine families are top Swiss bankers. The Erlach and Brandi families are Swiss financial tax advisers enabling corruption. The Swiss Guard protects the Vatican. The Swiss Cantons have been in contract with the Vatican for centuries and Switzerland is basically a papal state. The Italian Savoy and Austrian Habsburg families oversee Switzerland for the Black Nobility. The Passi de Preposulo and Ferragamo families oversee Hollywood. They own the Holy See which is a corporate entity headquartered at the Vatican City State which was established as a nation in 1929 under Benito Mussolini who was put in power by the House of Savoy. Some top families in the Black Nobility include the Pallavicini, Colonna, Ruspoli, Sforza-Cesarini, Aldobrandini, Odescalchi, Torlonia, Gaetani, and Massimo families.
Prince Carlo Massimo and Duke Leopoldo Torlonia are running the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. Prince Carlo Massimo is the President of the Italian Association for the Order of Malta and is the one giving the orders. Prince Carlo of Bourbon-Two Sicilies is a top manager of the Society of Jesus. The Jesuits are Roman intelligence and infiltrators serving the Black Nobility authorized by the Farnese family’s Pope Paul III. The Bourbon-Two Sicilies family are the continuation of the Farnese family and Farnesivs is engraved on the Jesuit’s headquarters called the Gesu Church of Rome. The Torlonia family own the Kansas City crime family and share ownership over the Pittsburgh crime family with the Borghese family. The French House of Orleans own the New Orleans crime family and the French-British Beaufort family oversee the Dixie Mafia. The Sforza family own the Stidda Mafia clans which operate in their former territory of Milan. The Aldobrandini family are owners of the DeCavalcante crime family of New Jersey. The Colonna family are running the Knights of Columbus and Colombo crime family as well as sharing ownership over the Chicago Outfit with the House of Capponi. Colonna means column like Colombo and Columbus. The Massimo and Gaetani families own and run the Gambino crime family and Philadelphia crime family. The Massimo family also own and run the Casamonica mafia clan or Roman Mafia and the Nuclei Armati Rivoluzionari which still exists. The Massimo family of Roccasecca own the Clerkenwell Mafia of London. The Lucchesi-Palli and Pallavicini family own the Lucchese crime family. The Greco-Roman Giustiniani family run the Philly Greek Mob. The European Union is based on the Treaty of Rome and was signed in Rome at Capitoline Hill. The President of the European Central Bank is Mario Draghi who was born in Rome and Jesuit educated at the Massimo Institute. The Erba-Odesclachi with ancestry from Cernobbio, Italy run CERN with Roman born Fabiola Gianotti as the Director-General of CERN.
The Boncompagni-Ludovisi family run the Casalesi mafia clan which operates in their former dukedoms and also control the Bonanno crime family. The Adragna family of Sicily run many of the N’Drangheta factions along with the Gaetani family and the House of Adragna are part owners of Los Angeles crime family which was built up by the Dragna crime bosses like Jack Dragna. The Odescalchi family run the Detroit Partnership and some Slavic mafias. The House of Savoy own and run the Genovese crime family. Don Vito Genovese was from Naples and Prince Vittorio Emanuele IV of Savoy is the Prince of Naples. The Chigi-Albani family run most of the Albanian mafia like the Rudaj Organization. The Corsini, Medici, and Bonaparte families are the owners of the Union Corse or Corsican Mafia. The House of Windsor and German nobility like the Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Hohenzollern, Hesse, Furstenberg, and Hanover families run and finance various Neo-Nazi cults and Nazi propaganda while they also control many of the Jewish banking families through their royal courts. The House of Bourbon and Spanish noble families run most of the Mexican and South American drug cartels. The German nobility were Nazis. The Windsor and German noble families also run the Aryan Brotherhood of Texas. The Irish Barons run the Irish Mafia and Aryan Brotherhood. The Windsor and Bush families control covert paramilitary organizations and mercenary armies branched off from the military like G4S, KBR, and Vinnell Corporation. The Bush family runs the military industrial complex in the United States with Vannevar Bush founding Raytheon and Wesley G Bush running Northrup Grumman. The Mars and Walton families are mega billionaires and like royalty in the United States. The Islamic royal families were appointed by European royalty in the 19th and 20th centuries and especially after WWI. The Mid East royalty run the oil industry and use their massive wealth to finance globalist agendas for being allowed to rule their nations. The House of Bourbon and Spanish nobility like the Osorio, FitzJames, and Aragon families run most of the Mexican and South American drug cartels. The House of Bourbon are the founders and owners of Santander Bank. The King of Spain holds the official claim to King of Jerusalem.
The “Black Nobility” are/were the oligarchic families of Venice and Genoa, Italy, who in the 12th century held the privileged trading rights (monopolies). The first of three crusades, from 1063 to 1123, established the power of the Venetian Black Nobility and solidified the power of the wealthy ruling class.
The Black Nobility aristocracy achieved complete control over Venice in 1171, when the appointment of the Doge was transferred to what was known as the Great Council, which consisted of members of the commercial aristocracy (among them the infamous de’Medici family). Venice has remained in their hands ever since, but the power and influence of the Venetian Black Nobility extends far beyond its borders, and today it is felt in every corner of the globe. (Don’t forget, our modern banking system originated in Italy.)
In 1204 the oligarchic family parceled out feudal enclaves to their members, and from this epoch dates the great building-up of power and pressure until the government became a closed corporation (don’t we know this from somewhere?) of the leading Black Nobility families. More of this can be found in the works of Dr. John Coleman, Black Nobility Unmasked World-wide, 1985; Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300, 1992. The Black Nobility earned its title through dirty tricks, so when the population revolted against the monopolies in government, as anywhere else (aren’t we), the leaders of the uprising were quickly seized and brutally hanged. The Black Nobility uses secret assassinations, murder, blackmail, the bankrupting of opposing citizens or companies, kidnapping, rape and so on… hence their name.
The “New World Order” is an attempt at a fascist take over of society for the purpose of total enslavement of humanity. Fascism means a centralization of power. At the head of this criminal agenda are the royals and nobles. The New World Order is a bloodline conspiracy at the top. They are ancient evil bloodlines that build and destroy empires for control through order out of chaos. The royal and noble houses are corporate entities and they claim to rule and own land, resources, and people. They authorize and finance bankers and businessmen to work for them through their corporate households. They authorize and issue the creation of laws, agencies, militaries, businesses, and universities. They create and run religions and secret societies. They also finance and own organized crime syndicates like they are business enterprises.
The Black Nobility Crime Families
The Gaetani Crime Family The Gaetani-Dell’Aquila-D’Aragona family is a top bloodline of the Black Nobility and imperial landowners. The Spanish word Aragona means agriculture and land. The Gaetani family own the Gambino crime syndicate which is still covertly managed by the Gotti family today. The Gaetani family take their name from Gaeta Italy which was settled by the Tribe of Getae. The name Gotti means Goth. The Goths and Getae are two similar but different Scythian tribes that have intermixed and had similar migrations. The Goths settled in L’Aquila Italy where the Gaetani family ruled as well as in Gaeta. There is still Gothic architecture in both of these towns. Salvatore D’Aquila was a boss of what later became the Gambino crime family just as the Gaetani family ruled in L’Aquila Italy. The name Gambino and Campania derive from the Greek word campe which means crooked. In Italy is has also come to mean leg. This is where the terms bootleggers and crooks come from. The word gambling is also etymologically connected with the name Gambino. The Italian Mafia run most of the casinos in the United States and launder their profits through them. Donald Trump used the Genovese and Gambino owned S&A Concrete company to build his condos in Manhattan. Don Trump used Roy Cohn as his attorney who also worked for the former Genovese boss Tony Salerno and former Gambino boss John Gotti. Donald Trump purchased property from the mafia hitman Salvatore Testa to build his casino in Atlantic City. Atlantic City has been fully controlled by the Italian Mafia since the Atlantic City Conference in 1929. Donald Trump is a front man for the Five Families of New York City and they are controlled by the Italian Nobility. Donald Trump’s ex wife Ivana Trump even dated Prince Roffredo Gaetani D’Aragona. Members of the Gaetani crime family include the vineyard owner and “wizard of wine” Gelasio Gaetani D’Aragona Lovatelli, Don Ferdinando Gaetani Dell’Aquilla D’Aragona, and Don Bonifacio Gaetani Dell’Aquilla D’Aragona. Don Roffredo Gaetani-D’Aragona de Laurenzana Lovatelli faked his death and has been hiding out in Italy and may be in Geneva Switzerland today.
The Bourbon Crime Syndicate The King of Spain is the head of the Order of Montesa which is the continuation of the Knights Templar of Aragon. The Knights Templar Cartel in Mexico and others are controlled by the Spanish House of Bourbon and other Spanish and Italian nobility. Drug cartels are drug merchants and the Templars were also merchants and bankers. When Pope Benedict XVI visited Mexico the Knights Templar Cartel welcomed him. MS-13 is a branch of the Mexican Mafia and operate in the United States serving their interests and they are ruthless. Luis Flores founded the Mexican Mafia. Flores means a flower. The House of Bourbon use the “fleur-de-lis on their coat of arms. Fleur means flower. Mexico is controlled by Spain and some Italian-Spanish Nobility like the Gaetani and Ruspoli families. Jeb Bush was the former governor of Florida and
Duke Francisco de Borbon of Seville was the CEO of the Bank of Miami. Jeb Bush is a 4th degree Knight of Columbus and his wife Columba Bush is from Guanajuato Mexico where the Knights Templar Cartel are located. George Bush owns large amounts of property in Texas near the border. King Juan Carlos of Spain spent Thanksgiving at the Bush ranch several years back. The Bush family are working with the House of Bourbon and use their power and wealth to assist the cartels and Mexican Mafia in trafficking drugs, weapons, and humans across the border. Former president Vincente Fox was Jesuit educated. The Jesuits settled in Sinaloa where one of the largest syndicates the Sinaloa Cartel are located. The political leaders in Mexico are deeply connected with the Vatican and Spanish Crown. Organized crime is involved with trafficking women and children. The Mexican Mafia are also connected with a Satanic Aztec cult of blood drinkers. In Spain an estimated 300,000 babies were stolen from Roman Catholic Spanish hospitals under Franco and the House of Bourbon. The House of Bourbon traffic babies. They are criminals and need to be treated as such. The Spanish House of Bourbon is intermarried with Italian Black Nobility and Holy Roman Nobility like the House of Battenberg and House of Habsburg-Lorraine. The Bourbon Count Juan of Barcelona was born in Rome. The royal families are all working together to dominate over society. When the people of Spain wanted to get rid of the monarch the royal families propped up the fascist dictator Francisco Franco whose revolt caused a civil war and he then reestablished the House of Bourbon as the rulers of Spain. They use war and chaos to regain their control or their order. The Latin phrase Ordo ab Chao is the motto of the Freemasons and it means Order out of Chaos. Juan Carlos even shot and killed his older brother to steal the Spanish Crown. When the Bourbon family started getting exposed like this Juan Carlos stepped down and they passed many fascist laws restricting freedom of speech in Spain. The King of Spain holds the title of King of Jerusalem and this makes him very high level. Alumbrados is the Spanish word for Illuminati and they existed more than two hundred years before the Bavarian Illuminati and were connected with the Jesuits.
The Orsini Crime Family and Rosicrucianism The Orsini family of Rome, the Orsini-Rosenberg family of Austria, and the Roseneberg family of Bohemia control Rosicrucianism which is a secret society of alchemists. These families all use the rose on their coat of arms. The Rosicrucian Order is also called the Order of the Rosy Cross. Alchemy is the manipulation of the human psyche and biology through chemicals. The FDA and most food and drug companies are controlled by Rosicrucians. The Orsini family were behind the Ebola propaganda and had developed deadly Ebola vaccines. The creator of the Georgia Guidestones which aim to regulate the population of humanity used the name RC Christian as an alias and was really Robert C Cook an American geneticist involved in population control and eugenics. RCC like Roman Catholic Church and like Rosy Cross. The Rosicrucians made a YouTube video placing a time cube with MM and 16 on it. MM for 2000 and 16 together meant 2016. They intended to unleash a fake
outbreak in 2016 to bring down the United States and target society with their deadly vaccines. The depictions shown of the Ebola virus under a microscope look like an two eights. 8+8=16. The Japanese movie called Virus used a virus called MM88 designed by an American eugenicist. Once this was all exposed the Ebola propaganda ended within the week. They are behind Zika too. Vaccines are one of the most destructive tools the wicked use on humanity and are primarily designed to target the nervous system and weaken a persons spiritual armor or electromagnetic shield. The Orsini and Rosenberg families were also responsible for the Black Plague. They hired people to poison well water in order to spread the disease. The song Ring O Roses goes back to the times of the Black Plague. They used rose petals to mask the smell of death. I also found two people with the name Rosenberg that work in high level positions at Bayer today. The Colonna family of Rome work closely with the Orsini family and are also involved with pharmaceuticals. Stefano Colonna developed the Julia-Colonna Epoxidation which is used by Bayer and Evonik today. The Julia-Colonna Epoxidation is used for binding toxic chemicals with human enzymes. The connections with movies and numbers is part of their Kabbalah and occult communications. There are a lot of connections involving zombies that I did not include in this that they incepted into society. They wanted to push this agenda to the point of quarantining towns and then destroying them and they plotted this for March of 2016. This is why the military has been involved with training to combat zombies. Calling them out on their schemes is how you shut them down.
The Biscione Crime Family Bloodlines The House of Sforza are a powerful Italian bloodline from Milan closely related to the Visconti family. Both the Sforza and Visconti families use a serpent eating a child on their coat of arms which displays their wicked nature. The character of Hannibal Lecter is supposed to be a descendent of the Sforza family. The four term prime minster of Italy; Silvio Berlusconi was born in Milan where these families ruled and he was the leader of the Forza political party in Italy. Both Sforza and Forza mean Force. Silvio Berlusconi has a lot of connections with the Italian Mafia and was a member of the P2 Masonic Lodge which was known for political corruption and part of a “shadow government” involved with the Vatican, Italian media, Italian intelligence agencies, and criminal organizations like the right wing fascist group called the Nuclei Armati Rivoluzionari and Magliana Mafia. Silvio Berlusconi has a monopoly in Italian broadcasting and is worth more than 7 billion. The Italian judge Paolo Borsellino who was a member of the Antimafia Pool spoke out against Silvio Berlusconi shortly before he was assassinated by the Sicilian Mafia. The Sforza family are political bloodline of the Illuminati and involved in media while the Visconti family are more directly involved in entertainment and Hollywood. Some etymologists suggest that the name Milan derives from the Latin word Mediolanum which is similar to media. Milan is considered an international media center. Princess Beatrice Borromeo is a reporter who has worked with Newsweek and the Daily Beast
and went to the University of Milan just as Milan is connected with the media. Princess Beatrice has Sforza ancestry through intermarriage between the Sforza and Borromeo families. Luchino Visconti was a theater, opera, and cinema director and he also worked with some American actors. Although no direct ties with the Visconti family; Tony Visconti is a record producer who has worked with the Beatles and with David Bowie. The Teatro dell’Opera di Roma was designed by Achille Sfondrini from Milan. Sfo-ndrini similar to Sforza and he was from Milan. These families have a portion of oversight in Hollywood and media from Rome and through its extensive power in society. The House of Borromeo are a Papal bloodline and merchant banking family with deep connections with Milan. They have a diverse coat of arms which includes the serpent eating a child like the Visconti and Sforza families. The Bor-romeo family own most of Alfa Romeo which uses the serpent eating a child as its logo. On their coat or arms they also have the “Black Eagle” for Black Nobility, a “White Horse” for equestrian military, and a camel suggesting an Arab ancestry through the Moorish invasion. They have properties and palaces all throughout Northern Italy and are involved in business and politics to this day. The Borromeo family also own islands in the Piedmont region of Italy. The House of Borromeo is intermarried with various princely families from the former Holy Roman Empire like the House of Hanover and the House of Furstenberg who were involved with the Nazis. Beatrice Borromeo is a reporter who has worked with Newsweek and the Daily Beast and went to the University of Milan just as Milan is connected with the media. She married Pierre Casiraghi of the House of Hanover and House of Grimaldi and he is the major shareholder for a construction company and helicopter company. Donna Lavinia Borromeo is married to John Elkann who is Chairman of Fiat Chrysler Automobiles which includes Alfa Romeo. John Elkann is the grandson of Gianni Agnelli. Alfa Romeo has a serpent eating a child as their logo and the company was founded in Milan. Donna Matilde Borromeo married to Prince Antonius zu Furstenberg. The Furstenberg family are another very powerful bloodline. Prince Egon von Furstenberg marred Clara Agnelli of the Agnelli family which founded Fiat and their son is Prince Alexander von Furstenberg a businessman who is on the Board of Directors for IAC.
Torlonia Banking Family The Torlonia family are the top bankers in society and the Vatican’s treasurers. They oversee the United States Treasury and the private Swiss accounts of the Italian Nobility. The French word “Tor” means tower and the Torlonia family have French ancestry. Lonia is like loan. Torlonia means loan tower. They also oversee the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Switzerland which is designed as a tower. The BIS steals wealth from the central banks around the world through fraudulent tax contracts. The Vatican and Swiss Cantons have been in contract for centuries and that is why the Swiss Guard protects the Vatican today. The Geneva flag uses a papal key on it. The UBS Bank also uses papal keys for its logo. Switzerland and the Vatican
City State are the only two nations on the planet that use a square shaped flag. Switzerland is basically a Papal State. The Torlonia family are closely connected with the House of Savoy who have governed regions of Switzerland in the past. Prince Vittorio Emanuele IV of Savoy currently has a residence in Geneva. The Torlonia family intermarried with the Borghese banking family of Rome. Pope Paul V or Camillo Borghese founded the Bank of the Holy Spirit in 1605 and it more recently merged with Banca di Roma which merged with Capitalia and then merged with Unicredit and finally went into contract with Santander, Warburg Pincus and General Atlantic. These contracts ended in July 2016 right after it was exposed. Unicredit is a popular bank in Europe and its headquarters is in Rome. The House of Torlonia is also intermarried with the Javal banking family of France and the royal family of Luxembourg. The Torlonia family were a branch of the Conti di Siegni family of Italy that moved to France and then intermarried with French Alsacien bankers before returning to Italy as the House of Torlonia. They have deep connections with French bankers and they recently married into the royal family of Luxembourg. The Borghese family have a dragon on their coat of arms and they live in Rome. Drago similar to Draghi is the Italian word for dragon. Mario Draghi was born in Rome, was Jesuit educated from the Massimiliano Massimo Institute, and he is one of the most powerful bankers in society as President of the European Central Bank. Mario Draghi is also on the board of directors for the Bank for International Settlements and a member of the Group of Thirty. The Torlonia and Borghese families have a great deal of concealed wealth and own various palaces through out Italy. Benito Mussolini rented the Torlonia Villa in Rome from the Torlonia family. These banking families are funding and managing secret societies in the United States which serve Rome. Members of the Torlonia crime family include Don Guido Torlonia, Count Alessandro Lequio-Torlonia, and of the Borghese crime family is Prince Lorenzo Borghese.
