Did MOSSAD just assassinate the Iranian President as revenge for the unprecedented drone/missile attack on Israel?! Or was he kidnapped?

The search effort for Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi has been extensive, with more than 60 rescue teams engaged. @ NDTV Worold

SOTN Editor’s Note: The real problem here for Tel Aviv is that NO ONE believes them anymore.  In point of fact, it would be hard to find any country within the entire world community of nations that ever believed a single word coming out of the Zionist State of Israel. See: IRANIAN PRESIDENT JUST ASSASSINATED BY ISRAEL???

In other words, even Israel’s allies (are there any left anywhere in the world) don’t trust a single word coming from the utterly barbaric Netanyahu regime.

Not only that, but the hardcore Zionist government has already proven that there’s no war crime, no terrorist act, no crime against humanity, that is too heinous and ruthless to commit.  And, the genocidal maniacs don’t even care that everyone watches their murderous and thieving crime sprees in broad daylight.

So, now we come to the painfully obvious assassination of Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi.

First of all, why did only his chopper go down?

Why did only this one of the 3 helicopters go down—
an Israeli assassination plot?!

Who did not know that Netanyahu’s war cabinet would exact revenge for the “unprecedented drone/missile attack on Israel” in a very stealthy way; and at a certain place and time of their very careful choosing.  MOSSAD is, after all, the world’s expert at creating a perfect set of circumstances which permits them to claim “plausible deniability”.

Israel Assassinated Raisi? Multiple Theories Surround Crash Of Iran President’s Chopper

Which brings us to the most conspicuous evidence of all regarding the FACT that there was foul play involved in this meticulously planned out assassination of the head of state of Israel’s sworn arch-enemy.

Why, pray tell, did it take upwards of 60 rescue and rapid response teams a day to find the downed presidential helicopter?!

The search effort for the Iranian president’s crashed
helicopter utilized 60 rescue teams to locate it.

And, aren’t all aircraft used by heads of state totally wired with GPS and all the latest and greatest technologies that can track the real-time location of the helicopter at every single moment of time?!?!  Where’s the friggin’ black box for heaven’s sake?

KEY POINT: Israel has a well established and brutal reputation for assassinating high-ranking political leaders, government officials and military  officers throughout the Iranian government over the decades.  With the shocking and savage assassination of the truly heroic Major General Qasem Soleimani in January of 202o, Israel proved that there was no Iranian leader they would not murder in cold blood. See: Israel has always assassinated Iranian leaders at will

State of the Nation
May 20, 2024

N.B. Then there is always the possibility: Was the Iranian president kidnapped by MOSSAD and secreted across the border into Azerbaijan?

Was Israeli Intelligence Behind Assassination Of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi


Due to the long-standing hostility between Iran and Israel, some Iranians are speculating if Israeli intelligence was behind the assassination of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, but an Israeli official has denied that claim, and experts believe the hypothesis of Israeli involvement to be improbable.

Was Israeli Intelligence Behind Assassination Of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi 1

Israel denied any role on Monday in the death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, who was killed along with many members of his entourage in a helicopter crash.

“It wasn’t us,” an official who wished to remain anonymous was cited by news agency Reuters.

At the age of sixty-three, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, who was well-known for his strict policies and strong relationship with the nation’s top leader, departed from this life. Raisi was involved in the 1988 mass killings of thousands of people. He then led Iran’s pursuit of uranium enrichment to levels close to weapons-grade and launched a massive drone and missile offensive against Israel.

Raisi unexpectedly died on Sunday in a helicopter crash in northwest Iran, along with the country’s foreign minister and other officials.

Regarding the circumstances surrounding Raisi’s helicopter crash, concerns and conjecture have been raised. Iran is facing a period of uncertainty with the death of its president, which could have far-reaching effects throughout the Middle East.

President Raisi’s passing is probably going to have a big impact on the area in addition to starting a high-stakes power struggle inside Iran. The abrupt withdrawal of a significant political figure like Raisi might upset the delicate balance of power within Iran and internationally in the context of rising tensions and conflicts.

Although poor weather, including rain and fog, which made visibility during the flight difficult, is the official explanation for the tragedy, rumors of foul play have surfaced. Questions have been raised over the possible involvement of local enemies or even external entities like Israel given Raisi’s contentious tenure and the issues Iran faces on the inside as well as the outside.

Israel’s possible involvement?

According to an article in the Economist, some Iranians have surmised that Israel may be responsible for the crash given the long-standing hostility between Iran and Israel. This argument gains momentum in light of recent escalations, such as the Iranian general’s assassination by Israel in Damascus and the accompanying missile bombardment from Iran. Although it has never targeted a head of state, Israel’s intelligence service, Mossad, is well-known for its operations against Iranian interests.

Nonetheless, experts believe the hypothesis of Israeli involvement to be improbable. A direct act of war, assassinating a sitting president would probably provoke a harsh reaction from Iran. Historically, Israel has placed more of a strategic emphasis on military and nuclear objectives than on high-profile political killings. “There are good grounds to question Israel’s participation. The Economist study stated, “It has never gone so far as to assassinate a head of state, an unambiguous act of war that would invite a fierce Iranian response.”

But the timing of the helicopter crash makes tensions in the area worse. The geopolitical environment is complicated by Iran’s network of proxies in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Yemen, especially in light of the current confrontation between Israel and Hamas. Any unrest among Iran’s elite could give these factions more confidence and possibly spark larger hostilities.

Recently, GreatGameIndia reported everything you need to know about the helicopter crash, as Reuters, as well as Iranian media, have confirmed that a senior official informed them that Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, who was involved in the crash, has passed away.


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