Here, this is the top secret plan behind “MOSHIACH” Donald J. Trump

SOTN Editor’s Note: First, before folks watch the video presentation posted below, the following reality check is a MUST READ:

Political Bipolar Complex (PBC) is a very serious mental disease which very few know about, and even fewer know that they have it.

Let’s take Israel as an example where PBC is so serious it eventually evolves into Political Bipolar Syndrome the physical disease associated with a highly developed case of the mental/emotional one.

In point of fact, the arch-conservatives in Israel are the most conservative on the planet, and always have been.

The ultra-liberals in Israel are the most liberal on Earth, and always have been by highly purposeful design.

KEY POINT: What really distinguishes both the Israeli arch-conservative zealots and ultra-liberal fanatics from other nations is that they have absolutely no compunction about blowing up the whole world to achieve their exceedingly nefarious religious goals and odious mundane objectives. See: MIDEAST BOMBSHELL! Israel finally did the unthinkable with this sacreligious intrusion

These two political polarities were purposefully set up in this extreme fashion to function as the model for all other countries throughout the entire world community of nations during the post-modern age.

So, in the Zionist State of Israel, we have these two diametrically opposed political factions which truly detest each other, but who are still bound together because of the patently manufactured existential threats they are facing.

The perennial crisis actors who populate the Israeli government are all selected because of their consummate acting abilities to convince the citizenry that every Israeli is always in extreme danger and, therefore, in dire need of the protection from the Israeli government.

Hence, we all saw the 10/7 false flag terrorist operation clumsily staged by the MOSSAD and IDF at the direction of Netanyahu’s Nazi regime.  How do you say: Problem~Reaction~Solution.

Now let’s be clear: the arch-conservatives—EVERYWHERE— always morph into full-blown fascists, as Netanyahu’s the Likud Party has done … just as the ultraliberals always transform into hardcore communists as the Democrat Party has done in the USA.

Because the United States and Israel are joined at the hip, they both suffer from extremely exaggerated forms of the very same type of Political Bipolar Syndrome, but with Israel always taking the lead.

One need look no further than the U.S. Congress to really understand just how the ZOG political dynamic really works in this regard.

For example, in the House of Representatives we see the likes of primo communists and cultural marxists Debbie Wasserman SchultzJamie RaskinDan GoldmanJared Moskowitz and Jerrold Nadler.  These are only 5 of the hard left-leaning Zionists who are by far the most dangerous traitors to the American Republic in Congress today.

Then there are the Leftie Zionists in the U.S. Senate such as Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) and Benjamin Cardin (D-MD), each of whom is as dangerous in their own unique way as their House counterparts.  But, remember, these guys are liberal Zionists, not conservative.

Notice, one day Schumer is calling for Israel to hold new elections to oust Netanyahu; and then the very next day he completely capitulates as though he never uttered such a radically interfering statement in the foreign affairs of that Zionist state.

What’s the critical point here?

It’s all a game … a BIG act … nothing but Kabuki theater—24/7—in both Washington, D.C. and Tel Aviv.

And this act (read: psyop) is really having its intended effect where it concerns the college campus protests now raging across America.

On the one hand we have PM Netanyahu doing as follows: Netanyahu Calls for Crackdown on Pro-Palestine Protesters in the US.

Then, on the other hand, we see George Soros doing this: George Soros Paying Student Agitators To Whip Up Anti-Israel Protests.

Need we say more, or is it now clear how this games really works.  We’re all being played, and will be until a critical mass of collective awareness is reached that is hip to this Khazarian CON.
(Source: The Most Powerful & Perpetual Political Psyop In World History)

With this critical understanding, imagine how the quite pervasive and profound Political Bipolar Complex, when mixed with highly scripted Judaic End-Time prophecy, greatly intensifies the extremely incestuous and self-destructive relationship between the Zionist State of Israel and the ZOG-directed United States of America.

Now imagine how POTUS candidate Donald J. Trump, fits into this long-planned and meticulously designed GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH.  As follows:

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