The Sovereign Military Order of the Malta The Sovereign Military Order of the Malta (SMOM) is the oldest knighthood in the world and its headquarters is in Rome at the Palazzo Malta. The SMOM is considered a sovereign entity under International Law and under the United Nations. The SMOM also has extraterritoriality within Italy. Many members of the royal families and heads of constitutional monarchies are members of the SMOM. What makes the SMOM different than all other knighthoods is that it is a sovereign entity. The SMOM has a higher authority than the Vatican. Members include King Juan Carlos of Spain, Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg, Karl von Habsburg of Austria, King Philippe of Belgium, Queen Paola of Belgium, Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, Vittorio Emanuele of Savoy Prince of Naples, Duke Franz of Bavaria, Prince Carlos of Bourbon-Parma, Princess Elizabeth von Thurn and Taxis, Prince Alois of Liechtenstein, and Prince Jaime Count of Bardi. Prince Carlo Massimo is President of the Italian Association of the Order of Malta and is covertly overseeing the SMOM.
The Austrian Ludwig Hoffmann von Rumerstein is the current Grandmaster of the SMOM. The Massimo, Bourbon Two-Sicilies, Pallavicini, and Ruspoli families control the Order of Malta and grant a form of “sovereignty” in society to high level members like the monarchs. The Austrian Nobility are in league with the Italian Nobility. The Sovereign Council of the Order of Malta is a top military council in the world. Members include Giacomo Dalla Torre del Tempio di Sanguinetto, Grand Chancellor Albrecht Freiherr von Boeselager, Grand Hospitaller Dominique Prince de La Rochefoucauld-Montbel, and Receiver of Common Treasury Count Janos Esterhazy de Galantha. Rochefoucauld is a name of French Peerage. The Esterhazy family is Austrian Nobility. The Austrian Nobility have always been connected with the SMOM and most of them are Roman Catholic. Prince Galeas von Thun und Hohenstein was a former Grandmaster of the SMOM. William F. Buckley Jr. was a Knight of Malta and Conservative political commentator in the US. Pat Buchanan is another Conservative political commentator and Knight of Malta. J. Peter Grace was an American businessman, politician, member of the Council for National Policy and a Knight of Malta. The Nazi Vice Chancellor Franz von Papen was a Knight of Malta. Dwight D. Eisenhower was the only officially known Knight of Malta that has been President of the United States. The Knight of Malta Joseph E. Schmitz was Inspector General for the Department of Defense under George W Bush and also an executive for the private military company Blackwater Worldwide now renamed Academi. Joseph Schmitz was a professor at Jesuit Georgetown and worked as a political adviser for Donald Trump during his election campaign. Other Knights of Malta include the former CIA Directors John A. McCone, William J. Casey, and William Colby who was nicknamed the “warrior priest”. The Knight of Malta Alexander Haig was a US Army General, US Secretary of State under Ronald Regan, and White House Chief of Staff under Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford. Haig was also Jesuit educated from Georgetown University. He was the one covertly running the Pentagon and White House during the 70’s and 80’s. The CIA was founded by William Donovan who was nicknamed the “father of central intelligence” and he was knighted by two Vatican orders and likely a Knight of Malta. Jesuit educated CIA Directors include; Robert Gates, George Tenet, Leon Panetta, Michael Morell, David Petraeus and John Brennan and they are overseen by the Order of Malta. The Jesuit Order was established by the Farnese family under Pope Paul III or Alessandro Farnese through the papal bull called Regimini Militantis Ecclesiae (Military Regiment of the Church). The Farnese family lived in a pentagonal fortress called the Farnese Villa Caprarola. The Vatican and the Knights of Malta are deeply involved with the US military and intelligence.
The House of the Axe Their current plot is causing a second civil war in the United States. They are presently paying Freemasons and other groups to instigate division between Republicans and Democrats. They appear to be planning to use the Democratic politicians to lead in an impeachment process of Donald Trump with the intent of it leading to protests and then riots carried out by fake political groups like Antifa. They plan to hire agitators who will cause violence with an intent of escalation. They may stage or set up violent conflicts between the political groups. They attempted to cause a violent revolt a few years ago between militias and federal agents over the staged Cliven Bundy psyop carried out by Freemasons. The House of Bernadotte specialize in fascism and the fascist axe used for violently dividing nations. Prince Charles XIV of Sweden from the House of Bernadotte was a top general in the French Revolution which turned into a civil war. An ancestor of the House of Bernadotte Gustav I of Sweden started a civil war and then took power in Sweden. The House of Bernadotte was also involved with the Swedish–Norwegian War which unified the two nations under a Bernadotte monarch after the conflict. Civil wars are engineered to create chaos and then order through unification which leads to power grabs. Fascism derives from the word fasces and really means a centralization of power. Ernst von Vegesack left Sweden and came to the United States to fight in the American Civil War as a Captain in the Union Army. He then returned to Sweden and became a member of parliament. The American Civil War was instigated by masonic politicians like Stephen A. Douglas in order to unify the sovereign states under the United States. That is why they added the ancient Roman fasces symbol onto US federal buildings and federal seals after the American Civil War. The fasces symbol is a bundle of sticks and usually includes an axe. The bundle of sticks refer to bundling together authority and the axe refers to control under the threat of force. The House of Bernadotte use a fasces on their coat of arms. The Bernadotte King Oscar I of Sweden and Norway established the Order of St. Olav which uses a symbol of a lion carrying an axe. Axel W. Persson was a Swedish archeologist that led in an excavation owned by the Swedish Institute of Archeology at the ancient Greek site called Labraunda which means the “place of the axe”. A labrys is an axe. The House of Bernadotte are the House of the Axe.
The Bussche Crime Family The Bush family were German nobility that descended from the Bussche family. The Bussche family ruled as feudal lords in the regions of Ravensberg and Osnabruck located in Westphalia. The House of Bussche had several family branches in the Holy Roman Empire and the Bush family are one of them. The German word for Bush is Busch. In their region of Osnabruck it was governed by Catholic Prince-Bishops which were given their authority by the Pope of Rome. The movement of protesting against Roman-Papal authority rose up in Osnabruck so they brought in the Jesuits to combat the protesters of Rome. The University of Osnabruck was then turned into a Jesuit University for a short period of time. Jeb Bush is a Roman Catholic convert and
a fourth degree Knight of Columbus. Adolphus Busch was an ancestor of the former Bussche family of Westphalia and the co-founder of the Anheuser-Busch beer company. The Bussche family are also intermarried with German-Dutch royalty like the House of Lippe. The Peirce name from Barbara Pierce Bush comes from the Percy family who are British Peers and Dukes of Northumberland. The Bush family are basically the royal family of the United States working as princes under the authority of the House of Windsor which have German ancestry. George Herbert Walker Bush is a Knight of the House of Windsor’s Order of the Bath. King Edward VIII of the House of Windsor was a Nazi supporter. Axel von dem Bussche was a Nazi solider who “planned to assassinate Adolf Hitler” which is just another one of the many lies told by this wicked family similar to “weapons of mass destruction in Iraq”. The German royal and noble families helped to create Hitler and the Nazi movement. The Windsor family changed their name under King George V who was from the House of Glucksburg and House of Saxe Coburg and Gotha and both of these families were involved with the Nazis. Prescott Bush’s Union Banking Corporation was holding gold for Nazis and was shut down under the “trading with the enemy act”. Vannevar Bush oversaw the Manhattan Project as the head of the Office of Scientific Research and Development. Prescott Bush, George Herbert Walker Bush, and George Bush were all initiated into the Skull and Bones secret society at Yale. The Nazi SS used the Skull and Bones symbol. The Skull and Bones secret society at Yale is a military council which is why George Bush Sr. started the Gulf War and George Bush Jr. started the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. The Skull and Bones also use military and war for recruiting soldiers into paramilitary death squads which are used inside the United States for persecution and assassinations. The Bush family are a menace to society. The Belgian Illuminati The Belgian royal and noble families are major players in the global crime syndicate. The House of Saxe Coburg and Gotha are a German nobility and a branch was appointed as the heads of the Kingdom of Belgium through the Treaty of London of 1839. King Philippe of Belgium is a Roman Knight of Malta and the Belgian royal family are intermarried with Italian Nobility and various royal families in Europe. Queen Paola of Belgium is a Dame of Malta and from a noble house in Tuscany. Prince Lorenz of Belgium is from the Italian-Austrian House of Austria-Este and is married into the Belgian royal family. Prince Lorenz is a banker and has worked in Rome, Paris, and London. Prince Lorenz is a top executive for Gutzwiller Bank in Basel, Switzerland right near the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) which is connected to most of the central banks around the world. Washington DC was established through the 1871 District of Columbia Organic Act based on debts owed to foreign entities like the Kingdom of Belgium, Irish government, and Hudson Bay Company which is stated in its preface. DC is in fraudulent tax contracts with the Kingdom of Belgium like the Scheldt Dues and are siphoning off taxes from the Federal Reserve through the BIS and concealing and laundering the money in private Swiss accounts. Prince Lorenz manages the transfers from the BIS to the private Swiss accounts of the royal and noble families of Europe involved with this theft.
The Imperial House of Ligne and the House of Merode are high level criminal bloodlines and working with Rome and the British Crown. The Merode family have a bat on their coat of arms. They are literal vampires that drink adrenaline filled blood. The Catholic Church uses wine as a metaphor for blood. Prince Florent de Merode of France is a winemaker and many of these French and Italian winemakers are processing adrenochrome into their wine. Prince Charles Antoine de Ligne is the head of the Ligne family and owns Kelfield Co. Ltd. of Switzerland which does business in the mining industry and has a 10 year contract in gold mining and 50 year contract in diamond mining. Prince Edouard Lamoral Rodolphe de Ligne is married to Isabella Orsini who is a relative of the House of Orsini in Rome and she is the goddaughter of Silvio Berlusconi. Princess Alix de Ligne of the royal family of Luxembourg married Antoine, 13th Prince of Ligne. The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg was also established by the Treaty of London in 1867. Prince Edouard de Lobkowicz was an American and member of the Belgian Nobility. Prince Edouard de Lobkowicz also worked for Chase Manhattan Bank and was an ambassador for the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. The Belgian Nobility are closely related with French nobility and intermarried with Scottish nobility like the Bethune family connecting them to British Peerage. The Bethune family settled in Massachusetts as well. Belgian Nobility are also married with the Swedish Bernadotte royal family and Austrian nobility. The Treaty of London which established the Kingdom of Belgium was a continuation of the Congress of Vienna and originally located in Vienna, Austria.
The Ruspoli Crime Family The Ruspoli family is one of the most wicked criminal bloodlines and they are top owners of the Vatican with princely titles all over Italy and Spain. The Ruspoli family are also intermarried with the House of Sforza and are involved with Italian banking. Prince Alessandro Ruspoli was a direct descendent of the Mattarazzo family of Brazil. The Mattarazzo family originated in Italy before immigrating to Brazil. Count Francisco Matarazzo founded Industrias Reunidas Matarazzo S.A which was one of the largest companies in Brazil and Prince Alessandro “Dado” Ruspoli inherited a portion of its wealth from his mother Claudia de Conti Mattarazzo. The Ruspoli family have some authority over the South American drug cartels. Prince Dado Ruspoli was also an actor and in the movie Godfather III which is one of the many examples of Hollywood glorifying the Italian Mafia. Tao Ruspoli who is the son of Dado Ruspoli is in the entertainment industry and was married to the actress Olivia Wilde who covertly manages a satanic cult in Hollywood today. Dado’s other son Bart Ruspoli is married into the Getty family who established Getty Oil Company. Jean Paul Getty was considered the wealthiest man in America in his time. Prince Lilio Ruspoli-Sforza was a top executive for Banca Romana and worked under the Italian Bank of the South. Prince Lilio Ruspoli-Sfora was also the Italian High Commissioner of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta and ambassador for the SMOM. Marquis Luis Ruspoli who died in 2011 was also a Knight of Malta. The Ruspoli family have two grape vines on their coat of arms. Grapes and wine are often used as metaphors for blood by the Illuminati. The Roman Catholic Church
drinks wine as a metaphor for the “Blood of Christ” and the Illuminati really do drink human blood and adrenochrome. Members of the extremely wicked Ruspoli crime family include Prince Lilio Ruspoli-Sforza, Prince Francesco Ruspoli, Princess Giacinta Ruspoli, Tao Ruspoli, Bart Ruspoli, and Don Enrique Jaime Ruspoli. Goetia is used for conjuring demons. King Solomon was known for using “demons” to build his temple. The Knights Templar get their name from Solomon’s Temple. King Solomon cast demons at people in order to mind control them into building his temple. Demons are animal spirits and usually refer to animals like serpents frogs and insects. Demonology is animal psychology and behaviors being imposed onto humans. It is used in their satanic mind control and MK-Ultra. Beelzebub is a common demonic entity that the Templar conjurers use for defilement.
Scottish Rite Master Mason Prince Filippo Rospigliosi is the current hidden head of Scottish Rite Freemasonry. The Rospigliosi family are a powerful Italian Papal nobility that intermarried with the Pallavicini banking family of Venice, Genoa, and Austria. Prince Filippo holds the Pallavicini Venetian and Genoese patrician titles and he resides in Milan today. The Pallavicini family have a palace in Austria with their coat of arms of a double headed eagle and the masonic checkerboard pattern on the roof of their palace along with 1783 in Roman numerals written as MDCCLXXXIII and ending in XXXIII or 33. Prince Filippo is also the Earl of Newburgh in Scotland. The Newburgh Conspiracy of 1783 was a plotted coup during the Revolutionary War that took place in Newburgh New York. Scottish Rite Freemasonry uses the double headed eagle, checkerboard pattern, and has 33 degrees. The Pallene moon of Saturn is also called Saturn 33. Pallene is similar to Pallavicini. The Rospigliosi family originated in Pistoia, Italy which is where they divided the Guelph and Ghibelline factions into black and white divisions in the 13th century. The black and white checkerboard is a common Freemasonic symbol.
Doria Sachs Goldman Sachs is being overseen by the Doria-Pamphilj and Sacchetti families of Italy. The Doria name derives from de Auria and Aureo or D’oro and they are Italian words for gold. The Doria family started out as a banking family from Genoa. The Sacchetti and Sachs name both mean bags or sacks. Italian Nobility usually have the highest authority in society through Rome’s network of power. There are numerous Jesuit educated top executives working for Goldman Sachs as well as Vatican knights. Peter Oppenheimer is on the board of directors for Goldman Sachs and was Jesuit educated from Santa Clara University. Lakshmi Mittal is another member of Goldman Sachs board of directors and he was Jesuit educated from St. Xavier’s College of Kolkata, India. Edward Gerald Corrigan was a former President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, was Jesuit educated from Fordham University, and is currently managing director in the Office of the Chairman at Goldman Sachs and is
Chairman for Goldman Sachs USA. The Roman born Mario Draghi who is President of the European Central bank, board member for the Bank for International Settlements, and member of the G30, was Jesuit educated from the Massimiliano Massimo Institute in Rome. Mario Draghi previously worked as vice chairman and managing director of Goldman Sachs International. Peter Sutherland is a Vatican Knight of the Order of St. Gregory, Jesuit educated from Gonzaga College, Bilderberg member, former Director for the Royal Bank of Scotland, and Director of the GAAT and he worked as non-executive Chairman of Goldman Sachs International. Geoffrey Boisi is a Roman Knight of Malta, Jesuit educated from Boston College, member of the Trilateral Commission, Trustee for the Papal Foundation, and worked as a top executive for Goldman Sachs for decades as well as JP Morgan and Freddie Mac. Eileen Rominger was Jesuit educated from Fairfield University, Director of Investment Management at the United States Security and Exchange Commission, and she was the Global Chief Investment Officer of Goldman Sachs Asset Management. The head of the Sacchetti family today is Prince Urbano Sacchetti of Rome and the head of the Doria family is Prince Jonathan Doria Pamphilj. Corporate landowners run everything. Goldman Sachs is being overseen by the DoriaPamphilj and Sacchetti families of Italy. The Doria name derives from de Auria and Aureo or D’oro are Italian words for gold. The Doria family started out as a banking family from Genoa. The Sacchetti and Sachs name both mean bags or sacks. Italian Nobility usually have the highest authority in society through Rome’s network of power. There are numerous Jesuit educated top executives working for Goldman Sachs as well as Vatican knights. Peter Oppenheimer is on the board of directors for Goldman Sachs and was Jesuit educated from Santa Clara University. Lakshmi Mittal is another member of Goldman Sachs board of directors and he was Jesuit educated from St. Xavier’s College of Kolkata, India. Edward Gerald Corrigan was a former President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, was Jesuit educated from Fordham University, and is currently managing director in the Office of the Chairman at Goldman Sachs and is Chairman for Goldman Sachs USA. The Roman born Mario Draghi who is President of the European Central bank, board member for the Bank for International Settlements, and member of the G30, was Jesuit educated from the Massimiliano Massimo Institute in Rome. Mario Draghi previously worked as vice chairman and managing director of Goldman Sachs International. Peter Sutherland is a Vatican Knight of the Order of St. Gregory, Jesuit educated from Gonzaga College, Bilderberg member, former Director for the Royal Bank of Scotland, and Director of the GAAT and he worked as non-executive Chairman of Goldman Sachs International. Geoffrey Boisi is a Roman Knight of Malta, Jesuit educated from Boston College, member of the Trilateral Commission, Trustee for the Papal Foundation, and worked as a top executive for Goldman Sachs for decades as well as JP Morgan and Freddie Mac. Eileen Rominger was Jesuit educated from Fairfield University, Director of Investment Management at the United States Security and Exchange Commission, and she was the Global Chief Investment Officer of Goldman Sachs Asset Management. The head of the Sacchetti family today is Prince Urbano Sacchetti of Rome and the head of the Doria family is Prince Jonathan Doria Pamphilj.
