David Sorensen
This is a critical message for the whole world, so please listen in, no matter where you are located.
I am working with several lawyers worldwide to prepare powerful legal solutions to fight the crimes against humanity.
Just now I got off the phone with a true American hero, Rick Martin of the Constitutional Law Group. He is a very experienced lawyer who has allowed tens of thousands of business in the USA to stay open, despite state lockdowns!
Mr. Martin is gathering hundreds of sheriffs to prepare arrests of governors, mayors, judges etc. A sheriff is the highest legal authority in the land, who can even arrest a president! Most don’t know this, and Rick Martin is informing sheriffs and preparing them to defend freedom.
His strategy is to show people worldwide to learn the constitutional laws of their country, and then use that to defeat tyranny. He has had 100% success with this.In a few weeks he will visit me here, and we will make a documentary to inform the world about the legal ways to defend our freedom. I believe this experienced warrior lawyer has the golden key to fight this corruption.
My goal is not only to inform the world about the crime of this planned pandemic, but also provide tools to defend our freedom.
Far more information about this will be revealed. This is just a heads up, so you know I am working on legal tools for you.
If you are a lawyer or someone who is involved in an organization that uses legal ways to reform the world, please get in touch with me. I want to build a network where people can learn from each other and strengthen one another to win this war. Many constitutions in different countries are quite similar and what Rick Martin is doing here, can be done worldwide, with the right lawyers who can tweak it to take down their corrupt governments.
When the people are afraid of their government, they are slaves. When the government is afraid of their people, there is freedom.
A people who don’t know the law are powerless. A people who know the law, are invincible.
Rick Martin will explain how easy it is to get informed and start using the law. He mentioned two things for Americans:
The handbook for sheriffs and the US constitution.
Download these by clicking the links and start reading.
Other nations must do the same: get a copy of the constitution of your country, connect with lawyers and start preparing.
The key is this: every human has universal rights, that are protected by the constitution. We don’t have constitutional rights, we have eternal, God given rights, that are protected by a constitution. We need to know and use the constitution to defend our eternal, universal rights.
I am also working on providing Notices of Liability for everyone to download and use. A Notice of Liability is a document that you give to somebody (for example the governor, commissioner, mayor, health minister, president,…) in which you declare that THEY ARE PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE for the damage they are causing with their unlawful actions.
You can also give this to anyone who forces you to be tested, vaccinated, wear a mask, etc.Not only does it show people the legal consequences of their illegal actions, it also forces them to start thinking. The Notices of Libality that we prepare will contain links to information about the crimes and lies of this pandemic. This forces people who blindly ‘follow orders’ to start doing research and wake up from their deep sleep of deception.
More info about this will follow soon.
For now, be encouraged that lots of great things are happening. Keep me in your prayers for protection and wisdom.
I will also soon send a very important video about Stop World Control and how to move forward, to help defend human freedom.Stay tuned, stay focused, stay hopeful, and keep sharing the truth out there. You are not alone, but God is raising up people all over the earth, to expose darkness and spread a bright light that opens up a new future,
The corruption is coming down, big time!
Many blessings and love,
David Sorensen