HEADS UP, Patriots! The perfidious Uniparty perps have
these BIG 3 to roll out anytime they want to cover up the
ongoing Harris scheme to steal the election. The worse
that Harris is polling, the more dangerous it’ll become
between now and Election Day, and right up until
Inauguration Day.

But why?

Because the Uniparty (along with Deep State and U.S. Intelligence Community and U.S. Armed Forces and Mainstream Media and Woke Corporate America, etc.) will do whatever it takes to install Commie Kamala Harris into the Oval Office—THAT’S WHY!!!

The Democrat Party knows that it cannot lose this election cycle and are, therefore, hellbent on stealing the POTUS, Senate and House by any and every means necessary.

What that really means is that the shit is about to hit the fan because Harris is getting  killed in the polls.  And all of the recent highly publicized VIP endorsements (e.g. Taylor Swift, Martha Stewart, etc.) after her disastrous debate reflect that stark reality.

And, the more that younger voters find out about the future that Team Harris has planned for them, the more her poll numbers will drop like a rock.

All of which means that the BIG 3 can be rolled out at anytime by the NWO globalist cabal.  What we’re really talking about is three of the most consequential “October Surprises” in U.S. history.  Here they are in no particular order:




As for what the NWO globalist cabal is planning for after the election, they now have only one option in light of the massive and unparalleled amount of truth-telling on the Internet.  Because when flagrant fraud is the main governing tool and everyone is hip to it, it’s no longer effective and becomes extremely counterproductive for the tyrants; and then the citizenry is apt to light their torches and grab their pitchforks.

What this really means for the American Republic is that the Uniparty tyrants and their well-concealed masters (we all know who they are) will soon press the button on their long planned American Bolshevik Revolution.

American Bolshevik Revolution
Approaching Most Dangerous Kinetic Phase


What is quite inexplicable is that our many dire warnings about the inevitable American Bolshevik Revolution (ABR) have not only gone unheeded since 2015, but have often been mocked and scorned.  There are even many alternative news platforms that still refuse to post this crucial content. See: READY OR NOT … … … HERE IT COMES!!!

Well, guess what folks, it’s now here and every smart Patriot only ignores this fastidiously designed cataclysm at their peril. Just how close are we to a full-blown takeover of the United States of America?

RED ALERT: Democrat-Run Communist Takeover Plot To
Unleash Bolshevik Violence After Election Day If Trump Wins

One need look no further than the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution and 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic to understand their Republic-destroying game plan.  It’s all there in plain sight.

Lastly, it’s imperative for every Patriot to comprehend the main drivers of this violent US Intel Community-coordinated color revolution that’s been unfolding since Donald Trump first declared in June of 2015.  With this correct understanding, both the timing and the place of the coup will come into sharp relief.

Here’s how you know when they’re crossing the Rubicon

GOOD NEWS: By shedding the light of our collective awareness on this critical piece of the New World Order agenda, it becomes exposed and defused.  The entire ABR implementation plan can be canceled were enough people to be run this RED FLAG high up the proverbial flagpole.  Just imagine if ten of thousands of Americans were flooding the Internet with details of the false flag 9/11 terrorist attacks … months before they pulled it off.  The reptilian perps at the top of the planetary food chain would have had to abort that civilization-collapsing terror operation.  So let’s all get busy!

Submitted by The Armchair Prophet
State of the Nation
September 15, 2024



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