The Colonna Crime Family The House of Colonna hold the continual position of Prince Assistants to the Papal Throne at the Vatican. They claim to be the Julio-Claudian dynasty of ancient Rome and directly descend from Peter de Columna and the Counts of Tusculum. Cologne Germany was named Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensium named for the JulioClaudian family. The Colonna family use the column on their coat of arms which is a symbol for political power. The Colonna name derives from the Greek word kolona which means a column. The Columbus and Colombo names also derive from Columna and from Peter de Columna. Christopher Columbus was a relative of the Colonna family and he claimed America for Rome. Christopher Columbus was born in Genoa and was funded by the Doria banking family who are intermarried with the House of Colonna. The Colonna’s control the Colombo crime family and several Jewish mafia factions which also run Hollywood and Columbia Pictures. The House of Colonna control the Knights of Columbus which uses the Roman fasces symbol for its logo. There are many police officers and federal agents that are members of the Knights of Columbus. The Colonna family have influence over police and organized crime. The Five Families are covert business enterprises for the Italian Nobility and they use their mafia to blackmail politicians. Prince Prospero Colonna di Stigliano is the current head of this family and his wife Princess Frances Colonna is a top satanic witch. Jerry Colonna is a financier from New York City who helped to establish Silicon Valley. Jerry Colonna who is believed to be worth over 50 million started a small investment group called Flatiron Partners which was in the business of making billions for companies like JP Morgan Chase. Jerry Colonna is protected by organized crime which attack me whenever I mention him. Jerry Colonna appears to be used for handling their illegal transactions and for money laundering. The Colonna family ceremonially rule over Capitoline Hill which represents the political power of Rome’s corporate empire. The column symbolizes the political support that maintains their claim to governmental land ownership. Washington DC is Roman architecture and has the Roman fasces symbol all over US federal buildings and US seals. Fascism means a centralization of power. Capitol Hill is named after Capitoline Hill in Rome. Washington DC was called Rome in 1669. Members of the Colonna crime family include Prince Prospero Colonna di Stigliano, Prince Stefano Colonna di Stigliano, Prince Oddone Colonna, Prince Prospero Colonna di Paliano, Prince Marcantonio Colonna di Paliano, Prince Urbano Riario Sforza Barberini Colonna di Sciarra, Princess Frances Colonna di Stigliano, Jerry Colonna, and Stefano Colonna from the University of Milan who developed the Julia-Colonna Epoxidation process used in vaccines. The House of Alba de Tormes are a top bloodline in the global crime syndicate. Alba really refers to their true origins in Alban Hills making them relatives of the Colonna family which ruled that region. Dona Maria Alvarez de Toledo of the House of Alba married Diego Colon the son of Christopher Columbus. Christopher Columbus was really a Colonna and that is why the Columbus name often gets translated to Colon. Colonna and Columbus both mean column. The city of Alba de Tormes is located in Salamanca which uses columns on its flag just as the House of Colonna use
a column on their coat of arms. The Alban clans likely settled in Salamanca during Pope Alexander III’s reign around 1175 when they built Roman cathedrals. They evolved the name Alba to Alva creating the name Alvarez which is a popular Spanish name. The House of Alba are intermarried with the Scottish House of Stuart and their cadet branch the House of FitzJames. This makes them related to the House of Windsor and House of Spencer through their Scottish lineage and that is why they often use the name Stuart like Don Carlos Fitz-James Stuart. They are related to the Colonna family who have a portion of ownership over the Holy See and the FitzJames-Alba family are Dukes in Spain under the House of Bourbon. All of these connections make them very high level. Fernando Alvarez de Toledo 3rd Duke of Alba was also Governor of Milan and Viceroy of Naples and during his rule he made an agreement with the Pope known as the Treaty of Cavo which returned the town of Cavo, Lazio to the Colonna family after the Della Rovere Pope had seized it from them. The House of Alba de Tormes is covertly serving the Colonna family even as Dukes in Spain. They have a harp on their coat of arms which refers to an authority over HAARP which is used for mind control in society. In ancient times they used harps and poems for subtle mind control over populations. The harps and poems were designed to put people into a trance. The USAF’s HAARP system is named in reference to their ancient harp mind control. Columbia University graduate Deborah Lee James was Secretary of the USAF until the recent Trump Administration and she was an agent of the House of FitzJames and Dukes of Alba. She likely appointed their agents to run their HAARP system which they still have some authority over. Members of the criminal House of FitzJames Alba include Don Carlos Fitz-James Stuart, 19th Duke of Alba and Don Fernando Fitz-James Stuart, 15th Duke of Huescar. The column is a common symbol used on governmental buildings and represents political power. Mitt Romney is a powerful politician in the United States. The meaning of the name Romney is Roman and derives from Romulus. There is a family of British Peers with the name Romney and they too have Roman ancestry. Mitt Romney is like the modern day Romulus who was a founder of the Kingdom of Rome and an ancestor of the Kings of Alba. The Colonna family descend from the Kings of Alba and claim to be ancestors of the Julio Claudian family. Mitt Romney is a powerful leader in the Mormon Church and is worth over 250 million. Freemasons from New York like Joseph Smith founded the Mormon Church. Both Freemasonry and Mormonism use the beehive as a common symbol. The Colonna family merged with the Barberini family and they have bees on their coat of arms. There is a Beehive statue in front of the Utah Capitol Building which also incorporates the columns into its architecture. The Mormons settled in Utah and have a major influence in the politics there.
The Schwarzenberg Crime Family The Schwarzenberg family is an Austrian and Bohemian nobility serving the House of Habsburg and they are involved with military, politics, and the Roman Catholic Church. On their coat of arms there is a raven pecking at a decapitated head. Prince Karel Schwarzenberg is the current head of this family and is a member of the Czech parliament and knight of the Habsburg’s Order of the Golden Fleece. Prince Karel supports the idea that denying communist crimes is a criminal offense. That itself sounds a lot like fascism and communism. In fact it was in Austria where families like the Schwarzenberg’s ruled over where the Nazis originated. Adolf Hitler was an Austrian. Gustave Schwarzenegger was an Austrian Nazi and the father of Arnold Schwarzenegger. Arnold Schwarzenegger is an unofficial relative of the Schwarzenberg family and that is why he has been allowed to become a famous and wealthy actor and politician. The Nazis SS used the Skull and Bones symbol. Arnold Schwarzenegger can be seen on the cover up Time Magazine wearing a Skull and Bones belt buckle. Stephen Schwarzman is an American investor worth over 10 billion, is CEO and co-founder of Blackstone Group and a member of Yale’s Skull and Bones secret society. Stephen Schwarzman is also the head of Donald Trump’s economic advisory council. George Soros whose original last name was Schwartz is worth over 25 billion and he is from Budapest Hungary where the Habsburg and Schwarzenberg families governed. George Soros founded the Open Society Institute which is involved in funding radical political groups as a means to destabilize societies while pretending to represent civil liberties. Dieter Schwarz is a German billionaire worth over 20 billion and runs a retail monopoly called Schwarz Gruppe. Bernard Schwartz is a billionaire financier who was CEO of Loral Space & Communications which merged with Orion Network Systems which was ran by Kevin Patrick Power and he was married to Karen Akers the daughter of Prince Heinnick Orth-Pallavicini of the noble Austrian House of Pallavicini. Loral Skynet was a subsidiary of Loral Space & Communications. Skynet is also the name of an artificial intelligence that takes over the world in the movie Terminator which stars Arnold Schwarzenegger. George Soros (Schwartz) Dieter Schwarz, Bernard Schwartz and Stephen Schwarzman are all Court Factors handling the finances and interests for the House of Schwarzenberg. Arnold Schwarzenegger is really a Prince of the Schwarzenberg family and the Duke of California. The Schwarzenberg family serves the Roman Catholic House of Habsburg as Knights of the Order of the Golden Fleece. The Habsburg family serve the Black Nobility of Italy as Knights of the Order of Malta.
The Massimo Crime Family Prince Fabrizio Massimo-Brancaccio is a top owner of the Vatican and he also controls most of the Sicilian Mafia. Brancaccio is a neighborhood in Sicily where La Cosa Nostra originated. The Massimo family are one of the oldest families of Rome and claim to be the ancient Fabii Maximi dynasty. The Fabii family were known for using the “scorched earth” military tactic in ancient Rome. Scorched Earth is a ruthless tactic where they burn everything down that can aid the enemy like food, resources, and people. The Fabian Society uses the wolf in sheep’s clothing as their logo. Fabii like Fabian. The Massimo family are married with various royal bloodlines including the House of Savoy, House of Bourbon, and House of Osorio of Galicia, Spain. Amancio Ortega is from Galicia and he is serving the Osorio family as their Court Factor. Amancio Ortega is the second wealthiest billionaire on the planet and worth more than 70 billion. He owns Inditex with the store chain called Massimo Dutti which is high end fashion. Prince Stefano Massimo married into the British Foxwell family and he is a fashion photographer. Rupert Murdoch who owns Fox News is a Vatican Knight of the Order of St Gregory. Fox is for Foxwell. The fox is considered a cunning animal. Prince Valero Massimo started an aerospace company called Auctus Industries with Duke Edward Spencer-Churchill who is a relative of the Windsor family. The Massimo family and other Italian Nobility have deeply infiltrated the United Kingdom. The House of Massimo is at the head of the Black Nobility. They are primary owners of the Holy See corporation. The Massimo family are a crime family and they run La Cosa Nostra which pays dues back to them. Prince Carlo Massimo oversees the Sovereign Military Order of Malta as the President of the Italian Association of the Order of Malta. They have authority over the Jesuits from their Massimiliano Massimo Institute in Rome. They use their Jesuits as Roman Intelligence and infiltrators. Mario Draghi who is the President of the European Central Bank was born in Rome and went to the Massimo Institute. The Massimo family have billions in private Swiss bank accounts and they have three members from Rome on the Bank for International Settlements Board of Directors including Mario Draghi, Fabio Panetta, and Ignazio Visco. The Swiss Guard protects the Vatican City State. Switzerland has a law enforcing private bank accounts. The Massimo family are at the top of the global crime syndicate and are involved in every crime imaginable including murder, extortion, threats, human trafficking, money laundering and more. Members of the Massimo crime family include Prince Fabrizio Massimo-Brancaccio, Prince Giacomo Massimo-Brancaccio, Prince Carlo Massimo, Prince Stefano Massimo, Prince Valerio Massimo (Foxwell) and Prince Filippo Massimo-Lancellotti II.
The Son of the Morning Prince Stefano Massimo is the son of Dawn Addams. The Massimo family are the primary owners of the Holy See and Vatican. The name Stefano means “crowned” and the name Massimo means “greatest” If anyone fits the role of Satan on Earth it is Prince Stefano Massimo. I am not promoting the Bible and I am not a Christian, I am not an Atheist, or a member of any religion or belief system. I am just pointing out something. Satan means the adversary. “How you are fallen from heaven, O Day Star, son of Dawn! How you are cut down to the ground, you who laid the nations low! -ESV Isaiah 14:12 Stefano Massimo, prince of Roccasecca dei Volsci Dawn Addams (21 September 1930 – 7 May 1985) was an English actress, particularly in Hollywood motion pictures of the 1950s and on British television in the 1960s and 1970s. She first married Don Vittorio Emanuele Massimo, Prince of Roccasecca in 1954.[3] They had a son, Prince Stefano Massimo, born 10 January 1955.
The Black Nobility and Italian Mafia Vittorio Emanuele IV is the Prince of Naples and has a residence in Geneva Switzerland. The Savoy family governed Geneva for a period of time in service to the Vatican. The Genovese crime family take their name from Vito Genovese who was born in a Naples commune just as Vittorio is the Prince of Naples. Genovese is a surname for someone from Genoa Italy or from Geneva Switzerland. Genoa or Genova in Italian is the same word as Geneva is Swiss. Prince Vittorio is married to Princess Marina Doria who was born in Switzerland. The Doria family were one of the most powerful banking families in Genoa for centuries. The Savoy family put the fascist dictator Benito Mussolini in power who established the Vatican as a sovereign nation through the Lateran Treaty of 1929. The Vatican was tied with the mafia during the P2 Masonic loge scandal. Prince Vittorio is the hidden owner of the Genovese crime family which have infiltrated Wall Street and are extorting businessmen in the United States. Donald Trump used the Genovese owned S&A Concrete to build his condos in Manhattan. Trump used Roy Cohn as an attorney who also worked for the former mafia bosses Tony Salerno and John Gotti. Donald Trump purchased property from the mafia hitman Salvatore Testa to build his casino in Atlantic City. The Italian Mafia have always controlled Atlantic City and use the casinos to launder their personal profits. Donald Trump is a front man for the Five Families of New York City which are controlled by the Italian Nobility. Ivana Trump dated Prince Roffredo Gaetani. The Gaetani-D’Aquila-D’Aragona family of Italy covertly own the Gambino crime family and one of its original bosses was named Salvatore D’Aquila.
Prince Vittorio Emanuele IV has numerous criminal charges against him including murder, association with organized crime, corruption, and exploitation of prostitution. He tends to get off on all his charges though. Prince Vittorio was also a member of the P2 Masonic Lodge which was involved with the Vatican, Italian government, Italian media, and organized crime like the Nuclei Armati Rivoluzionari fascist paramilitary group and Banda della Magliana or Magliana Mafia. The Massimo family created the Banda della Magliana and NAR to take over the City of Rome. Massimo Carminati who was nicknamed “The last King of Rome” was a member of the NAR and Magliana Mafia. Don Fabrizio Massimo-Brancaccio runs the modern day Roman Mafia or Casamonica Clan as well as most of the Sicilian Mafia. Much of the Sicilian Mafia was established in the neighborhood of Brancaccio in Palermo Sicily just as Don Fabrizio’s name is Massimo-Brancaccio. Silvio Berlusconi has extensive ties with the Sicilian Mafia and served four terms as prime minister of Italy. Silvio was also listed as a member of the P2 Masonic Lodge in Italy which was involved with political corruption and considered a “shadow government”. Silvio Berlusconi has a monopoly in Italian broadcasting and is worth more than 7 billion. The Italian judge Paolo Borsellino who was a member of the Antimafia Pool spoke out against Silvio Berlusconi shortly before he was assassinated by the Sicilian Mafia. Prince Nicolo Boncompagni Ludovisi is a high level authority in Rome and an owner of the Italian Mafia. The Boncompagni coat of arms has a golden dragon on it. Gold and dragons are symbols for imperialism. Pope Gregory XIII or Ugo Boncompagni purchased the Duchy of Sora for his family to govern over. The Ludovisi family ruled over Venosa. The Casalesi Mafia in Italy have influences in Sora and one of their factions was ran by a man named Raffaele Venosa. The founder of the Casalesi Mafia Clan was from Caserta right near Sora. Prince Nicolo Boncompagni Ludovisi is an owner of the Casalesi Clan. The name Bon-Compagni means “Good Company” or “Good Fellows” since Compagno can be translated to fellow. Boncompagni is where the term Goodfellas derives from which means a gangster or member of the Italian Mafia. They made a major Hollywood movie glorifying the Italian Mafia called Goodfellas.
