The Most Melodramatic Kabuki Theater and Staged Super Psyop in U.S. Political History—But WHY?
Submitted by The Armchair Political Analyst
SOTN Exclusive
Isn’t that exactly what the American body politic has been witnessing for the past three and a half years?
The primary reason why POTUS imposter Joe Biden was criminally installed in the White House was to turn the United State of America into the laughingstock of the world. And so it has become.
And now for the Grand Finale of the greatest clusterf*ck and biggest dumpster fire in modern history.
We have a certified Parkinson’s patient with Dementia occupying the Oval Office, against the wishes of even many of the chief Democrat operatives, and he really won’t leave without a fight. Absolutely hysterical—YES?!?!
Top Neurosurgeon:
‘Biden Definitely Has
Parkinson’s Disease Dementia’
But this is how the Higher Power is both exposing and destroying the Democrat Party in real time … during prime time … and in glowing color. You really gotta luv it!
There’s only one earthly power that is bringing about
the real-time destruction of the Democrat Party.
Clearly, the heavens are not at all happy with the way that the Democrats have relentlessly done things, which are tantamount to MOCKING GOD.
They don’t get to mock GOD so flagrantly without consequence. No one does!
No one ever mocks GOD, the way the communist-run Democrat Party has ever since Manchurian Candidate Barack Hussein Obama first took over the Executive Branch, without receiving their comeuppance.
Well, the unrivaled cultural marxist clusterf*ck known as Joe Biden & Company is their “comeuppance”. For he has just exposed the entire DNC leadership as bald-faced liars, treacherous elder abusers, perfidious politicos of the highest order, treasonous thieves and murderous traitors, as well as incorrigible election thieves and ballot fraudsters………
Here we have a guy, who shouldn’t even be out of his memory care unit to grab an ice cream cone, meeting with the top level of NATO leadership at the 2024 Washington Summit from Tues., Jul 9, 2024 thru Thurs., Jul 11, 2024. HOLY SHIT!!! That’s tomorrow and the guy cannot even avoid peeing his pants or pooping on his chair.
All because the demonically-driven Democrat Party decided long ago that they would drive GOD completely out of American society and replace the divine with the satanic.
Of course their real NWO goal is the complete collapse of the American Republic, and with the stealthily seditious Biden, they have nearly succeeded.
Here’s how America is secretly being
destroyed from within
However, it really took both all the Democrats working covertly with the many duplicitous RINOs to pull this off the way they have IN BROAD EFFIN DAYLIGHT.
Pull off WHAT?
Pull off this:
Biden Administration Guilty of Treason, DHS Secretary Mayorkas
Leads Traitorous Plot To Perpetrate Illegal Alien Invasion
Of America, Entire Uniparty Complicit
So, to be clear, first the Democrat Party will be totally destroyed—forever!
Then the Republican Party will eventually be demolished, as it should be, for its clandestine collusion with the Democrat traitors.
Next up is the American Republic itself.
Now this particular nation-state entity can go either way right now.
It can go up … … … or it can go down.
This nation can rebuild a Second American Republic by self-immolating in its funeral pyre and rising from its own ashes as the PHOENIX does at regular intervals, or it can morph into the USSA, much as the Soviet Union did … and then balkanize as Yugoslavia did.
If these once United States of America under GOD gets right with GOD, it can ascend once again.
If it continues its satanic trajectory into hell, it will first implode and then explode into who the f*ck knows what.
Back to: “The Most Melodramatic Kabuki Theater and Staged Super Psyop in U.S. Political History”.
To be continued on Monday, July 8, 2024 —
The Armchair Political Analyst
State of the Nation
July 8, 2024