Arizona Gov Is Granted the Right to Forcibly Vaccinate and Indefintely Confine Indiviudals With Absolutely No Legal Oversight
(We) Are The News
Recently, Arkansas, alleged CV-19 victims, were transported what I would call a FEMA medical martial law facility. This is not an isolated incident. Arizona has granted governor, Doug Ducey, the authority to create, operate and maintain concentration camps. The camps are allegedly for a deadly pathogen from which quarantine is determined to needed. Yet, it is the governor that makes that determination, not a health board nor the State Legislature. This is the create of a medical martial law dictatorship. It follows the HHS guidelines for ESF#8-14. Celeste Solum and myself have done an interview on this precise issue.
Presently in Airzona and I presume in your state, as well, the state can imprison you for “suspected” symptoms and they can forcibly vaccinate force other treatment upon a person or persons. In short, governors are granting themselves the authority to have complete control over your freedom, your body and even your life.
Excerpts from Arizona statue are listed below relative to the topic at hand. My responses to individual parts of this tyranny are listed in the documented in bold print.
Arizona Revised Statutes Title 36. Public Health and Safety § 36-787. Public health authority during state of emergency or state of war emergency
B. In addition to the authority provided in subsection A of this section, during a state of emergency or state of war emergency, the governor, in consultation with the director of the department of health services, may issue orders that:
1. Mandate medical examinations for exposed persons.
2. Ration medicine and vaccines.
3. Provide for transportation of medical support personnel and ill and exposed persons.
4. Provide for procurement of medicines and vaccines.
C. In addition to the authority provided in subsections A and B, during a state of emergency or state of war emergency in which there is an occurrence or the imminent threat of smallpox, plague, viral hemorrhagic fevers or a highly contagious and highly fatal disease with transmission characteristics similar to smallpox, the governor, in consultation with the director of the department of health services, may issue orders that:
1. Mandate treatment or vaccination of persons who are diagnosed with illness resulting from exposure or who are reasonably believed to have been exposed or who may reasonably be expected to be exposed.
You don’t have to be exposed, the Governor’s people only say you might be exposed before being taken to a FEMA medical martial law camp. Further, there is no exception listed for people who may have a pre-existing medical condition that would contraindicate any treatment.
2. Isolate and quarantine persons.
This is precisely what I wrote about in the fall of 2014. This follows under the guidelines of ESF#8. Please look at what I found in 2014 when ebola was the imminent threat.