Well whaddya know! The real
WHITE HATS are finally flexing
their muscles… … …
…and they are you and me and
countless other angry Patriots
who possess much more raw
power than the dark side seems
to understand.
Submitted by An Angry Patriot
SOTN Exclusive
And the real funny thing about this growing army of seriously armed and ammoed up angry Patriots is that the Plandemic perps are directly responsible for filling their ranks. HAHAHA!!!
Because every US service member who was kicked out of the military for not getting jabbed is totally and forever pissed off at you know who.
Of course, when the same dopes even threatened the millions of vets, who rely on the VA Health Care System for everything, with the Covid injection to obtain ALL of their benefits, they really stirred up the hornet’s nest.
Ditto that for law enforcement and first responders across the USA who either quit or were forced to get the Covid shots without their agreement. Man are they pissed off more than ever as they see for themselves the new pandemic of blood clots and turbo cancers, myocarditis and pericarditis, etc. since the unlawful Covid ‘vaccine’ rollout of December of 2020.
Now, listen to one such guy speak about THE PLAN.
Look out, Deep State! Your most seditious criminal conspiracies
against Trump are about to be exposed—BIG TIME!!! (VIDEO)
“Raw People Power”
That raw power comes in two packages.
First, that the American people — the Conservative, Christian, Libertarian & Independent side — is the most heavily armed and ammoed up citizenry in world history.
Secondly, throughout much of the RED flyover country, the rural counties and their sheriffs reign supreme. These county sheriffs ARE the law of the land.
Most folks are completely unaware of the underground Patriot Movement that has been at work ever since Donald Trump first declared his candidacy in June of 2015.
That’s nearly 9 years of planning and prepping that has gone into THE PLAN. Mostly unnoticed
Mind you, the actual Patriot Movement is highly disorganized, totally organic, grassroots-driven, people-powered as well as effectively asymmetric in the execution of all strategies and tactics. Not only that, but we run just like a CIA-coordinated black op—totally compartmentalized and on a strictly need-to-know basis. And as opaque as can be.
KEY POINT: The epic Canada convoy protest that started on January 22, 2022 was actually started by the American Patriot Movement. It was merely a beta test for things to come and it has been successfully duplicated around the world, as it will be used here in the USA in the near future.
Do the FEDS know everything we’re up to every second of the day. Hell yeah!
But those clucks only know what their pervasive AI-managed spying and surveillance regime can pick up on. MEANING: If the comms are not digital, AI doesn’t know about it.
That’s not to say that there are not COINETELPRO infiltrators strategically positioned everywhere. Fuck ’em. If they get found out during the inevitable American Bolshevik Revolution, and they will be, they’re dead.
Oh, and about the often doubted sheriff”s loyalties — even those who are stone-cold Freemasons: There will come a time when those sheriffs will become much more afraid of their majorly livid and infuriated armed constituents than they are of their Deep State handlers and NWO cabal masters.
That’s because, at the end of the day, when chaos and mayhem rule the day during an American Bolshevik Revolution scenario, “all politics is local“. Which means that the globalists will be shit out of luck.
Oh, yeah, the NWO controls the battlefield today alright, but when the shit hits the fan, their many enforcement mechanism will break down in a day and a night.
Bottom Line
So, are you gonna be a White Hat or a Black Hat or somewhere in the middle?
Are you in or out?
Do you count yourself among the true Patriots who are the ONLY hope of saving this Republic, if it can even be saved; or will you grovel before the New World Order globalist cabal as a broken slave to their One World Government?
To be continued —
An Angry Patriot
State of the Nation
May 18, 2024