The Black Nobility and Italian Mafia Pt. II The DeCavalcante Crime family of New Jersey were a branch of the House of Sanseverino which ruled counties and principalities in Sicily and Italy. Many of the Italian crime families were from the House of Sanseverino which was one of the largest princely families of Italy and Sicily. The founder of the New Jersey faction Sam DeCavalcante even claimed to be Italian royalty. The Counts of Sicily were serving the higher level royalty of Italy and princes of the Papal States like the Savoy, Colonna, Massimo, Ruspoli, Bourbon and Gaetani families. The show the “Sopranos” is based on the DeCavalcante family which is another example of Hollywood glorifying the Italian Mafia. De-Caval-cante means “The Counts of Cava”. Cante etymologically is connected to the words sing or chant but also to the word
count. Cava de’ Tirreni is a city in Campania Italy that was governed by the Sanservino family. Cava was granted a form of sovereignty by the Medici Pope Leo X. The Sicilian Nobility have always been working with the Vatican and Black Nobility just as the mafia clans work with them. Jimmy Palermo appears to be the head of the Decavalcante crime family today. The House of Adragna of Sicily and Calabria still hold their titles of counts and barons today and they are covertly managing factions of the Sicilian Mafia like Ndrangheta factions in Calabria which takes its name from the Greek word anDRAGathi. Benedetto Adragna is from this princely family and was recently an Italian Senator. The head of this family today is Baron Francesco Adragna. Jack Dragna was the boss of the Los Angeles crime family and many of his relatives were top members. The Los Angeles crime family should probably be called the Dragna crime family but that would be too obvious with the connection to the princely House of Adragna in Sicily. The Los Angeles crime family have major influences over Hollywood. The Zerilli crime family of Detroit has a similar name as the Inzerillo crime family of Sicily. They are likely from the same Sicilian clan and their name is connected with the Zara dice game. The Zerilli crime family are involved with gambling like most of La Cosa Nostra. The Detroit Partnership Los Angeles crime family and DeCavalcante crime family are still active and possibly the strongest mafia factions in the United States. The Italian Unification was an intentional move carried out by the Black Nobility which unified Italy under the House of Savoy. This disestablished the Papal States which took the Black Nobility out of the spotlight. They then used the House of Savoy to put Benito Mussolini in power and he established the Vatican as a sovereign nation through the Lateran Treaty of 1929. The Black Nobility covertly transferred their power over to the Vatican with the top families having a portion of ownership over the Holy See which is a corporation. The lower level nobilities in Sicily did not retain their authorities so they were pushed towards organized crime by the Freemason Giuseppe Mazzini. Italian princes call themselves dons just as mafia bosses call themselves dons. The Sicilian mafia clans are former Sicilian Nobility and many of them were already involved with piracy. Vincenzo Gambi was an Italian pirate. Gambi like Gambino. The intentional disestablishment of the papal states was a military tactic known as the “feigned retreat” just as the false claims by the media that La Cosa Nostra has been taken down while all they have done is become more quiet and more covert. The Black Nobility’s La Cosa Nostra have been using the feigned retreat tactic as they are attempting a full take over in the United States. Silvio Berlusconi has extensive ties with the Sicilian Mafia and served four terms as prime minister of Italy. Silvio was also listed as a member of the P2 Masonic Lodge in Italy which was involved with political corruption and considered a “shadow government”. Silvio Berlusconi has a monopoly in Italian broadcasting and is worth more than 7 billion. The Italian judge Paolo Borsellino who was a member of the Antimafia Pool spoke out against Silvio Berlusconi shortly before he was assassinated by the Sicilian Mafia. Carlo De Benedetti is an Italian-Swiss dual citizen and has been a member of the NYSE European Advisory Committee, top executive for the Edmund de Rothschild Bank, and member of the advisory board for Reuters. Benedetti has
been involved in corruption scandals with Silvio Berlusconi who is from Milan where the House of Sforza ruled. Bendedetti was involved with the Banco Ambrosiano scandal connected with the P2 lodge. Silvio Berlusconi created the Forza political party. Sfroza and Forza are the same word and mean force. Berlusconi is a front man for the Sforza family which are intermarried with the Ruspoli family with Prince Lilio Ruspoli-Sforza as the head. They have used the four term prime minister Berlusconi for their take over of the Italian government.
Global Crime Syndicate The Black Nobility of Italy are the top of the global crime syndicate. They own and run the Vatican, Jesuits, Sovereign Military Order of Malta as well as La Cosa Nostra. The Vatican and Switzerland has been in contract for centuries and that is why the Swiss Guard protects the Vatican today. The Vatican and Switzerland are the only two nations that use a square shaped flag on the planet. They use private Swiss banking to conceal their wealth stolen from nations and wealth from the dues paid to them through their organized crime syndicates. It has been estimated the Italian Mafia inside the United States make up to 90 billion per year. The Black Nobility are involved with the Bank for International Settlements which is siphoning off wealth from the central banks and then laundering and concealing it in private Swiss accounts. Their top Swiss bankers are Prince Vittorio Emanuele IV of Savoy, Prince Lorenz of Belgium, and Archduke Sigismund. The Holy See is a corporation owned by the Black Nobility and operates at the Vatican City State. The Holy See has owned the City of London Corporation since 1215 and also owns most of the European Crowns. They are using a series of corporate subsidiaries or proxies to conceal their corporate contracts and fraudulent claims to ownership over corporate governments. The United States is defined as a federal corporation under US code 3002 section. Federal buildings in Washington DC are Roman architecture and use the ancient Roman fasces symbol on the buildings and federal seals. Washington DC is located in Virginia and Maryland. Virgin Mary Land. Novus Ordo Seclorum is Latin and translate to New Order of the Ages and is on the United States Great Seal and US dollar. The Vatican and Holy See use Latin as the official language and for official documents. The All Seeing Eye on the dollar represents the Holy See. King John surrendered the Kingdom of England to the Pope of Rome in 1213 under the Golden Bull. The British Crown is the continuation of the English Crown. The British Crown seized Palestine during WWI and then established Israel through migration contracts with the World Zionist Organization under the British Law of “Mandatory Palestine”. The French Rothschild are major Zionists. Baron David Rene de Rothschild’s wife is Princess Olimpia Aldobrandini of the Black Nobility. Benjamin Rothschild’s mother Nadine de Rothschild was born Roman Catholic. The Jewish Mafia in the United States was always subservient to La Cosa Nostra. They worked under them. Murder Inc. did the dirty work for the Italian Mafia. Most of the Jewish Mafia is controlled by the Colonna and Orsini families as well as Austrian Nobility which serve the Black Nobility of Italy through the SMOM.
Napoleon Bonaparte was the first political Zionist who proclaimed for all “Jews” to settle in Jerusaelm during his rule. The Roman Catholic House of Bonaparte works closely with the House of Medici of Italy. The Bonaparte family is intermarried with the Borghese-Aldobrandini family of Italy and Colonna-Walewski nobility which is Italian and Polish nobility. The House of Bourbon hold the official title of Kingdom of Jerusalem. Other claimants include Prince Vittorio Emanuele IV of Savoy, Roman Catholic Patrick Guinness, Prince Charles-Antoine de Ligne whose son is married to Isabell Orsini the goddaughter of Silvio Berlusconi and relative of the Orsini family of Rome. Royal Dutch Illuminati The House of Orange-Nassau are a high level authority over society and operate as a branch of the Vatican’s Roman empire. The House of Orange-Nassau are former Holy Roman and French nobility that currently rule the Netherlands as a constitutional monarchy. King Willem-Alexander is the blood appointed head of state. They are believed to be extremely wealthy with a large amount of shares in Royal Dutch Shell. The term Shell is a symbol for Venus and Venice. In Sandro Botticelli’s painting “The Birth of Venus” the Roman deity is depicted being born out of the ocean from a pearl’s shell. The city of Venice is named after Venus and was a major merchant and banking center in Europe for centuries. As a merchant family not only do the Orange-Nassau’s have shares in Royal Dutch Shell but also in Royal Philips Electronics, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, and Holland America Line cruise ships. The reason these companies use the term royal is because they are primarily owned by the royal family of the Netherlands. Prince Friso of Orange-Nassau was a former Vice President of Goldman Sachs International in London and was a financial officer for Urenco Group involved in uranium enrichment. The House of Orange-Nassua established the Netherlands Trading Society which later established ABN AMRO Bank and ABN AMRO partly owns Saudi Hollandi Bank of Saudi Arabia. Prince Carlos of Bourbon-Parma who is a member of the Dutch royal family through his mother Princess Irene of the Netherlands worked for the ABN AMRO Bank. The name Orange comes from the Celtic principality of Orange in France. The Dutch Royal family are Protestants. The Loyal Orange Institute is an Irish (Celtic) Masonic order in Ireland and was created in 1798 to honor the Dutch born Protestant King William of Orange. King Willem-Alexander is the real head of the Loyal Orange Order today and he is an Illuminati master mason. Beatrix of the Netherlands is a Dame of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta in Rome and her deceased husband Prince Claus Amsberg was a member of the Nazi Wehrmacht defense force. King Willem-Alexander’s father was a Nazi. The Italian Prince Jamie of Bourbon-Parma is the nephew of Beatrix and he is Knight of Malta and also the Dutch ambassador to the Holy See. Prince Jamie is of the House of Bourbon-Parma which established the Jesuits and this bloodline still has a portion of authority over the Jesuit Order which has deeply infiltrated the United States Department of Defense and US intelligence agencies.
The Farnese Illuminati Military Family The House of Farnese established the Jesuits as a military order through the papal bull; Regimini Militantis Ecclesiae under Pope Paul III or Alessandro Farnese. The Farnese family lived in a pentagonal fortress called the Farnese Villa Caprarola in Italy and this is the basis for the US Pentagon. The leader of the Jesuits is called the Superior General because the Jesuits are a military order that function as Roman Intelligence and infiltrators. The Jesuits first general Ignatius Loyola was connected with the Alumbrados of Spain. The Spanish word Alumbrados means Illuminati and they existed more than two hundred years before the Bavarian Illuminati. Jesuit alumni dominate leadership positions in US military and intelligence as well as politics and law. The Farnese family governed over Parma and Castro in Italy and today the Princes of Bourbon-Parma and Bourbon-Two Sicilies covertly have authority at the US Pentagon and US military through their Jesuit intelligence. The Farnese bloodline is intermarried with the House of Bourbon of Spain and related to the Bourbon-Parma branch in Italy. The first son of Queen Elizabeth Farnese established the House of Bourbon Two-Sicilies as a continuation of the Farnese family. The Farnese bloodline is intermarried with Dutch royalty, Belgian nobility, and the royal family of Luxembourg. Prince Edouard de Lobkowicz of Belgium married Princess Marie-Francoise of Bourbon-Parma. Prince Edouard was a banker for Chase Manhattan Bank, he worked for several investment firms and was also an ambassador for the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg has a Bourbon-Parma princely title as the grandson of Prince Felix of Bourbon-Parma. The Farnese family were the Dukes of Castro and they also branched into Spain. The Castro family of Cuba originated from Spain and are really the ancestors of the Farnese family. Elizabeth Farnese II became the Queen of Spain when she married into the Spanish House of Bourbon. Prince Carlos of Bourbon-Parma is the nephew of Queen Beatrix and he has worked for Dutch bank ABN AMRO which has a merger with the Saudi Hollandi Bank of Saudi Arabia. The Governor of Mecca Khalid bin Faisal Al Saud is a Knight of the Order of Francis I under the House of Bourbon Two-Sicilies. Prince Carlo of Bourbon Two Sicilies is controlling Mecca. Prince Carlos of Bourbon-Parma has worked for the European Public Policy Advisors in Belgium. Today the Bourbon King of Spain holds the official title of King of Jerusalem as well as most of the monarchical titles of Italy. The House of Bourbon in Spain have a large amount of authority in Mexico and South America as well as influences over many politicians and organized crime. Prince Carlo of Bourbon-Two Sicilies who is the Duke of Castro is one of the highest level authorities in the global crime syndicate and the real head of the Farnese bloodline today. Some of those are second level bloodlines and assistant families. The Massimo family is at the top and the Torlonia and Pallavicini families are also very high level. Lancellotti (Breakspear), Adragni, Borromeo, Sforza, Ruspoli families along with the House of Savoy are others. I would not really call them Ptolemaic bloodlines however the Colonna family are ancestors of the Counts of Tusculum which took the name Ptolemy. The Colonna family claim to be the Julio-Claudian dynasty which conquered the Greco Ptolemaic dynasty that ruled Egypt. I would say that the Italian Nobility have partial ancestry from the Roman Gente families and
some more than others. Doria appear to be related to the Gens Auria. The Massimo are related to the Fabii-Maximi. The Bush-Walker family appear to be the Vergini dynasty. The Walker family from Virginia helped to turn the Virginia Company into the United States during the Revolutionary War. Many powerful American families are more closely related to the Roman Gentes. The Italian Nobility were a mix of Urartian-Assyrian and Parthian. The Holy Roman Nobility like the House of Windsor were Babylonian Royalty. The Farnese family established the Jesuits. The first Jesuit leader and a co-founder was Ignatius Loyola and he was of Basque descent. Basque people are Arab mixed and came in during the Moorish invasion. Another co-founder was Francis Borgia who was Basque and Sephardic. Sephardic people are not Ashkenazi. Sephardics came in during the Moorish invasion as well and are Hebrew speaking Babylonians different from the Canaanite Ashkenazis.
The Grimaldi Crime Family The House of Grimaldi rule over Monaco today and once ruled in Genoa as powerful bankers and politicians. Monaco was a principality of Genoa and ruled by the Grimaldi family during the 13th century. Francois Grimaldi was the first ruler of Monaco and was nicknamed the “Malicious One”. Today Monaco is a sovereign city state with an economy involved with casinos and operates as a haven for those trying to evade taxation. There is no income tax in Monaco so many foreign businessmen from royal and noble lines operate from there and then conceal their accumulated wealth in private Swiss bank accounts. Casinos are a popular industry in Monaco and have always gone hand in hand with organized crime which use casinos for laundering profits. Casinos are the most effective tool for laundering large amounts of cash. This is even revealed in the movie Casino. This is why the Chicago Outfit set up in Las Vegas and the Five Families set up in Atlantic City. The House of Grimaldi were the ones who established the first casinos. Prince Albert II is the blood appointed head of state in Monaco and his net worth is estimated at over 1 billion however it is likely much more like most members of high level royalty. Prince Albert II is also a Knight of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta and runs his principality as a branch of Rome. The House of Grimaldi is intermarried with various French and Genoese noble families as well as German Nobility like the House of Hanover and House of Lorraine. Like most Genovese Nobility the House of Grimaldi are involved with banking. They were one of the families that helped to establish the Bank of Saint George in 1407. The Republic of Genoa expanded its territories into the Black Sea region and used its bank to manage these regions. The royal owned bank was known for using Jewish bankers to manage their assets and finances especially in the Black Sea region. The Ghisolfi clan intermarried with Black Sea Nobility in the region known as Gazaria taking its name from the more ancient Khazaria. The Jewish Ghisolfi clan managed these banks and used Gazarian agents as middle men that worked with Russia. What people refer to as the “Khazarian Mafia” are the continuation of Genoese-Gazarian
bankers today. There is a high level of organized crime and criminal banking in Russia, Turkey, Bulgaria, and Crimea and these same groups are doing business in Israel and Europe. The Russian gangster Felix Sater who has ties with Donald Trump is part of this Black Sea Mafia. The House of Savoy which runs the Genovese crime family works closely with the House of Grimaldi with Prince Albert II a knight of the Savoy’s Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus. Prince Victor Emanuele’s wife is from the Genevose Doria banking family. The Russian Mafia work with the Italian Mafia. Vladimir Putin is a Knight of the House of Grimaldi’s Order of Saint-Charles and is part of this criminal group. Banco di San Giorgio is a more recent bank that used the same name because it is covertly owned by the same families that owned the Bank of Saint George. Through a series of mergers Banca di San Giorgio merged with Banca Regionale Europea.
The Chigi Crime Family In the United States the Albanian Mafia is involved in covert persecution with the intent of carrying out a holocaust currently. Ergest Mati is the name of a boss of an Albanian Mafia faction. He is serving the Chigi family. His last known residence is 2062 Eaglepath Drive in Henderson Nevada. He is working with the mafia in Las Vegas. He has an extensive criminal record including distribution, gun possession, and many assaults. Holocaust means a “wholly burnt” offering and it was covert persecution carried out by criminal organizations and secret societies that led to the holocaust in Germany and Japan. The US and UK firebombed Dresden Germany which was a largely Slavic populated area. The US firebombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki and claimed they were nukes. Jesuit Pedro Aruppe along with seven other Jesuits claimed to be directly in the “nuclear blast zone” in Hiroshima and all eight Jesuits survived. That would be impossible. The leaders of most nations involved in WWII were all working for the Black Nobility if Italy. The German and Japanese leaders set up their own people. The Chigi-Albani family closely work with the Vatican and SMOM. The Vatican and SMOM were involved with the Nazis and Fascists. Albania was part of the Nazi alliance. The Albani family have Albanian origins. The Albanians during WWII persecuted various groups of people including Slavs and Jews. The Albanian Mafia are known to be one of the most ruthless organized crime syndicates in the world and many Albanians immigrated into the United States after the war in Kosovo. The Albanians have tendencies to be more violent than other groups. There is also a large Islamic population in Albania. The Albanian Mafia are involved with trafficking Eastern European women and children into Italy and the Mid East today. They even show this in the movie Taken where Albanian gangsters kidnap women in France and sell them to wealthy men in the Mid East.
