“It’s not the end of the world, it’s the end of their world … and they know it.”

Both the STARGATE PROJECTS & PROJECT LOOKING GLASS told them over and over that TPTB will be unable to stop the unparalleled disclosure of lies after 2012.

SOTN Editor’s Note: This Alt Media platform has operated from its inception on the premise that the Internet was the single biggest mundane game-changer in world history.  There’s not even a close second on the purely mundane level, although there are plenty of bigger spiritual change agents.

But why?

Because it allowed a little WordPress blog like State of the Nation to start each and every day releasing a thousand flaming arrows into the Deep State castle—THAT’S WHY!!!

Similarly, there are now tens of thousands of websites doing the exact same thing, some of those much larger platforms inflicting a LOT more damage daily on the once hidden Global Power Structure than SOTN.  Here are just 8 examples:









But what’s of paramount importance to understand here is that every truth-seeker on the planet is potentially a real investigative journalist or conspiracy realist researcher or truth video producer or Twitter truth tweeter or Facebook falsehood exposer or Instagram fact-checker or TikTok truth disseminator or No BS Blogger or Patriot website builder or Fact-reporting YouTuber / Rumbler / Bitchuter etc…………..

What this really means is that the truth is out there and the
truth shall set US free, as it’s slowly doing right now in
the midst of the Second American Revolution.

In other words, the dark side is now having to deal with so much raw and radioactive truth-telling, truth-writing, truth-speaking that they are overwhelmed by it all.  And even their most advanced AI monitors and AS terminators cannot keep up with it all.  How can they when the tyrannical technocracy itself put a smartphone in everyone’s hand making them an instant reporter of news—REAL NEWS, not fake?! See: THE MULTI-MEDIA MOTHERSHIP LAUNCHES

Given this extraordinary reversal of fortune for the controllers of planet Earth, we now have a situation where:

BIG MOTHER is watching Big Brother!” 


The Fifth Estate Is Casting Its Shadow
Like a Massive Mothership

For anyone who doubts that this slow-motion turning of the tables has been taking place since the advent of the Information Age, watch this very telling video which shows just how scared the power elite really is in 2024.

WATCH! Primo presstitutes within the CIA’s Mockingbird Media regretfully admit the whole news game has changed
to their great disadvantage.

State of the Nation
July 7, 2024

N.B. The following video presentation is as revealing as it gets, and it comes from a deep insider who possesses highly privileged information/data.  For those who are unaware of the Stargate Projects and Project Looking Glass … or Blank Slate Technology and Autonomous Superintelligence … or the Advanced Contact Intelligence Organization and The Labyrinth Group, just know that these are some of the most secret and highly classified government enterprises ever.  Just be sure to listen to every word this truth-speaker is uttering … and the sheer enormity and gravity of these revelations will become readily apparent.

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