…and yet very few in officialdom are talking about
a terrorist attack that could only have been carried
out by the U.S. Intelligence Community in collusion
with Freemasonry-controlled local law enforcement.
SOTN Editor’s Note: Virtually every false flag shooting hoax in the USA, whether real or fake, is carried out in such a way so that reality is carefully blended with fakery. In this fashion, the perps make whole black operation (and psyop) extremely difficult to accurately analyze and successfully investigate.
For one thing, by using this method of highly purposeful obfuscation, the planners pit truth seeker against truth seeker and researcher against researcher so that meaningful collaboration becomes more difficult because of all the conflicting opinions. Very few folks have the detachment and objectivity to understand that these meticulously engineered events are specifically designed to divide and conquer the American body politic all day long. Which is exactly what the “TRUMP FALSE FLAG ‘ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT’ HOAX” will do for months to come.
The crucial point here is that just because there are certain elements of this terrorist attack which are evidently true such as verified dead victims, that doesn’t mean that the whole thing is not a ridiculous hoax. Conversely, just because there are aspects which have been obviously contrived and faked, that doesn’t cancel out the authentic events that took place.
People need to really think outside the box on this one and understand that reality and fakery in the same black operation should not, in any way, be viewed as mutually exclusive. What better way to confuse and thwart the entire process of investigation than to include so many apparently contradictory elements in this highly complex crime and convoluted cover-up. We’re talking about an extremely complicated conspiratorial plot carried out by the entire U.S. Intelligence Community under the direction of MOSSAD and with the full support of MI6. Otherwise, how could the op even have been executed IN BROAD DAYLIGHT?!?!
At the end of the day, many on the Right may even may be surprised to find out that Donald Trump is the “Jussie Smollett” of 2024.
State of the Nation
July 16, 2024
Recommended Reading & Viewing
Secret Service Sniper Told To Stand Down While Shooter Targeted Trump . . .
Trump Assassination Attempt Was Allowed To Happen! Geospatial Forensic Review (Must View Video)
THE TOTALLY “FAKE TRUMP SHOT”: Here’s the evidence in plain sight
Oh, and by the way, “There Is No Bullet Hole…No Flesh-Tearing Wound”…..
SECRET SERVICE COMPLICITY! What a ridiculous joke! Talk about the “Theater of the Absurd”!
SECOND SHOOTER? You betcha! (Maybe even a third)
3 Eyewitnesses to a SECOND Shooter in the Water Tower Have Emerged AND POSSIBLY A THIRD…..
TRUMP ASSASSIN PSYOP — Brought to you by BlackRock
The ONLY remaining question is whether Trump knows.