The Rothschild Crime Family The Rothschild’s are subtly titled the “Guardians of the Papal Treasure” in the Jewish Encyclopedia. They are propped up as the wealthiest family which masks the Italian Nobility and their wealth and power. That is how they guard the papacy and its wealth. The real wealth of the Vatican Nobility is being concealed in private Swiss bank accounts while attention is on the Rothschild family. The Rothschild family were originally Holy Roman and North Italian banking and merchant clans that reestablished themselves under the name Rothschild. The Rothschild family are intermarried with many Zionist banking families and nobility in Europe. David Rene de Rothschild who is head of N M Rothschild & Sons is currently married Olimpia Aldobrandini-Rothschild. The Aldobrandini family is also intermarried with the Borghese banking family of the Rome. Evelyn de Rothschild is a billionaire and financier for the British Crown. Another example of North Italian banking families connected with Holy Roman bankers is the Guistiniani banking family of Venice and Genoa and the Fuggers. The Italian word for “just” “good” or “right” is giusto. A German word for “good” is fug. Mit Fug und Recht means just and right. I believe that Wells Fargo is connected with the Fuggers, Welser, and Guistiani families. Wells referring to good or right. The Fuggers married in with Austrian Nobility. The head of the Guistiani family is Baron Girolamo de Massa and I believe he is a Massimo. The way these families operate is through contracts. So if the Guistiniani family established a bank and then expanded family branches into Germany and they created banks then those banks are likely tied back to the original family. Veiled proxies. I think Wells Fargo is Welsers Fugger and further connected to Guistiniani. mit Fug und Recht justifiably, rightly What is the meaning of the Italian word giusto Welser was a German banking and merchant family, originally a patrician family from Augsburg, that rose to great prominence in international high finance in the 16th century as financiers of Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor. The Fugger family (German pronunciation: [ˈfʊɡɐ]) is a German family that was a historically prominent group of European bankers, members of the fifteenth- and sixteenth-century mercantile patriciate of Augsburg, international mercantile bankers, and venture capitalists. I believe the British Rothschild branch are closely related to the Bardi family of Florence who reestablished themselves in Germany later on. The Bardi family financed the King of England with 900,000 gold coins which was never repaid. The British Rothschild’s are financiers for the British Crown today. Evelyn de Rothschild is a knight of the House of Windsor and is Her Majesty’s financial adviser The British Rothschild’s are also a lower branch that serves the French Rothschild family. David
The Hapsburg Crime Family Karl von Habsburg is a politician, banker, businessman, Knight of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta in Rome, and the Austrian Grand Master of the Order of the Golden Fleece. The Habsburg family were the emperors of the Eastern Holy Roman Empire and they also ruled over most of Switzerland in the past. They lost their remaining territories in Austria and Hungary after the Nazi regime and are currently being propped up by Rome to lead in the imperial takeover agenda with the motivation of reclaiming their former reign. The Habsburg family have always served Rome as Knights of Malta. Today Eduard Habsburg-Lorraine is a Knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece and the Hungarian Ambassador to the Holy See and SMOM. Karl von Habsburg is now overseeing various Holy Roman princes like Landgrave Donatus of Hesse. The name Hesse has etymological connections with Hest which means in English to “command” and in Greek means “horse”. The House of Hesse are imperial equestrians or knights that command armies and paid soldiers even to this day. Hessians were German mercenary soldiers that served the British Crown and even fought in the American Revolution on the side of the British. The Order of the Golden Fleece takes its name from Greek Mythology. The Golden Fleece was a prize of kingship offered to Jason and other false heroes to fight for their interests. The term “Man on the White Horse” refers to false heroes who seek fame and fortune. Alex Jones is a primary example of this as he pretends to be opposed to corruption while he works for them for money and fame. Schilling was the name of Austrian currency until the Euro and this is where the term shill comes from. Shills like Alex Jones of Infowars and Luke Rudkowski of We Are Change are on the payrolls of Austrian princes. Baron Benjamin de Rothschild is a French-Swiss banker and chairman of the Edmond de Rothschild Group and worth about 1.6 billion although he claims to be worth about 6 billion. His father Edmond Adolphe de Rothschild was a Knight of the Legion of Honour and he established their banking group. Baron Benjamin de Rothschild’s great grandfather Edmond James de Rothschild was a Zionist who purchased large amounts of land in Palestine and helped to establish Israel. One of their subsidiaries Banque Privee Edmond de Rothschild does a lot of business in Israel as well as in Europe, South America, and Asia. The Swiss Rothschild’s that branched off from the French Rothschild family have been given the titles of barons and baronesses in Austria through Alice Charlotte von Rothschild who willed their estates to James de Rothschild the great uncle of Baron Benjamin de Rothschild. The Swiss Rothschild’s hold Austrian titles and are serving the Habsburg family of Austria that once ruled over Switzerland. Benjamin de Rothschild’s mother is Nadine de Rothschild born
Nadine L’hopitalier and she was a Roman Catholic that converted to Judaism. She is an Austrian Baroness that owns a castle in Switzerland. The name L’hopitalier means hospital and this uncommon last name was established and taken by members of the Knights Hospitaller a branch of the Knights of Malta. The Swiss Rothschild’s are the Court Factors for the House of Habsburg and fund their knights like the House of Hesse. The Rothschild family originate from Frankfurt which is a German state of Hesse. The House of Habsburg have often used Jewish Court Factors through out history like Jacob Bassevi von Treuenberg, Joachim Edler von Popper, and Israel Edler von Honigsberg.
The Medici and Bonaparte Crime Families The Medici and Bonaparte families run Sephardic Zionism. The Florentine Black Nobility were Sephardic Babylonians. Napoleon Bonaparte was the first political Zionist who proclaimed for all “Jews” to settle in Jerusalem. The Medici family were one of the wealthiest banking families in Europe for centuries. The Medici family produced 3 Popes and 2 Queens of France. The Medici and Bonaparte families are closely related and are still working together. Both of these families still exist. Emilio Garrastazu Medici was a Brazilian military dictator that established the military government in Brazil. The Brazilian Andre Cezar Medici works at the World Bank as a health economist in Washington DC today. The name Medici means medical and they have been linked with practicing sorcery. Pharmacy derives from the Greek word Pharmakeia which means sorcery and poison. The Medici family are involved in alchemical witchcraft and run the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and the Hermetic Order of Martinists. They use members to infiltrate the food and drug companies. The extremely wealthy Dreyfus family serve the Medici and Bonaparte families as their court factors. Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte was the first President of France. French presidents are the heads of the Bonaparte’s Legion of Honour which has many members that are billionaires and heads of major corporations and banks like Alfred Dreyfus, Pierre Louis-Dreyfus, Benoit Potier, Pierre-Andre de Chalendar, Patrick Pouyanne, Rene Obermann and the eighth richest person in the world Bernard Arnault who is worth over 50 billion. Members of these crime families include Prince Ottaviano de Medici, Prince Julian de Medici, Prince Charles Napoleon Bonaparte, and Prince Jean Christophe Napoleon Bonaparte. Prince Jean Christophe worked for Morgan Stanley and Advent International which is a major buy out firm with assets estimated at over 30 billion. The Medici family are tax collectors and they are overseeing the IRS through Rome’s network of power. The Medici family use the IRS to financially persecute people that Rome has declared as heretics. Not only is income tax immoral but the IRS make up debts out of thin air and persecute people based on these made up debts.
Goodfellas Prince Nicolo Boncompagni Ludovisi is a high level authority in Rome and an owner of the Italian Mafia. The Boncompagni coat of arms has a golden dragon on it. Gold and dragons are symbols for imperialism. Pope Gregory XIII or Ugo Boncompagni purchased the Duchy of Sora for his family to govern over. The Ludovisi family ruled over Venosa. The Casalesi Mafia in Italy have influences in Sora and one of their factions was ran by a man named Raffaele Venosa. The founder of the Casalesi Mafia Clan was from Caserta right near Sora. Prince Nicolo Boncompagni Ludovisi is an owner of the Casalesi Clan. The name Bon-Compagni means “Good Company” or “Good Fellows” since Compagno can be translated to fellow. Boncompagni is where the term Goodfellas derives from which means a gangster or member of the Italian Mafia. They made a major Hollywood movie glorifying the Italian Mafia called Goodfellas. Prince Alessandrojacopo Boncompagni Ludovisi is another member of this family and runs the Fiorano Wine Company. Prince Niccolo married Rita Jenrette and she is an American actress and real estate executive who sold the General Motors building to Donald Trump. Her family is from Texas and own an oil company and considered ancestors of the American Founding Fathers. Prince Nicolo Boncompagni Ludovisi has been given authority in Texas through Rome’s network of power. This is who Alex Jones serves. Alex Jones “former” father in law is Edmund Lowe Nichols and he is an Italian knight that worked at the US embassy in Rome. The self proclaimed hit man Larry Nichols who worked for the Clintons is a frequent guest on Infowars. I believe Larry Nichols is a relative of Edmund Lowe Nichols. By 1979, Nichols was appointed U.S. Agricultural Counselor to Italy, assigned to the American Embassy in Rome, and was later commissioned by President Ronald Reagan to the rank of Minister-Counselor in the U.S. Senior Foreign Service. He then served as Agricultural Counselor to Denmark and Norway and twice as Agricultural Counselor to Spain. In 1982, he was decorated by the President of Italy as Commendatore (knight commander and is the highest decree awarded by the President of Italy) Mr. Nichols married Sandra Heiligman of Overton, Texas, in 1964. They have three children, Dr. Jill E. Nichols, James E. Nichols and Kelly Nichols Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Nichols have six grandchildren and all live in Austin. Rita Jenrette, born Rita Carpenter, November 25, 1949 in San Antonio, Texas is an American celebrity, actor, television journalist, and real estate executive. In 1999, she sued Simon Properties for $6 million for failing to pay her a commission on the $800 million sale of the General Motors Building to Donald Trump; after losing her claim at trial,[12] On May 27, 2009, Jenrette married Nicolò Boncompagni Ludovisi of Piombino.
The Irish Illuminati Bloodlines The Guinness family is a powerful Anglo-Irish Illuminati bloodline. They own the Guinness beer company, were members of the UK Parliament, and also bankers that established Guinness Mahon Bank which they later sold off. The Guinness brewing business was involved in rigging the stock market known as the Guinness sharetrading fraud however only the executives were arrested and not the family owners. J Rothschild Holdings was involved with the insider trading but were not charged with any crimes. The Guinness family have intermarried with the Furstenberg and Rothschild families and do business with the British Rothschild branch. Jonathan Guinness is a British Peer and worked as a banker. Patrick Guinness is a Catholic Knight of St. Lazarus and holds a claim to the title of Kingdom of Jerusalem which makes him high level. Patrick Guinness drinks the blood of children and is insanely evil. Some of the Guinness family members are serving Roman Catholic Irish bloodlines which serve Rome while doing business in London and appearing as Protestants and Anglicans. The Hennessy family is an even more powerful Irish Illuminati bloodline. The banker Edward L Hennessy Jr. was a financial adviser for the Vatican, Roman Knight of Malta, Papal Knight of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre, and a Papal Knight of St Gregory. Edward Hennessy Jr was also the director of Lockheed Martin, Traveler’s Insurance Company, Automatic Data Processing, New York Stock Exchange, Union Texas Petroleum Corporation, the United Way of Tri-State, the Coast Guard Academy Foundation, Inc., DNA Plant Technology Corporation, the National Association of Manufacturers, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and the United States Export and Import Bank. John Hennessey created the well known Hennessey Performance Engineering in Texas. John Leroy Hennessy is called the “Godfather of Silicon Valley” and he is a board member for Google, Cisco Systems, and Atheros Communications. He was a president of Stanford University. John Pope Hennessy was an Irish and British politician who was the Governor of Hong Kong during British rule. The Hennessy family own Jas Hennessy & Co the largest producer of Cognac in the world. They merged their Cognac business with Moet et Chandon champagne and created Moet Hennessy and Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton which is ran by Bernard Arnault who is worth about 37 billion. Bernard Arnault does business in London and with Diageo which partly owns LVMH and Hennessy and produces Guinness from London. Bernad Arnault is a Knight of the British Empire so he can do business in London. Bernard Arnault serves the House of Bonaparte as Grand Officer of the French Legion of Honour which was established by the still existing House of Bonaparte and they are serving Rome. Jean Hennessy was a French politician descended from the branch that created Hennessy Cognac and also part of a French political dynasty. Jean Hennessy appears to be the father of Kilian Hennessy who merged Hennessy with Moot et Chandon champagne. The Bailey Family is another Anglo-Irish Illuminati bloodline involved in British banking as well as a political family in the United States and United Kingdom. The Bailey family are British Peers as the Barons of Glanusk. Andrew John Bailey is Chief Cashier at the Bank of England and is currently Chief Executive of the Financial
Conduct Authority. Alan Bailey is a Knight of the Order of the Bath and worked for Her Majesty’s Treasury. There are dozens of British and American politicians with the name Bailey through out the centuries. Baileys Irish Cream is a popular cream liqueur owned by Diageo which was partly created and owned by Guinness. Mansfield Brewery was an English brewery established by William Edward Baily and was bought by Marston’s Brewery which has over 1700 pubs in the UK with yearly profits of over 20 million. Thomas H. Bailey who is worth over 1 billion founded Janus Capital Group which has assets estimated at over 190 billion.
The Pallavicini Crime Family The Pallavicini family is a top bloodline in the global crime syndicate and they govern Palatine Hill in Rome. They had multiple family branches in Italy and Austria and ancestry from Athens Greece. The Pallavicini family married with the Rospigliosi Papal Nobility and also have a branch in London through the Cromwell family. Horatio Pallavicino was a financier for the British Crown and his family merged with the Cromwells. The Pallavicini family ruled over ancient Parthia or Iran and the Pahlavi dynasty that ruled Iran more recently are an ancestral branch of the Pallavicini family. Pahlavi is a term for the ancient Parthian language. Giancarlo Pallavicini from Milan was an economist and adviser for the Soviet government. Yahya Sergio Yahe Pallavicini of Milan runs ISESCO or Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization and he is also the Advisor for Islamic Affairs in Italy. Nasser David Khalili is a Jewish British-Iranian billionaire and Vatican Knight of the Order of St Sylvester and Trustee of the City of Jerusalem and serves the Pallavicini family. Mahmoud Khayami is a French-Iranian millionaire residing in London who help found the Iran National company and he is also a Knight of the the Order of St Sylvester. Elvina Pallavicini was known for supporting the United States war on Iraq. Iran and Iraq have been rivals and enemies. Prince Moroello Diaz Della Vittoria Pallavicini and Prince Sigieri Diaz Della Vittoria Pallavicini are top powers in Rome and the world. The Pallavicini family own Immobillairie a multi billion dollar real estate development company, Global Wealth Management (GWM) a international finance firm, and are invested in Greentech which is for renewable energies. GWM is located in Milan, Rome, London, Malta, Geneva, and Luxembourg. The Pallavicini princes run Rottapharm pharmaceuticals and Prelios asset management. Alfonso Pallavicini was a top executive for BNP Paribas an international banking group with assets worth nearly 2 trillion. Members of the Pallavicini crime family include Prince Sigieri Pallavicini, Prince Moroello Pallavicini, Marquis Alfonso Pallavicini, Yahya Sergio Yahe Pallavicini, and Prince Filippo Rospigliosi. The Pallavicini, Schwarzenberg, Orsini-Rosenberg, WindischGratz and Thun und Honenstein families of Austria and Hungary helped to establish the Nazis along with German Nobility like the Windsor, Furstenberg, Hohenzollern, and Hanover families. Arnold Schwarzenegger who is of Austrian descent is really a Schwarzenberg and his father Gustav Schwarzenegger was an
Austrian Nazi. The multi billionaire George Soros real last name is Schwartz and he is also a relative of the Schwarzenberg family which ruled parts of Austria and Hungary (Bohemia) where George Soros is from. Prince Karel Schwarzenberg is a politician in the Czech Republic today. The Austrian and German noble families are working with the House of Windsor who supported the Nazis under King Edward VIII. Particle accelerators, HAARP, satellites, and modern electronics are being used for mass mind control and are Nazi based technologies. Another Schwarzenberg relative Bernard Schwartz runs Loral Space and Communications which merged with Orion Network Systems which was ran by Kevin Patrick Power and he was married to the actress Karen Akers and she is a Pallavicini. Orion Electronics Ltd is a Hungarian based electronics company and modern electronics are being used for mind control. Loral Space & Communications which merged with Orion Systems also merged with Skynet Satellite Communications. Skynet is also the name of an artificial intelligence in the movie Terminator with Arnold Schwarzenegger. SKYNET is the name of a NSA surveillance program as well. The NSA Database is regulating the modern electronics in the United States which are emitting electromagnetic frequencies used for mind control or manipulation on individuals and on the masses. HAARP is also used for mass mind control or mental influence and is regulated by the USAF. These satellites and modern electronics are radiating an artificial intelligence which is saturating the atmosphere and influencing the minds of society. The royal and noble families use their Jesuit or Freemasonic agents to infiltrate military and intelligence agencies which run these programs.
