N. B.: These are some notes for a potential future article I wish to share prior
to completion. It is meant as a “speculative musing” designed for feedback and
discussion rather than as a definitive statement.
Hayden, Idaho
September 3, 2024
Ufology Update: Ezekiel 1:4, The Collins Elite and Jewish Mysticism
by Rich Scheck
Despite gushing reviews by the likes of Dolan, Coulthard and Zabel, the new book by
Lue Elizondo, Imminent, does not resolve the issue of whether it is a limited hang-out,
i. e. a highly sophisticated psy-op along the lines of a Ramirez “scheduled dissemination!”
There is a fierce competition among various religious factions as well as the MIC, wealthy
investors (Bigelow, Mellon) and those espousing transhumanism for which narrative will
emerge to best explain the UFO phenomenon.
In this fight for the future, other than Ella Lebain, the role of Jewish mysticism has received little attention among modern Ufologists . This is where Ezekiel 1:4 becomes highly relevant in the context of the wars in Gaza and Ukraine as well as UFO Disclosure.
The intense distaste among certain Orthodox Jewish groups for that section of the bible
and its associations with the Palestinians arguably means they include ETs as equally
undesirable entities. (see the elaborate discussion of this by Bjerkenes here:
Elizondo mentions the impact of the Collins Elite in obstructing the efforts of ATTIP at Disclosure but limits them to Christian fundamentalists.
Missing is the possible role of Jewish mysticism in also blocking Disclosure as implied by
Bjerkenes in the above video.
Where this gets potentially even more meaningful is whether or not Lue himself is Jewish.
I was told 2 years ago that he is by a member of The Debrief team at a UFO Conference
in Phoenix.
It had little meaning for me at the time but have since considered it possibly relevant now
that the focus of resistance has shifted back to the religious factor.
Dolan does not consider whether this is important or even a distraction from the role of
the CIA/MIC in the continuing coverup. Nor does he reflect on the possible role of the
Mellon family in protecting its investment in traditional energy sources that may explain
the resistance to Disclosure. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uazfN6CqUeQ
(Consider Tim Mellon’s role in the 2024 presidential election via Trump and RFK, Jr.)
In his interviews with both Coulthard and Joe Rogan, Lue said he had “regrets” which
implies he was possibly being blackmailed or manipulated. By whom?
Dark Journalist Liszt has alleged that Chris Mellon is controlling Grusch….and Lue!
But if Lue is a Jew, perhaps he is being influenced to do the bidding of his religious
superiors in the same way Bibi is clearly under the sway of Rebbe Schneerson.
And we know from Uri Geller, Avi Loeb, Ella LeBain and others that the Haim Eshed
revelations about the Galactic Federation carry weight among some researchers with
little clarity as to how much this relates to Judaism as distinct from science.
Again with so much of today’s turmoil tied to classical notions of Armaggedon and
biblical prophecy, this issue needs a deeper evaluation than what has been given
to date especially to the extent Jewish mysticism is involved.
See also: Charles Upton’s work on the jinn; Preston James work on KM/Dragos; the
role of Roy Cohn and UFOs (Farrell); Sagan/Contact; Jung; FREE (Mitchell); the work
on Exoconsciousness by Rebecca Hardcastle Wright; Dune (“it’s the prophecies that
enslave us!”); and Scheck’s Cosmic Reset: https://stateofthenation.co/?p=178654