This is basically how TPTB funded and financed so many wars, waves of terrorism and other genocidal crime sprees over the course of the 20th century.
SOTN Editor’s Note: The following exposé is by far the single most important ever posted by the Alt Media platform. It connects the dots in a way that no other deep-dive analysis has ever done on the total takeover of the American Republic with the Federal Reserve Act oof 1913. Be sure to scroll down after the section titled “Borscht Belt Hotels and Bungalows (in downstate New York)” to read the most weighty revelations of this monumental disquisition.
The JOKE is on US…but not all of US.
The explosion of Catskill Mountain summer resorts in the Borscht Belt (aka Jewish Alps) occurred right after the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 for obvious reasons, yes?!
Submitted by Revisionist Historians for World Peace
SOTN Exclusive

The Borscht Belt in the Catskill Mountains of New York State was spread aross Sullivan, Ulster and Orange counties.
SOTN Editor’s Note: What follows is an exhaustive list of Borscht Belt hotels, motels, bungalow colonies, cottage communities and summer camps located in the Catskill Mountains of New York State, from approximately 1910 through the 1970s. For over seven decades, these summer vacation spots and retreat sites where visited predominantly by the greater New York City area Jewish population. Is there any other nationality or religious group or race or cultural association who ever built hundreds upon hundreds of vacation destinations in one place for their exclusive use during a period of American history when only the turn-of-the-century robber barons enjoyed such wealth, luxuries and privileges? Middle class Americans only started taking vacations like this in the mid 1960s, but even those corporate employees rarely got more than two weeks off a year.
*Be sure to continue reading this VERY long list of
“Borscht Belt Hotels and Bungalows” at the following link:
KEY POINT: The Ukraine is the ancestral home of the Khazarian Mafia which is why things have blown up there this year. They are using NATO (aka the North Atlantic Terrorist Organization) as well as the ZOG* of the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Ukraine and others to start World War III, their greatest and most needed war of all time. (Is it any wonder that the Zionist oligarch-installed Ukraine President — Volodymyr Zelenskyy — was a famous Jewish comedian?!) Given the free-fall collapse of their Global Economic & Financial System, they need both cover and chaos. They will blame the collapse on Russia, and will use the resulting chaos to employ their Ordo ab Chao strategy to expeditiously roll out the New World Order by implementing the long-planned Great Reset before their final Great Taking.
*ZOG = Zionist Occupied Government
But, still, what’s the real joke here?
These NWO clowns and comedians first established — ILLEGALLY — a fake Federal Reserve bank that issued Federal Reserve Notes which are not federal and have no reserves to back them up; in fact, “Notes” are well-known debt instruments. Then, they printed those Federal Reserve Notes like there’s no tomorrow knowing that when We the People found out about their nefarious plot, the perps would be hung from every lamp post in the land.
So, to keep all the lower-level Khazarian perps quiet, they received an abundance of financial rewards and economic benefits provided by this immense international crime syndicate. For instance, they had a special 3-county vacation land (i.e. Borscht Belt) created where they could play and enjoy high-paid comedians making fun of US, the American taxpayers. In other words, they used U.S. taxpayer money to build their playgrounds and pay the comics to make jokes about the American people who were totally clueless. All of these stolen funds and misappropriated monies are then added to the bill owed by every US citizen known as the National Debt.
Finally, once a critical mass of Americans started to wake up to the whole genocidal scam, the perps successfully pulled off THE GREAT SCAMDEMIC, as they continue to do up to this very day—WOW! Just WOW ! ! ! The [VERY BAD] “Joke of the Millennium” indeed!
There can be only one conclusion drawn from the extraordinary picture depicted by this “Borscht Belt” analysis, which has never been so well illustrated before.
The Ashkenazi banksters, Zionist warmongers, Khazarian mafia, as well as their countless Jewish sayanim minions domiciled in the greater New York City area since the founding of Wall Street in the 1600s, were greatly enriched by the illicitly passed Federal Reserve Act of 1913. Talk about thicker than thieves!!!
Because this well concealed conspiratorial criminal network was directly responsible for starting World War I and World War II, engineering the Great Depression, and provoking the Korean War and Vietnam War (and every war thereafter), they made untold trillions of dollars from war profiteering. They also profited handsomely from all of the various business enterprises that are peripheral to war-making. For example, the loan-sharking that always goes on between predatory banking institutions and needy nations under attack is particularly lucrative.
It could even be posited that no other tribe in human history experienced such a dramatic increase in wealth so quickly as did American Jewry. And, if there’s any doubt about this self-evident fact of U.S. history, just take a closer look at the preceding list of opulent vacation spots in the Borscht Belt during a time when folks very infrequently took time off, and certainly not for a whole summer.
By the way, did the Catholic Italian-American community, which settled in great numbers all over New York State, and especially throughout New York City, have even a single resort/bungalow colony/hotel dedicated to their ilk?! When compared to the countless Jewish resorts available throughout Downstate New York during the 20th century, there simply is no other example of this phenomenon—ANYWHERE, EVER! Just take a good look at how long the preceding list is!!! Which leads US to this one very serious and sobering conclusion—“The JOKE is on US…but not all of US”.
DISCLAIMER: Just like all Italians are obviously not members of the Cosa Nostra, most Jews are not a party to this multi-century crime spree against humanity. However, many good Jews unwittingly support it with their money and resources, time and energy, which is why they need to read this piece in the worst way. Then there are those many good Jews who rage against the BEAST system. Case in point: Ukrainian-born, Orthodox Jew Dr. Vladimir (Zev) Zelenko, MD has been remarkably outspoken in his many valiant attempts to expose the genocidal Covid Plandemic as well as the hidden Global Control Matrix behind it. Zev was truly a glowing example of a Chabad follower who seems to have left the Zionist reservation for good. We need more like him.
Revisionist Historians for World Peace
State of the Nation
Updated August 21, 2024
SOTN Ed. Note: This very same NWO global crime syndicate was also behind the 1918 Spanish Pandemic which was a warm-up for the 2020 Covid Plandemic, and we all know how revenue generating that has been thus far. Big Pharma and Big Medicine have only just begun to profit from this “manmade Covid pandemic designed to generate maximum profit and exercise complete control”.