The Windsor Family of Hell I just had a Hells Angel parked in front of my house for about five minutes. Prince Charles is the head of the Cult of Hell and he covertly runs the Hells Angels which have charters all over the UK and its commonwealths. The House of Windsor are one of the most wicked and satanic bloodlines. They are involved with human sacrifices, mind control, satanic ritual abuse, cannibalism, drinking blood, bathing in blood, human trafficking, opium trafficking, terrorism, money laundering, and war profiteering. Prince Charles openly claims to descend from Vlad Dracul or Vlad the Impaler and he owns Vlad the Impaler’s old castle in Transylvania. Vlad Dracul was known for being sadistic and tormenting his victims. Dracul means dragon and the Dracul family were members of the Order of the Dragon. Vlad Dracul was the Prince of Wallachia. Prince Charles is the Prince of Wales. Wales gets its name from Walha. Wales also uses a red dragon on its flag. The Transylvanian Nobility covertly settled in Scotland. Queen Elizabeth II takes her name from the Dracul’s cousins the Bathory family and Elizabeth Bathory who was a serial killer known as the “Blood Countess” and reports claim that she bathed in the blood of hundreds of young women. The House of Windsor run the Order of the Bath which really takes its name after the Bathory family. They covertly continue their
ancestors blood rituals of bathing in blood and they wear blood red capes during their public ceremonies. Jimmy Savile was close friends with Prince Charles and he was accused hundreds of times of pedophilia and sexual abuse. Jimmy Savile was a Knight of the British Empire and Vatican Knight of the Order of St Gregory. Canada is a Crown Colony and through out the past century there are many official reports of missing Aboriginal children that were taken from their parents and forced into Crown schools and Crown Wards or orphanages. Missing children is acknowledged in the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada. The House of Windsor have a harp on their coat of arms. The harp was used for bewitching minds in ancient times. They have authority over the USAF’s HAARP which is radiating the atmosphere with electromagnetic waves and is used for mass mind control and weather manipulation. HAARP is named in reference to the harp and its use in ancient mind control. Wind-sors like wind and tornadoes. The House of Windsor are funding and running satanic cults in the United Kingdom and United States and these cults are involved in mind control, satanic ritual abuse and human sacrifice. The Windsor family also manage the Skull and Bones secret society at Yale. Yale was established under the British Crown’s authority and through a Crown Colony. Skull and Bones is a military council and death cult in the United States with the Bush family as top members. George Herbert Walker Bush is a British Knight of the Order of the Bath and serves the Windsor family. The Gulf War, Afghanistan War, and Iraq War occurred under the Bush family. The Windsor and Bush families are controlling the opium production in Afghanistan which produces the majority of the world’s opium since the US invasion. Their opium operation is a continuation of the British Crown’s East India Company which controlled the opium trade. They currently sell it to pharmaceutical companies and the rest is handed to the Italian Mafia who cut it into heroin and have it distributed it on the streets. Opium is a strong depressant and is being used to weaken society as they attempt power grabs. The British Crown attempted to do this to China which lead to them seizing Hong Kong when the Emperor banned the opium. Prince Charles calls me a father murderer. The day Prince Philip “resigned” I published this post below all over the internet. MI6 also called Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) created and controls the ISIS program which is really International Secret Intelligence Service with intelligence agencies all around the world involved like the CIA, Mossad, GID of Saudi Arabia and others. The British Crown established the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through the Treaty of Jeddah. All the heads of MI6 are knighted by the British Crown because they serve the British royal family. MI6 is leading this operation and involved with staging terrorist attacks. The Belgian royal family were exposed for their tax schemes on the United States so MI6 staged the Brussels Bombings as an excuse to increase security for the Belgian royal family and their corrupt bankers. The Treaty of London established the Kingdom of Belgium and appointed the House of Windsor’s cousins the Saxe Coburg and Gotha family as the head of Belgium. The 1871 District of Columbia Organic Act established Washington DC as a municipal corporate state based on debts owed to foreign entities like the Kingdom of Belgium, Irish government, and Hudson Bay Company. The Bank for International Settlements (BIS)
in Basel Switzerland is in contract with the US federal reserve and most central banks around the world through fraudulent tax contracts like the Belgian Scheldt Dues and siphons off wealth. The money is then transferred and laundered into private Swiss bank accounts. Prince Lorenz of Belgium is married into the Belgian royal family and has worked as a banker in Rome, Paris, and London. Prince Lorenz is a managing partner for Gutzwiller Bank in Basel Switzerland right near the BIS and he is managing the private accounts for the royal and noble families of Europe who are stealing from the central banks. Once this was all exposed MI6 staged the ISIS bombings in Brussels as reason to increase security for the royal family and their bankers. The House of Windsor are controlling MI6. The House of Sforza The House of Sforza are a powerful Italian bloodline from Milan closely related to the Visconti family. Both the Sforza and Visconti families use a serpent eating a child on their coat of arms which displays their wicked nature. The character of Hannibal Lecter is supposed to be a descendent of the Sforza family. The four term prime minster of Italy; Silvio Berlusconi was born in Milan where these families ruled and he was the leader of the Forza political party in Italy. Both Sforza and Forza mean Force. Silvio Berlusconi has a lot of connections with the Italian Mafia and was a member of the P2 Masonic Lodge which was known for political corruption and part of a “shadow government” involved with the Vatican, Italian media, Italian intelligence agencies, and criminal organizations like the right wing fascist group called the Nuclei Armati Rivoluzionari and Magliana Mafia. Silvio Berlusconi has a monopoly in Italian broadcasting and is worth more than 7 billion. The Italian judge Paolo Borsellino who was a member of the Antimafia Pool spoke out against Silvio Berlusconi shortly before he was assassinated by the Sicilian Mafia. The Sforza family are political bloodline of the Illuminati and involved in media while the Visconti family are more directly involved in entertainment and Hollywood. Some etymologists suggest that the name Milan derives from the Latin word Mediolanum which is similar to media. Milan is considered an international media center. Princess Beatrice Borromeo is a reporter who has worked with Newsweek and the Daily Beast and went to the University of Milan just as Milan is connected with the media. Princess Beatrice has Sforza ancestry through intermarriage between the Sforza and Borromeo families. Luchino Visconti was a theater, opera, and cinema director and he also worked with some American actors. Although no direct ties with the Visconti family; Tony Visconti is a record producer who has worked with the Beatles and with David Bowie. The Teatro dell’Opera di Roma was designed by Achille Sfondrini from Milan. Sfo-ndrini similar to Sforza and he was from Milan. These families have a portion of oversight in Hollywood and media from Rome and through its extensive power in society.
The Gaetani Crime Family The Gaetani-Dell’Aquila-D’Aragona family is a top bloodline of the Black Nobility and imperial landowners. The Spanish word Aragona means agriculture and land. The Gaetani family own the Gambino crime syndicate which is still covertly managed by the Gotti family today. The Gaetani family take their name from Gaeta Italy which was settled by the Tribe of Getae. The name Gotti means Goth. The Goths and Getae are two similar but different Scythian tribes that have intermixed and had similar migrations. The Goths settled in L’Aquila Italy where the Gaetani family ruled as well as in Gaeta. There is still Gothic architecture in both of these towns. Salvatore D’Aquila was a boss of what later became the Gambino crime family just as the Gaetani family ruled in L’Aquila Italy. The name Gambino and Campania derive from the Greek word campe which means crooked. In Italy is has also come to mean leg. This is where the terms bootleggers and crooks come from. The word gambling is also etymologically connected with the name Gambino. The Italian Mafia run most of the casinos in the United States and launder their profits through them. Donald Trump used the Genovese and Gambino owned S&A Concrete company to build his condos in Manhattan. Don Trump used Roy Cohn as his attorney who also worked for the former Genovese boss Tony Salerno and former Gambino boss John Gotti. Donald Trump purchased property from the mafia hitman Salvatore Testa to build his casino in Atlantic City. Atlantic City has been fully controlled by the Italian Mafia since the Atlantic City Conference in 1929. Donald Trump is a front man for the Five Families of New York City and they are controlled by the Italian Nobility. Donald Trump’s ex wife Ivana Trump even dated Prince Roffredo Gaetani D’Aragona. Members of the Gaetani crime family include the vineyard owner and “wizard of wine” Gelasio Gaetani D’Aragona Lovatelli, Don Ferdinando Gaetani Dell’Aquilla D’Aragona, and Don Bonifacio Gaetani Dell’Aquilla D’Aragona. Don Roffredo Gaetani-D’Aragona de Laurenzana Lovatelli faked his death and has been hiding out in Italy and may be in Geneva Switzerland today.
Venetian Banking Clans The Giustiniani family were a powerful nobility of Venice and Genoa involved in the Roman Catholic Church, Venetian politics, and merchant banking. The Giustiniani family produced Doges for Venice and they were members of the Council of Ten. Many North Italian banking families from Venice, Genoa, and Florence reestablished themselves in the Holy Roman Empire. I believe that the British Rothschild branch is closely related ancestors of the Bardi banking family of Florence that funded the King of England with 900,000 gold florins which was never repaid. The British Rothschild are financiers for the British Crown today just as the Bardi family financed the English Crown. The wealthy Mars family is the continuation of the Candia family of Venice. The Fugger and Welser banking families appear to be closely related to the Giustiniani and Foscari families and likely other merchant banking clans from Northern Italy. The two families built palazzos next to each others on the Grand Canal
in Venice. The Italian word Giusto means “good” “right” or “well”. The German phrase Fug und Recht means good and right. Fug also means fog or daze similar to the Italian word fosco which means dark or cloudy. Fosco like Foscari and they were another powerful Venetian family that ruled as Doges in Venice and were members of the Council of Ten. The Fuggers were extremely wealthy bankers that intermarried with German and Austrian Nobility. The Welsers were another powerful banking family. Both families established themselves in Augsburg Germany. The Welsers used the Fleur-de-lis on their coat of arms which also suggests a possible Florentine ancestry. Prince Hubertus Fugger-Babenhausen is the head of the Fugger family today. I believe all of these families were branches of North Italian bankers and merchants and especially the Giustiniani and Foscari families. Wells Fargo is a continuation of the Venetian banks. Guisto, Wells, Welser, and Fug all have the same meaning of well or right and all are connected with banking. The Fugger family appears to be mostly related to the Foscari family. These families establish banks and then finance and control other family branches which evolve and blend into other regions and people. Today Alessandro Giustiniani is a senior economist that has worked with the International Monetary Fund in Washington DC and also worked for the Bank of Italy in Rome. Baron Girolamo de Massa is the head of the Venetian Giustiniani family and he is really a Massimo-Giustiniani. There is a Villa Massimo-Giustiniani in Rome. Baron Girolamo de Massa is involved in overseeing Wells Fargo. The Pallavicini family is a top bloodline in the global crime syndicate and they govern Palatine Hill in Rome. They had multiple family branches in Italy and Austria and ancestry from Athens Greece. The Pallavicini family married with the Rospigliosi Papal Nobility and also have a branch in London through the Cromwell family. Horatio Pallavicino was a financier for the British Crown and his family merged with the Cromwells. The Pallavicini family ruled over ancient Parthia or Iran and the Pahlavi dynasty that ruled Iran more recently are an ancestral branch of the Pallavicini family. Pahlavi is a term for the ancient Parthian language. Giancarlo Pallavicini from Milan was an economist and adviser for the Soviet government. Yahya Sergio Yahe Pallavicini of Milan runs ISESCO or Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization and he is also the Advisor for Islamic Affairs in Italy. Nasser David Khalili is a Jewish British-Iranian billionaire and Vatican Knight of the Order of St Sylvester and Trustee of the City of Jerusalem and serves the Pallavicini family. Mahmoud Khayami is a French-Iranian millionaire residing in London who help found the Iran National company and he is also a Knight of the the Order of St Sylvester. Elvina Pallavicini was known for supporting the United States war on Iraq. Iran and Iraq have been rivals and enemies. Prince Moroello Diaz Della Vittoria Pallavicini and Prince Sigieri Diaz Della Vittoria Pallavicini are top powers in Rome and the world. The Pallavicini family own Immobillairie a multi billion dollar real estate development company, Global Wealth Management (GWM) a international finance firm, and are invested in Greentech which is for renewable energies. GWM is located in Milan, Rome, London, Malta, Geneva, and Luxembourg. The Pallavicini princes run Rottapharm pharmaceuticals and Prelios asset management. Alfonso Pallavicini was a top executive for BNP Paribas an international banking group with assets worth nearly 2 trillion. Members of the Pallavicini crime family include Prince
Sigieri Pallavicini, Prince Moroello Pallavicini, Marquis Alfonso Pallavicini, Yahya Sergio Yahe Pallavicini, and Prince Filippo Rospigliosi.
Chigi Family, Albanian Mafia, and Holocaust Prince Mario Chigi Albani is a high level prince of Rome and him and his son Prince Flavio Chigi Albani are controlling the Albanian Mafia. The Albani family were an Albanian papal nobility that gave Albania its name. The Albanian House of Zogu is serving the Italian Nobility through knighthoods. I believe that the Chigi family have Babylonian-Chaldean ancestry and their name derives from the Hebrew word Shigionoth. The Chigi family is also intermarried with Holy Roman princely families like the House of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Sayn. Prince Ludovico Chigi Albani della Rovere was the Grandmaster of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta during WWII and he married Princess Anna Aldobrandini who had Rochefoucauld French noble lineage. Dominique Prince de La Rochefoucauld-Montbel is currently a member of the Sovereign Council of the Order of Malta. Many Nazis were Knights of Malta. There was also a holocaust in Albania during WWII. The Chigi family use their authority from Rome over secret societies and the Albanian Mafia to persecute people that the Black Nobility declared as heretics. The Chigi famly is ruthless and working day and night to carry out a holocaust in the United States. Many Albanians fled Albania in the 1990’s because of the Kosovo War. Many of them fled to places in Europe like Greece where they received government assistance and payments and then migrated to other nations like the United States still claiming to be refuges and received even more government assistance and payments. In my region there is a large Albanian population. They all drive nice cars like BMW’s and Mercedes which they could afford from their refugee assistance. I have heard that each refugee was granted up to 30,000 per nation. Many of them are involved with the Albanian Mafia which is one of the most violent gangs in the United States. They are used to violence from the Kosovo War and a lot of them are involved in a plot to carry out a holocaust in the United States. The Holocaust in Albania consisted of murders, deportations and crimes against humanity committed against Jews, Slavs, Roma and other minorities in Greater Albania by German, Italian and Albanian collaborationist forces while the country was under Italian and German occupation during the Second World War. Throughout the war, nearly 2,000 Jews sought refuge in Albania-proper. Most of these Jewish refugees were treated well by the local Albanian population, despite the fact that the country was occupied first by Fascist Italy, and then by Nazi Germany. Albanians, following a traditional custom of hospitality known as besa, often sheltered Jewish refugees in mountain villages, and transported them to Adriatic ports from where they fled to Italy. Other Jews joined resistance movements throughout the country. The Kosovo War was an armed conflict in Kosovo that lasted from 5 March 1998[8] until 11 June 1999. It was fought by the forces of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
(by this time, consisting of the Republics of Montenegro and Serbia), which controlled Kosovo before the war, and the Kosovo Albanian rebel group known as the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), with air support from the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) from 24 March 1999, and ground support from the Albanian army.[58] The Albanian diaspora encompasses Albanians outside of Albania, Kosovo, Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia. The greatest concentrations are found in Italy, Greece, Germany, Switzerland and Turkey. There are also growing communities in Argentina, Austria, Canada, France, Romania, Belgium, Russia, Scandinavia, Ukraine, UK, and the USA. The Albanian diaspora is present throughout the world and is large in numbers. George Soros is a Court Factor for the Schwarzenberg family who are Roman Catholic and serve the Roman Catholic House of Habsburg which serve the Black Nobility through the SMOM. The House of Zogu run Albania and they serve the Italian Nobility and House of Savoy. Because of the Chigi-Albani family’s ancestry they have been given authority over that region.
The Bourbon Crime Syndicate The King of Spain is the head of the Order of Montesa which is the continuation of the Knights Templar of Aragon. The Knights Templar Cartel in Mexico and others are controlled by the Spanish House of Bourbon and other Spanish and Italian nobility. Drug cartels are drug merchants and the Templars were also merchants and bankers. When Pope Benedict XVI visited Mexico the Knights Templar Cartel welcomed him. MS-13 is a branch of the Mexican Mafia and operate in the United States serving their interests and they are ruthless. Luis Flores founded the Mexican Mafia. Flores means a flower. The House of Bourbon use the “fleur-de-lis on their coat of arms. Fleur means flower. Mexico is controlled by Spain and some Italian-Spanish Nobility like the Gaetani and Ruspoli families. Jeb Bush was the former governor of Florida and Duke Francisco de Borbon of Seville was the CEO of the Bank of Miami. Jeb Bush is a 4th degree Knight of Columbus and his wife Columba Bush is from Guanajuato Mexico where the Knights Templar Cartel are located. George Bush owns large amounts of property in Texas near the border. King Juan Carlos of Spain spent Thanksgiving at the Bush ranch several years back. The Bush family are working with the House of Bourbon and use their power and wealth to assist the cartels and Mexican Mafia in trafficking drugs, weapons, and humans across the border. Former president Vincente Fox was Jesuit educated. The Jesuits settled in Sinaloa where one of the largest syndicates the Sinaloa Cartel are located. The political leaders in Mexico are deeply connected with the Vatican and Spanish Crown. Organized crime is involved with trafficking women and children. The Mexican Mafia are also connected with a Satanic Aztec cult of blood drinkers. In Spain an estimated 300,000 babies were stolen from Roman Catholic Spanish hospitals under Franco and the House of Bourbon. The House of Bourbon traffic babies. They are criminals and need to be treated as such.
The Spanish House of Bourbon is intermarried with Italian Black Nobility and Holy Roman Nobility like the House of Battenberg and House of Habsburg-Lorraine. The Bourbon Count Juan of Barcelona was born in Rome. The royal families are all working together to dominate over society. When the people of Spain wanted to get rid of the monarch the royal families propped up the fascist dictator Francisco Franco whose revolt caused a civil war and he then reestablished the House of Bourbon as the rulers of Spain. They use war and chaos to regain their control or their order. The Latin phrase Ordo ab Chao is the motto of the Freemasons and it means Order out of Chaos. Juan Carlos even shot and killed his older brother to steal the Spanish Crown. When the Bourbon family started getting exposed like this Juan Carlos stepped down and they passed many fascist laws restricting freedom of speech in Spain. The King of Spain holds the title of King of Jerusalem and this makes him very high level. Alumbrados is the Spanish word for Illuminati and they existed more than two hundred years before the Bavarian Illuminati and were connected with the Jesuits.
