Comment posted by Anonymouse
We now live in the last phase of the Fourth Turning, in an age of moral equivalence where lies, depravity and greed have replaced any semblance of truth, honor or human decency, and I think any SOTN articles perfectly illustrates this fact. Today’s Democrats are the deluded useful tools of a dying Communist ethos. The Republicans are the deluded useful tools of a a rising Fascist ethos. The Patriots, stuck in the middle, are the last remaining group of “freemen” who remember that freedom is God given and is to be protected at all costs.
I can believe Trump is compromised by the Khazarian bankers plot, his will to survive and his love of money and power seem obvious. The Faustian question is whether we, the chattel, are better able to survive under a societal tyranny run by the White-hating, incompetent and criminally insane social engineers of the Democrat persuasion or an Orwellian oligarchy of fanatical, power-obsessed slave masters using a Babylonian banking system as a weapon protected by the Republican cabalist system. One way leads to slavery as much as the next.
As I see it, we face two choices: sit and watch our world be destroyed by the organized and financed forces of Civil War … or unite as one people and present the Oligarchy with the unintended consequence of a Revolution as we fight for the original principals we were granted via the American Constitution. Historically, great societies die in wars or revolutions against the tyranny of a monarchy; however, Republics and Democracies all have flaws that eventually create the same frictions that can lead to an Orwellian dystopia. History is littered with the corpses of societies killed in war, the American Revolution, French Revolution and the Russian Civil War were all conceived and executed by the same entity…the Satanic banking cabal.
Historically, all such actions have been orchestrated and financed by the international banking houses infested by the Jews who plot for their own benefit by destroying the framework of society so as to rebuild to their advantage. If the choice is between Civil War and Revolution…I say let it be a Revolution where like-minded people join to defeat the Babylon beast of Totalitarianism we sense rising in our nation. Once again, the Zionists will use society’s rabble, their various Antifa-type political movements, as the tip of the spear to free their shock troops, the Third World newcomers and Third World Muslims, to murder, rape and pillage descent society folks until they utterly destroy their host nation. Americans know where the line in the sand is; but the real question is will they stand in the gap and fight.
Second Comment posted by Anonymouse
Personally, I view the Old Testament as the whitewashed Jewish history of their corruption and slavery. The Jewish bloodlust represented by their worship, tribute and sacrifice to an evil entity professing to be God is damning. The Jews were divinely punished for their actions and rewrote Old Testament history fabricating a narrative suitable to their supremacist viewpoints and beliefs while obscuring their evil origins and practices.
The Jewish traditions are just a ruse of self promotion to obscure their crimes and promote a belief in their superiority as the pinnacle of God’s creation allowing them to subjugate and destroy all those who they look down on as goyim.
The New Testament is a redemption of the early prophets and forgiveness of all repentant humanity if they become professing Christians. Jesus rightly portrayed the Sanhedrin as the hierarchical Synagogue of Satan, a tradition that Rabbi’s continue to manifest to this day…they will still advocate and prosecute the killing of anyone that threatens their reign.