Posted by KPW
In the same spirit as Lara Trump, who states confidently that ‘we all knew who won the 2020 election’, I can safely say that we all know the Trump ‘assassination attempt’ was nothing but a false flag operation, designed by shadowy figures within or allied to the MAGA movement, to ensure that the 2024 election will be a lock for their frontman.
Already, barely hours since the shooting, the interwebs are alive with claims from MAGA activists asserting that the failed assassin MUST be an evil, crazed, Leftist, Antifa, transsexual, etc, etc, operative. Which of course they would say. Which of course is the whole point.
Right here on these boards, we even have Trump supporters trying to cast doubt on the official investigation by the FBI before it has properly begun. Why? What are they afraid the professionals will uncover?
What must really have happened is really, really obvious. Some crazed, maladjusted, gun-addicted lunatic yearning for an end more spectacular than the traditional suicide-by-cop was recruited by secret operatives on someone’s Team Red to crawl up on to a roof and shoot a few people in the crowd. If someone died, so much the better. Meanwhile, Trump just clapped his hand to his ear, bursting the sachet of fake blood hidden behind it, and staggered about a bit while the Secret Service agents did their duty blew the shooter to bits. Dead men tell no tales, eh?
It wasn’t a very good piece of acting, but in the heat of the moment, who would notice?
Neat work by some very nasty people. The totalitarian future of the United States is now assured. Heil Donald!