Imperial Guelph Bloodlines The Welf and Este families were the same clan that ruled in Northern Italy and Germany with ancestry from the old French dynasties like the Burgundian family. The colors burgundy and royal purple are symbols used by royalty since ancient Phoenicia as purple was the most expensive color to produce. Many top bloodlines have ancestry from the House of Burgundy like the Savoy family who ruled in Northern Italy and they intermarried with the Este family which are also from Northern Italy. Guelph comes from the name Welf and the Guelph noble faction were wealthy merchants that sided with the Papacy. The House of Este ruled in Modena, Ferrara, and Reggio. The Ferrari family come from Modena and Ferrara and they are really a cadet branch of the Este and Farnese family through the marriage of Vittoria Farnese d’Este of Modena. The Farnese family use the horse on their coat of arms and the Ferrari car company founded in Modena by Enzo Ferrari uses the horse for its logo. The names Ferrari, Ferrara, and Farnese have the etymological connection from the Latin word frenum which refers to a harness or horse’s saddle and reins. Horses are symbols for military equestrians and the Farnese family have deep connections with military. The Ferrari family are the former Este-Farnese Dukes of Modena and are worth several billion. The Italian and German nobility covertly monopolize high end automobiles, jewelry, and fashion. Prince Lorenz of Belgium is the head of the Italian House of Este today and he works as a Swiss banker handling the private accounts and money laundering for various royal and noble families from Italy, Austria, Belgium and the UK. The Welf-Hanover family is also several times intermarried with the Leiningen family which use the same white eagle on their coat of arms that the Este family use. The Hanover family name Ernst appears to originate from the House of Leiningen. The House of Hanover are a branch of the Welf family of Germany who are closely related with the House of Este. The Hanover family own castles, large estates, and art and silver collections. Prince Ernst Augustus I of Hanover is married to Princess Caroline from the House of Grimaldi in Monaco. Prince Caroline’s son Andrea Casiraghi is from her previous marriage and he is married to the billionaire Tatiana
Santo Domingo. The Santo Domingo Group is a large Columbian monopoly worth billions. Tatiana’s brother Alejandro Santo Domingo is worth over 4 billion and is married to Lady Charlotte Wellesley of British nobility. Money marries money and this is one way these criminal royal families dominate over society. Prince Ernst Augustus I is openly worth a half of billion which is just a cover for his concealed wealth. The royal and noble families are concealing large amounts of wealth through covert assets in corporations, land ownership, resource monopolization, and in private Swiss bank accounts. They also create front men billionaires that serve their royal courts who carry out their interests in society in exchange for being authorized billionaires. The House of Hanover are a top German nobility which once ruled as monarchs in Britain and Ireland. Members of the House of Hanover are also in line to the British Crown and have close ties with the House of Windsor. The names Este and Hanover have various etymological connections and the most related connection is expansion and above. Estense is an Italian word for expansive. Over in Han-over means above or exceedingly in German. Imperialism is about expansion. The name Augustus originates from Augustus Caesar and Prince Ernst Augustus II of Hanover is like the Holy Roman Caesar today. The Schwarzenberg family is an Austrian and Bohemian nobility serving the House of Habsburg and they are involved with military, politics, and the Roman Catholic Church. On their coat of arms there is a raven pecking at a decapitated head. Prince Karel Schwarzenberg is the current head of this family and is a member of the Czech parliament and knight of the Habsburg’s Order of the Golden Fleece. Prince Karel supports the idea that denying communist crimes is a criminal offense. That itself sounds a lot like fascism and communism. In fact it was in Austria where families like the Schwarzenberg’s ruled over where the Nazis originated. Adolf Hitler was an Austrian. Gustave Schwarzenegger was an Austrian Nazi and the father of Arnold Schwarzenegger. Arnold Schwarzenegger is an unofficial relative of the Schwarzenberg family and that is why he has been allowed to become a famous and wealthy actor and politician. The Nazis SS used the Skull and Bones symbol. Arnold Schwarzenegger can be seen on the cover up Time Magazine wearing a Skull and Bones belt buckle. Stephen Schwarzman is an American investor worth over 10 billion, is CEO and co-founder of Blackstone Group and a member of Yale’s Skull and Bones secret society. Stephen Schwarzman is also the head of Donald Trump’s economic advisory council. George Soros whose original last name was Schwartz is worth over 25 billion and he is from Budapest Hungary where the Habsburg and Schwarzenberg families governed. George Soros founded the Open Society Institute which is involved in funding radical political groups as a means to destabilize societies while pretending to represent civil liberties. Dieter Schwarz is a German billionaire worth over 20 billion and runs a retail monopoly called Schwarz Gruppe. Bernard Schwartz is a billionaire financier who was CEO of Loral Space & Communications which merged with Orion Network Systems which was ran by Kevin Patrick Power and he was married to Karen Akers the daughter of Prince Heinnick Orth-Pallavicini of the noble Austrian House of Pallavicini. Loral Skynet was a subsidiary of Loral Space & Communications. Skynet
is also the name of an artificial intelligence that takes over the world in the movie Terminator which stars Arnold Schwarzenegger. George Soros (Schwartz) Dieter Schwarz, Bernard Schwartz and Stephen Schwarzman are all Court Factors handling the finances and interests for the House of Schwarzenberg. Arnold Schwarzenegger is really a Prince of the Schwarzenberg family and the Duke of California. The Schwarzenberg family serves the Roman Catholic House of Habsburg as Knights of the Order of the Golden Fleece. The Habsburg family serve the Black Nobility of Italy as Knights of the Order of Malta. Yale and Harvard along with several other prestigious universities are owned by the British Crown. They were authorized by the King of England through Crown Colonies. Yale University was authorized by the English Monarch through the Connecticut Colony. The University of Harvard was authorized by the English Monarch through the Massachusetts Bay Colony. The Crown Colonies were issued from the City of London Corporation which is a sovereign municipal corporate state and one mile square block inside of London where royal and corporate charters are issued from. The Crown Colonies are companies owned by the British Monarchs and other royal families that do business inside of the City of London Corporation. The British royal family uses these universities to recruit their Crown Agents who then serve their interests by infiltrating corporate and government agencies. Many high level members in US military and intelligence come from Yale, Brown, or Harvard. Many powerful politicians were educated at these Crown Universities. They mostly use secret societies or fraternities for recruiting Crown Agents like Skull and Bones, Book and Snake, Porcellian Club, or Phoenix-S K Club. Porter Goss is a member of Book and Snake and was former Director of the CIA. Mark Zuckerberg has been linked with the Phoenix-SK Club. From CNN Anderson Cooper and David Gergen are members of Yale’s Manuscript Club. The British Crown also uses Crown Knights as agents who pledge their allegiance to the House of Windsor and in return are granted power and wealth. All heads of MI6 have been knighted by the House of Windsor. Former CIA Director and US President George Herbert Walker Bush was knighted under the Order of the Bath. Former US Secretary of State and National Security Adviser Henry Kissinger is a Knight of the British Empire. Henry Kissinger is a major developer of their depopulation agenda as the author of the National Security Study Memorandum a report on slowing population growth. Former Chairman of the Federal Reserve Alan Greenspan is a Knight of the British Empire. John Franklyn Mars was knighted by the House of Windsor’s Order of the British Empire and he is worth about 26 billion. The wealthiest man on the planet Bill Gates is a Knight of the British Empire and worth about 89 billion. Bill Gates also openly promotes depopulation and uses his wealth to impose deadly vaccines all around the world. Rudy Giuliani is a Knight of the British Empire. Former Mayor of New York City Michael Bloomberg is a Knight of the British Empire and worth about 50 billion. General Wesley Clark is a Knight of the British Empire. Steven Spielberg is Knight of the British Empire and worth about 3.7 billion.
Ronald Reagan was a Knight of the British Empire. Shimon Peres the former President and Prime Minister of Israel was a Knight of the Order of St Michael and St. George. Knights and Court Factors serve royal courts. Buckingham Palace is a royal court. One aspect of Zionism is corporate monopolization over wealth and industries. All through out history the Christian royal families have used Jewish Court Factors to handle their finances and collect taxes and this keeps the attention off them. The Court Factors are a middle wall of defense for the royalty which are higher level in the control system. The monarchs and princes authorize court factors from their royal courtrooms to carry out their financial interests. The Waldenberg family are a German nobility subservient to the Hohenzollern and Wurttemberg families and formerly under the House of Habsburg who still have covert authority over the Germany royalty today. The Waldenberg family are of Swabia. The names Swabia and Sweden derive from the original Suavi settlers and their name means “ones own” or even “sovereign”. These current rulers of Sweden and Swabia are not real Suavian ancestors. In Sweden there is the extremely wealthy Wallenberg family who are a former branch of the House of Waldenberg. The Wallenberg’s manage many corporations as boards of directors. Together it is believed they manage companies worth hundreds of billions. They are also members of the Bilderberg Group. They have influence over the European Round Table of Industrialists which has leverage over the European Union. The Wallenberg family are Jewish Court Factors serving the House of Bernadotte which has Germanic ancestry. The Walton family own Walmart which uses the six pointed star for its logo. The six pointed star is a symbol for Zionism. The Walton’s collective net worth is estimated around 150 billion and they are also Court Factors serving the House of Windsor and other German nobility. Corporate Zionism is about dominating industries and wealth with the intention of making a large portion of society impoverished. Walmart is an illegal monopoly that is taking away from small businesses. Small businesses cannot fairly compete with corporations which are also protected by laws and regulations issued by the federal government and put forth by corporate lobbyists. They use expensive lawyers who make hidden loopholes in these laws and regulations which only the privileged are aware of. This is why lawyers use their own terminologies. These billionaires also use their large wealth as a pool of money for making illegal transactions. Someone with tens of billions can move around a hundred million and it goes unnoticed and then the money gets refilled by the foreign powers they serve. They use their wealth to fund secret societies and organized crime which are making covert war on the rest of society as a defense for the royal families. The Wallenberg and Walton families use their wealth to fund a Wall of defense. These monopolies should be shut down immediately and these families need to be criminally investigated. Members of these criminal billionaire families include Jacob Wallenberg, Marcus Wallenberg, Peter Wallenberg, Jr, and Jim Walton, Samuel Robson Walton, Alice Walton, and others. They are working with Duke Carl of
Wurttemberg, Duke Friedrich of Wurttemberg, Prince Georg Friedrich of Prussia, Karl Friedrich, Prince of Hohenzollern, as well as the royal members of the Bernadotte, Windsor, and Habsburg families. The Alba-Fitzjames Crime Family The House of Alba de Tormes are a top bloodline in the global crime syndicate. Alba really refers to their true origins in Alban Hills making them relatives of the Colonna family which ruled that region. Dona Maria Alvarez de Toledo of the House of Alba married Diego Colon the son of Christopher Columbus. Christopher Columbus was really a Colonna and that is why the Columbus name often gets translated to Colon. Colonna and Columbus both mean column. The city of Alba de Tormes is located in Salamanca which uses columns on its flag just as the House of Colonna use a column on their coat of arms. The Alban clans likely settled in Salamanca during Pope Alexander III’s reign around 1175 when they built Roman cathedrals. They evolved the name Alba to Alva creating the name Alvarez which is a popular Spanish name. The House of Alba are intermarried with the Scottish House of Stuart and their cadet branch the House of FitzJames. This makes them related to the House of Windsor and House of Spencer through their Scottish lineage and that is why they often use the name Stuart like Don Carlos Fitz-James Stuart. They are related to the Colonna family who have a portion of ownership over the Holy See and the FitzJames-Alba family are Dukes in Spain under the House of Bourbon. All of these connections make them very high level. Fernando Alvarez de Toledo 3rd Duke of Alba was also Governor of Milan and Viceroy of Naples and during his rule he made an agreement with the Pope known as the Treaty of Cavo which returned the town of Cavo, Lazio to the Colonna family after the Della Rovere Pope had seized it from them. The House of Alba de Tormes is covertly serving the Colonna family even as Dukes in Spain. They have a harp on their coat of arms which refers to an authority over HAARP which is used for mind control in society. In ancient times they used harps and poems for subtle mind control over populations. The harps and poems were designed to put people into a trance. The USAF’s HAARP system is named in reference to their ancient harp mind control. Columbia University graduate Deborah Lee James was Secretary of the USAF until the recent Trump Administration and she was an agent of the House of FitzJames and Dukes of Alba. She likely appointed their agents to run their HAARP system which they still have some authority over. Members of the criminal House of FitzJames Alba include Don Carlos Fitz-James Stuart, 19th Duke of Alba and Don Fernando FitzJames Stuart, 15th Duke of Huescar.
Borromeo-Agnelli-Furstenberg Crime Families The House of Borromeo are a Papal bloodline and merchant banking family with deep connections with Milan. They have a diverse coat of arms which includes the serpent eating a child like the Visconti and Sforza families. The Bor-romeo family own most of Alfa Romeo which uses the serpent eating a child as its logo. On their coat or arms they also have the “Black Eagle” for Black Nobility, a “White Horse” for equestrian military, and a camel suggesting an Arab ancestry through the Moorish invasion. They have properties and palaces all throughout Northern Italy and are involved in business and politics to this day. The Borromeo family also own islands in the Piedmont region of Italy. The House of Borromeo is intermarried with various princely families from the former Holy Roman Empire like the House of Hanover and the House of Furstenberg who were involved with the Nazis. Beatrice Borromeo is a reporter who has worked with Newsweek and the Daily Beast and went to the University of Milan just as Milan is connected with the media. She married Pierre Casiraghi of the House of Hanover and House of Grimaldi and he is the major shareholder for a construction company and helicopter company. Donna Lavinia Borromeo is married to John Elkann who is Chairman of Fiat Chrysler Automobiles which includes Alfa Romeo. John Elkann is the grandson of Gianni Agnelli. Alfa Romeo has a serpent eating a child as their logo and the company was founded in Milan. Donna Matilde Borromeo married to Prince Antonius zu Furstenberg. The Furstenberg family are another very powerful bloodline. Prince Egon von Furstenberg marred Clara Agnelli of the Agnelli family which founded Fiat and their son is Prince Alexander von Furstenberg a businessman who is on the Board of Directors for IAC. CITEREFRines1920 Maximilian Egon II, Prince of Furstenberg A close friend and adviser of the Emperor Wilhelm II of Germany,[1] Max of Fürstenberg inherited territorial titles in Prussia, Austria, Hungary, Württemberg and Baden, and by virtue of them had a seat in the House of Lords in each of the five states. Until the First World War he was vice-president of the Prussian House of Lords. His principal residence was at Donaueschingen, near the source of the Danube, where he owned a castle and great deer forests. The Emperor Wilhelm frequently visited him there, and Max invariably accompanied the Emperor on his hunting expeditions and Norwegian trips. As well as his vast ancestral forests, he also owned coal mines, hotels and breweries.[2] Although he was a member of the high Roman Catholic Uradel who had long stood aloof from party politics, after meeting Hitler and Ernst Roehm in November 1933 Max became enthusiastic about Hitler’s leadership, commenting “It was wonderful, to be able to meet such a great man”.[1]
The same year, 1933, he joined the Nazi Party and the SA and in 1938 was appointed to the rank of Standartenführer. He died in 1941, during the Second World War, to be succeeded by his son Karl Egon (born 1891).[3] Gloria Guinness (2) Franz-Egon Maria Meinhard Engelbert Pius Aloysius Kaspar Ferdinand Dietrich, third Graf von Fürstenberg-Herdringen (1896–1975), whom she married on October 4, 1935, in Kensington, London, England;[13] There is a long-standing rumor that Gloria Guinness was employed at some point as a spy and that when she married her fourth husband, she had no valid passport and was legally stateless. This rumor is to a certain degree borne out by her appearance in a series of supposedly nonfiction books written by Aline Griffith, Countess of Romanones, who knew her during World War Two and was a friend, fellow spy (originally on opposite sides, the Countess was still an American citizen during the war, and an employee of the OSS), and sometime adversary of Gloria, who was by this point an almost legendary character, the glamorous “Countess von Fürstenberg” who maintained friendships with important Nazis, including Hermann Göring and even Adolf Hitler himself,[citation needed] and lived in neutral Madrid throughout the latter days of the Second World War as an espionage agent for the Axis.[21] Ravensbrück (pronounced [ʁaːvənsˈbʁʏk]) was a German concentration camp exclusively for women from 1939-1945, located in northern Germany, 90 km (56 mi) north of Berlin at a site near the village of Ravensbrück (part of Fürstenberg/Havel.
