Commie Kamala Chameleon

Jerry Barrett is pleased to welcome investigative reporter Patrick J. McShay to the program. Over fifty million people tuned into Kamala Harris’s and Donald Trump’s recent debate. Members of the controlled media attempted to provide subterfuge for Harris by “fact-checking” everything Trump claimed. Sadly, the liberal press failed to verify the validity of any of Kamala Harris’ statements, & a whistleblower has since come forward to say that Harris was given the questions before the debate. This lively discussion covers many of the outright lies spewed by Harris and reports facts that few will know in this week’s explosive program, Commie Kamala Chameleon.

Click this link –

If you’d like to support my work, any contribution no matter how small would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Pat.


*Recent Articles By Patrick J. McShay

*Was Trump’s Assassination an Inside Job?

*The FBI, School Shootings, and False Flag Terror

Biden’s Four-Pronged Attack On America: Domestic, Economic, Foreign Policy, And Corruption

*Global Warming And Other Government Lies

*911: The Official Narrative Is Dying

Patrick J. McShay is a writer, researcher, and activist whose articles have appeared on over 200 news sites worldwide. Mr. McShay is a retired mortgage broker and uncredentialed historian specializing in real history and uncomfortable truths. He has appeared on the Power Of Prophecy Podcast with Jerry Barrett, the Chuck Baldwin Show, the Jeff Rense Show, the Raw Deal with Jim Fetzer, TNT Radio with Joe Olson, and the SGT Report. His articles have been translated into over a dozen languages including French, German, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Polish, Italian, Japanese, Russian, and Dutch.

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