The Theodoli Crime Family The Theodoli family are a powerful bloodline of the Black Nobility involved with the Vatican and Papal States. They intermarried with the Roman-German Braschi family creating the Theodoli-Braschi line which appear to represent the Theodoli family today. The Jesuit educated Pope Pius VI or Giovanni Angelo Braschi came from this family. Don Giovanni Angelo Theodoli-Braschi is the head of the family and the Duke of Nemi in Rome. Nemi comes from Lake Nemus and Nemus means wood and has been used to reference Holly wood. The Italian Nobility are the ones really controlling Hollywood. Nemi is also like the word nemesis. The Italian word for nemesis is nemesi. Satan is described as the adversary. The word Theo means god or deity. Doli derives from the Greek and Latin words dolus which means trickery. Theodoli means god of trickery and Nemi refers to adversary. The Theodoli family are currently intermarried with the Torlonia banking family of Rome with Princess Ines Theodoli Torlonia. The Torlonia family posted a threatening poem on their Wikipedia page which states; “The head of everything is God, the Lord
of heaven. After Him comes Prince Torlonia, lord of the earth. Then comes Prince Torlonia’s armed guards. Then comes Prince Torlonia’s armed guards dogs. Then comes nothing at all. Then comes nothing at all. Then comes nothing at all. Then come the peasants. And that’s all.” Theo means god. The Theodoli family use a wheel on their coat of arms. The wheel represents the sun and cycles like repeated patterns. The Black Nobility are ancient Illuminati bloodlines that use the same pattern for control and just adapt it through the generations. The Theodoli family have a residence in London like most of the top families of the Italian Black Nobility. They work closely with the British Crown and British Peerage which do business at the City of London Corporation. They also own palaces in Rome and are still connected to the Vatican. The Theodoli family have another branch that bought the luxury yacht company Magnum Marine Corporation under Prince Filippo Theodoli and it is still owned by the Theodoli family today. Prince Alberto Theodoli of Sambuci was on the board of directors for the Bank of Rome which later merged with the Bank of the Holy Spirit, Capitalia, and finally Unicredit. The Bank of Rome was in contract with banks in Libya and more recently Italy’s central bank put a freeze on Banca UBAE in Rome which was tied in with huge amounts of Libyan assets. This appears to have been a long term plot to extort the Libyan gold owners. Banca d’Italia, Italy’s central bank, has taken provisional control of Italian-Arab Banca UBAE it said in a statement. The central bank is acting in accordance with the UN security council resolution and a regulation adopted by the EU which call for a freeze on Libyan assets after Muammar Qaddafi’s violent backlash on his own people. The move follows Italy’s UniCredit SpA which released a statement on March 11 declaring that it would freeze the rights of Libyan shareholders in compliance with international regulations. Rome-based Banca UBAE which manages payments of Libya’s energy exports, will continue regular activities but will be entrusted to external bodies that will operate under the supervision of the central bank. Libyan Foreign Bank has a 68% stake in Banca UBAE and the Central Bank of Libya (CBL) is also a controlling shareholder. Both banks are under Qaddafi’s control and are reported to be a potential source of funding for his regime Quoted from the article above; “The central bank is acting in accordance with the UN security council resolution and a regulation adopted by the EU” The European Union is based on the Treaty of Rome and the EU was signed in Rome at Capitoline Hill right below a giant statue of Pope Innocent X. Mario Draghi is the President of the European Union’s central bank. Draghi was born in Rome and went to the Jesuit’s Massimiliano Massimo Institute in Rome a university established by the
Massimo family. The name Draghi is a variant of the Italian word drago which means dragon. The Borghese family of Rome have a dragon on their coat of arms and are bankers. The Borghese family established the Bank of the Holy Spirit in 1605 and through several mergers the bank is today connected with Unicredit. Prince Scipione Borghese is a top member of the Borghese family and he is with Princess Barbara Massimo. Mario Draghi is running the European Central Bank for the Borghese and Massimo families of Rome. Italian Libya (Italian: Libia Italiana; Arabic: ليبيا اإليطاليةLībyā al-Īṭālīya) was a unified colony of Italian North Africa (Africa Settentrionale Italiana, or ASI) established in 1934[3] in what is now modern Libya. Italian Libya was formed from the colonies of Cyrenaica and Tripolitania which were taken by Italy from the Ottoman Empire in 1912 after the Italo-Turkish War of 1911 to 1912. Don Alberto Giuseppe Francesco Maria Theodoli , Marquis of Sambuci, Noble of the Marquis of San Vito and Pisoniano, Noble of the Counts of Ciciliano, Patrizio di Forlì, Nobile Romano ( Rome , November 24, 1873 – Rome , June 6, 1955 ) was an engineer , Italian business manager and politician . From 1901 to 1916 he was a member of the Board of Directors of Banco di Roma. Borromeo-Agnelli-Furstenberg Crime Families The House of Borromeo are a Papal bloodline and merchant banking family with deep connections with Milan. They have a diverse coat of arms which includes the serpent eating a child like the Visconti and Sforza families. The Bor-romeo family own most of Alfa Romeo which uses the serpent eating a child as its logo. On their coat or arms they also have the “Black Eagle” for Black Nobility, a “White Horse” for equestrian military, and a camel suggesting an Arab ancestry through the Moorish invasion. They have properties and palaces all throughout Northern Italy and are involved in business and politics to this day. The Borromeo family also own islands in the Piedmont region of Italy. The House of Borromeo is intermarried with various princely families from the former Holy Roman Empire like the House of Hanover and the House of Furstenberg who were involved with the Nazis. Beatrice Borromeo is a reporter who has worked with Newsweek and the Daily Beast and went to the University of Milan just as Milan is connected with the media. She married Pierre Casiraghi of the House of Hanover and House of Grimaldi and he is the major shareholder for a construction company and helicopter company. Donna Lavinia Borromeo is married to John Elkann who is Chairman of Fiat Chrysler Automobiles which includes Alfa Romeo. John Elkann is the grandson of Gianni Agnelli. Alfa Romeo has a serpent eating a child as their logo and the company was founded in Milan. Donna Matilde Borromeo married to Prince Antonius zu Furstenberg. The Furstenberg family are another very powerful bloodline. Prince
Egon von Furstenberg marred Clara Agnelli of the Agnelli family which founded Fiat and their son is Prince Alexander von Furstenberg a businessman who is on the Board of Directors for IAC.CITEREFRines1920 Maximilian Egon II, Prince of Furstenberg A close friend and adviser of the Emperor Wilhelm II of Germany,[1] Max of Fürstenberg inherited territorial titles in Prussia, Austria, Hungary, Württemberg and Baden, and by virtue of them had a seat in the House of Lords in each of the five states. Until the First World War he was vice-president of the Prussian House of Lords. His principal residence was at Donaueschingen, near the source of the Danube, where he owned a castle and great deer forests. The Emperor Wilhelm frequently visited him there, and Max invariably accompanied the Emperor on his hunting expeditions and Norwegian trips. As well as his vast ancestral forests, he also owned coal mines, hotels and breweries.[2] Although he was a member of the high Roman Catholic Uradel who had long stood aloof from party politics, after meeting Hitler and Ernst Roehm in November 1933 Max became enthusiastic about Hitler’s leadership, commenting “It was wonderful, to be able to meet such a great man”.[1] The same year, 1933, he joined the Nazi Party and the SA and in 1938 was appointed to the rank of Standartenführer. He died in 1941, during the Second World War, to be succeeded by his son Karl Egon (born 1891).[3] Gloria Guinness (2) Franz-Egon Maria Meinhard Engelbert Pius Aloysius Kaspar Ferdinand Dietrich, third Graf von Fürstenberg-Herdringen (1896–1975), whom she married on October 4, 1935, in Kensington, London, England;[13] There is a long-standing rumor that Gloria Guinness was employed at some point as a spy and that when she married her fourth husband, she had no valid passport and was legally stateless. This rumor is to a certain degree borne out by her appearance in a series of supposedly nonfiction books written by Aline Griffith, Countess of Romanones, who knew her during World War Two and was a friend, fellow spy (originally on opposite sides, the Countess was still an American citizen during the war, and an employee of the OSS), and sometime adversary of Gloria, who was by this point an almost legendary character, the glamorous “Countess von Fürstenberg” who maintained friendships with important Nazis, including Hermann Göring and even Adolf Hitler himself,[citation needed] and lived in neutral Madrid throughout the latter days of the Second World War as an espionage agent for the Axis. Ravensbrück (pronounced [ʁaːvənsˈbʁʏk]) was a German concentration camp exclusively for women from 1939-1945, located in northern Germany, 90 km (56 mi) north of Berlin at a site near the village of Ravensbrück (part of Fürstenberg/Havel).
The Mars Crime Family The Mars family are worth over 70 billion and are a top Illuminati bloodline in the United States. John Franklyn Mars was knighted by the House of Windsor and serves the British Crown. They add slow acting poisons into their candy as a form of chemical warfare on society also known as alchemy. They oppress humanity so that it is easier to control society. They use their large amount of wealth to conceal illegal transactions used for funding Nazi style persecution carried out by secret societies. The modernized concept of Halloween and Trick-or-treating was established in 1911 the same year that the Mars candy company was established. The Mars family were the Candia family of Venice which ruled the Kingdom of Candia located on the island of Crete during the height of the Venetian Republic. The Venetians were merchants involved with the sugar trade. The Italian word for candy is candito. The ancient mystery schools covertly taught witchcraft and alchemy and these schools have been maintained on the islands of Crete, Malta, and Rhodes to this day. The Candia family were also connected with the House of Savoy. The Mars family still work with the Savoy family today and are involved with Swiss money laundering and making illegal transactions that fund secret societies. Members of the Mars crime family include John Franklyn Mars, Victoria Mars, Jacqueline Mars, and Stephen Badger. The Cult of Mars is a military Sanhedrin ran by the Vatican Nobility from Campus Martius or the Field of Mars in Rome. Mars is known as the “god of war” in Roman mythology and there is a division of the Cult of Mars in Russia known as the Marsovo Polye. Mar-ch is named after Mars. Ares from Greek Mythology is the same as Mars in Roman Mythology. Aries is Ares. The Aries Zodiac begins on March 22 or 3/22 and ends around 4/20. The Skull and Bones secret society at Yale is a branch of the Cult of Mars and uses the number 322 as its symbol. Skull and Bones is a military death cult ran by the Bush family and that is why both George Bush Sr. and George Bush Jr. are members and they caused the Gulf War, Afghanistan War, and Iraq War. During the Aries Zodiac many massacres, explosions, and disasters occurred along with other events especially related to war and destruction. The OK City Bombing, Waco Massacre, Columbine Massacre, NATO bombing of Yugoslavia, Happy Land Fire, Mont Blanc Tunnel Fire, Exxon Valdez oil spill, Deepwater Horizon Explosion, Capitol Hill Massacre in Seattle, Virginia Tech shooting, Boston Bombings, West Fertilizer Company explosion, Sloterdijk Train Collision, 2014 Katanga train derailment, USAir Flight 405 crash, Germanwings Flight 9525 crash, and the Brussels Bombings occurred during or right after the Aries Zodiac. Mars the “Red Planet” symbolizes fire, war, and anger. Holocaust means a wholly burnt offering. The Aryan Nazis worship Ares. Military Auxiliary Radio System or MARS is a communications program developed by the Department of Defense which run drills and had one under the name Gotham Shield on April 24-25 of 2017 right at the end of the Aries Zodiac as preparation for an engineered EMP attack. Amateur Radio Emergency Service or ARES is an organization also involved in emergency communications and was involved in this drill. These two organizations are controlled by the Cult of Mars. The Rothschild’s first bank was called Mayer Amschel Rothschild and Sons which is an acronym for
MARS. Mars is called the Red Planet. The name Rothschild means Red Shield and they shield the Vatican, House of Windsor, and the Cult of Mars. The Rothschild family and other Zio-Nazi clans like the Mars family who are worth over 70 billion practice Kabbalah and use mass media mind control and food and drug chemical warfare as a weapon against humanity to guard the monarchs. David Mayer de Rothschild can be seen wearing the “red string” Kabbalah bracelet which is a symbol for Mars and the red Gevurah. Top members of the Cult of Mars include Prince Stefano Massimo, Prince Carlo Massimo, Prince Harry Windsor, John Franklyn Mars, “Red” Baron David Rene de Rothschild, David Mayer de Rothschild and Evelyn de Rothschild. There is a pattern of Florentine and Venetian bankers and merchants continuing on through out the centuries. Mario Peruzzi (September 8, 1875 – December 10, 1955) was an Italian-born American businessman and manufacturer. He was the co-founder and president of the Planters Peanut Company. Peruzzi was a director of the Miners National Bank of Wilkes-Barre for twenty years prior to his resignation from the board in 1949. Peruzzi was also president of Planters Edible Oil Company and National Peanut Corporation during this time. He was also on the board of Mercy Hospital in Wilkes-Barre for a few years. He was also associated with the Wilkes-Barre-Wyoming Valley Chamber of Commerce, the ItaloAmerican Citizens club and various local Rotary clubs.[2] Peruzzi became president of Planters Nut and Chocolate Company upon the death of Obici in 1947. At this time the company had 2,000 employees and sold $40,000,000 worth a year. The company grew to over 3,000 employees in the 1950s. Peruzzi continued to be its president until his death on December 10, 1955.[2] The Peruzzi were bankers of Florence, among the leading families of the city in the 14th century, before the rise to prominence of the Medici. Their modest antecedents stretched back to the mid 11th century, according to the family’s genealogist Luigi Passerini, but a restructuring of the Peruzzii company in 1300, with an infusion of outside capital, marked the start of a quarter-century of prosperity that brought the family consortium to the forefront of Florentine affairs. The size of the bank should not be understated: by the 1330s, the Peruzzi bank was the second largest in Europe, with fifteen branches from the Middle East to London, all capitalized to the sum of more than 100,000 gold florins and manned by approximately 100 factors.[1]
The Crescenzi Cult of Isis The Crescenzi family is Roman Illuminati bloodline that is still active today. The Crescentii family are an ancient family that use the crescent moon on their coat of arms and were involved with the Papacy early with their Pope Sylvester III. The House of Crescenzi came into Italy during the invasion of the Moors and have a Persian-Egyptian ancestry. The crescent moon is a symbol originating in Sumeria and Persia and is used today on the flags of most Islamic nations. The Crescenzi family run the Wiccan Lunar cult which is also known as the Cult of Isis named for the Egyptian deity originally depicted with a crescent moon on her head. Historians and archeologists have been covering up that Isis was a moon deity. Initiated witches are lunatics that use witchcraft to terrorize people as a form of sadism. Lunacy is a form of extreme psychosis which is induced through satanic rituals and from satanic programming. Luna is a name for the moon. Prince Domenico Serlupi Crescenzi Ottoboni is the head of this family today and he is the Vatican’s top warlock running the Cult of Isis. Prince Demenico holds many titles such as Knight of Great Cross of Justice, Emeritus Councilor of Real Deputies and member of the Italian Commissar for the Holy Military Constantinian Order of St. George, Knight of Honor and devotion of the Order Sovereign Order Of Malta, Bishop of the Great Cross of Justice and Great Conservative of the Holy Military Order of St. Stephen Pope and Martyr, Knight of Great Cross and Vice Grand Chancellor of the Order of Merit under the title of St. Joseph, and Grand Chancellor and Knight of Great Cross ‘Order of the civilian merit of Tuscany. The Vatican and Black Nobility’s military knighthoods oversee many of the secret societies and satanic cults including wiccan cults. Most depictions of witches have them using Latin for their spells. The Vatican uses Latin as an official language and it is members of the Black Nobility and members of the church of Rome that developed modern Wicca and their spells. The Serlupi and Ottobani families merged with the princely family of Crescenzi. The Ottoboni were a Venetian family that produced Pope Alexander VIII or Pietro Vito Ottoboni. The Serlupi family use the wolf on their coat of arms. Lupo means wolf like ser-lupi. The mythology of werewolves have them transforming into wolves on full moons. This mythology is an allegory for how satanic initiates are effected by magnetic shifts during moon phases that effect the blood flow and electro-chemical energies which increase their psychosis. Many witches are involved in making sacrifices on full moons which further increases these psychotic states. The moon phases can effect non initiated people as well making people act a little crazier than normal. This is known as the Lunar effect although this effect is officially denied by scientists. There are Wiccan cults all over the world and in the United States. Wicca lures in young women by promoting Wicca as a religion of nature and covertly initiate members through sacrifices. The Vatican uses knighthoods and other secret societies to oversee these more obscure Wiccan cults. Prince Domenico Serlupi Crescenzi Ottoboni is the head of the Cult of Isis and is a dangerous psychopath.
The Theodoli Crime Family The Theodoli family are a powerful bloodline of the Black Nobility involved with the Vatican and Papal States. They intermarried with the Roman-German Braschi family creating the Theodoli-Braschi line which appear to represent the Theodoli family today. The Jesuit educated Pope Pius VI or Giovanni Angelo Braschi came from this family. Don Giovanni Angelo Theodoli-Braschi is the head of this family and the Duke of Nemi in Rome. Nemi comes from Lake Nemus and Nemus means wood and has been used to reference Holly wood. The Italian Nobility are the ones really controlling Hollywood. Nemi is also like the word nemesis. The Italian word for nemesis is nemesi. Satan is described as the adversary. The word Theo means god or deity. Doli derives from the Greek and Latin words dolus which means trickery. Theodoli means god of trickery and Nemi refers to adversary. The Theodoli family are currently intermarried with the Torlonia banking family of Rome with Princess Ines Theodoli Torlonia. The Torlonia family posted a threatening poem on their Wikipedia page which states; “The head of everything is God, the Lord of heaven. After Him comes Prince Torlonia, lord of the earth. Then comes Prince Torlonia’s armed guards. Then comes Prince Torlonia’s armed guards dogs. Then comes nothing at all. Then comes nothing at all. Then comes nothing at all. Then come the peasants. And that’s all.” Theo means god. The Theodoli family use a wheel on their coat of arms. The wheel represents the sun and cycles like repeated patterns. The Black Nobility are ancient Illuminati bloodlines that use the same pattern for control and just adapt it through the generations. The Theodoli family have a residence in London like most of the top families of the Italian Black Nobility. They work closely with the British Crown and British Peerage which do business at the City of London Corporation. They also own palaces in Rome and are still connected to the Vatican. The Theodoli family have another branch that bought the luxury yacht company Magnum Marine Corporation under Prince Filippo Theodoli and it is still owned by the Theodoli family today. Prince Alberto Theodoli of Sambuci was on the board of directors for the Bank of Rome which later merged with the Bank of the Holy Spirit, Capitalia, and finally Unicredit. The Bank of Rome was in contract with banks in Libya and more recently the Italy’s central bank put a freeze on Banca UBAE in Rome which was tied to huge amounts of Libyan assets. This appears to have been a long term plot to extort the Libyan gold owners.
Corsini Crime Family The Corsini family are a top family of the Black Nobility that originated in Florence. They have connections with the Vatican and palaces in Rome as well as family branches all over the world. They use the heart shaped coat of arms. Cor comes from the Latin word Kord which means heart. The Corsini family are at the heart of the corruption. Pope Clement XII or Lorenzo Corsini came from this family. The Corsini family were also Florentine merchants that did business in London and used this wealth to purchase land and their fiefdoms. The Corsini family put the Cor in Corleone Sicily where a lot of the mafia had originated from. Leone means lion and this is why the commune of Corleone in Palermo uses a lion on its flag. The Massimo family use lions on their coat of arms and the Massimo-Brancaccio family have Sicilian ancestry from the Brancaccio neighborhood in Palermo. Both the Corsini and Massimo families use Leon as a given name. Don Bartolomeo Corsini was Viceroy of Sicily from 1737 to 1747. Al Capone was a relative of the Florentine House of Capponi. The Corsini family also established the name of the island Corsica. Corsica is not far from the coast near Florence. The Florentine nobility have a lot of concealed connections with Corsica. The Bonaparte family secretly originated in Florence and still work closely with the Medici family which also originated in Florence. The Bonaparte’s are part of the “Bon” clan of Florence like the Bonciani, Bonsi, Buondelmonti, and Buonarroti families. The Corsini family are above the Medici family which are then above the Bonaparte family. The Aldobrandini family appear to be the dominant Florentine clan and are intermarried with the House of Bonaparte. The House of Corsini are very high level. There are covert mafias known as the Union Corse in Corsica and France like the Brise de Mer clan. The Corsican Mafia are deeply involved in the drug trade in Europe and France. The Medici family produced two queens of France. Sampiero Corso was born in Corsica and he served the Medici family as their soldier. The Corsini, Medici, and Bonaparte families are the hidden owners of the Union Corse mafia clans. The Corsini family are extremely secretive and clever. They are very quiet and were one of the families behind the Napoleonic wars. The Corsini family used Napoleon Bonaparte to invade Rome to maintain a piece of ownership at the Vatican. Their mafias are also extremely covert and even more so than the Sicilian Mafia. The Corsini family are very secretive and this is how they have been able to stay out of most of the history books. The head of the Corsini family today is Prince Duccio Corsini along with his father Prince Filippo Corsini. It has been reported by the media that Prince Duccio Corsini’s 21 year old son died in a bicycle accident. The Corsini family are very conniving. The Catholic Church openly opposes Freemasonry while the Italian Nobility which own and run the Vatican are the creators of modern Freemasonry. The Black Nobility were using black and white checkerboard on their coat of arms hundreds of years before Freemasonry was officially established. This is a common tactic used by them. It is part of the false opposition just like the Protestant Church. They turned protesting
Roman imperialism and Papal fascism into a religion. The Knights of Columbus and other Vatican knighthoods use the same format, initiations or degrees as Freemasonry does. The top Scottish Rite Freemason is Prince Filippo Rospigliosi who is from a papal bloodline and is an Earl of Scotland.