Aerosolized FunVax & The God Gene


State of the Nation

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 Aerosolized VMAT2 Vaccine

  Quaternary Weapon System

Everything points to COVID-19 as a FunVax bioweapon that has been purposefully released worldwide via various means of propagation in order to exponentially multiply the vectors of dissemination of the concealed VMAT2 vaccine.

Hence, the primary goal of OPERATION COVID-19 is to significantly diminish religiosity throughout the world community of nations, especially in those countries that are integral to the formation of a totalitarian One World Government. Those nations are primarily the Western military powers of the Zio-Anglo-American Axis that are members of both NATO and G20.

In point of fact, the New World Order agenda cannot be successfully implemented within those nations where the citizens have strong spiritual impulses and devout religious practice. The NWO globalist cabal will have an even more difficult time wherever there is a historical tradition of mysticism such as India, or an ongoing spiritual revival as experienced by the Pentecostal and Evangelical Christians throughout the West.

Therefore, the only way forward for the New World Order globalist cabal is to fully activate their “Quaternary Weapon System” that was designed to facilitate the VMAT2 vaccination process. See: QUATERNARY WEAPON SYSTEM Activated Before Each Coronavirus Cluster Explosion

Leaving nothing to chance, the perpetrators of OPERATION COVID-19 have gone full-bore with each of the four weapon systems directly involved with the vaccination of all of humanity. The four main methods of immunizing against the God gene in 2020 were previously posted in this exposé: Here’s the NWO Scheme to Enforce Mandatory Vaccinations.

(1) COVID-19 Bioweapon

(2) 5G Roll-outs & Existing 4G

(3) Annual Flu Vaccines

(4) Chemtrail Aerosols

Each of these four bioweapon systems is being surreptitiously used to rapidly and synergistically administer a global VMAT2 vaccination regime, among other other malevolent purposes.

It’s true that the video above only speaks of an aerosolized VMAT2 vaccine; however, that was 15 years ago. The NWO cabal has greatly accelerated their timetable for crucial reasons concerning existential threats they now face and have since devised the present OPERATION COVID-19 by putting their original scheme on super-steroids.

In other words, the Quaternary Weapon System which has been aimed at all of humanity has been disguised as a global pandemic in order to blanket the whole planet with the COVID-19 bioweapon and its fake antidotes, both of which effectively serve as VMAT2 vaccinations.

KEY POINT: Not only are annual flu shot and childhood vaccination schedules being cunningly used to deliver the VMAT2 vaccine, the principal reason for a mandatory COVID-19 vaccine is to ensure everyone receives their God gene immunity certificate. See: FUNVAXgate: Bill Gates’ Implantable Quantum Dot, Microneedle Vaccine Delivery System & Luciferase

Maximizing coverage of Earth so that every inhabitant gets their FunVax jab is the main globalist goal henceforth. In this way, the NWO cabal is able to carry out the much more complex and convoluted COVID-1984, which it must do post-haste if The Powers That Be (TPTB) are to escape the wrath of We the People.

Hence, OPERATION COVID-19 is merely the first punch in a one-two punch knockout strategy against humanity in order for TPTB to establish a Global Security Superstate; COVID-1984 represents the second punch.

The only way forward for the New World Order globalist cabal is to fully activate their “Quaternary Weapon System” that was designed to facilitate the VMAT2 vaccination process. See: QUATERNARY WEAPON SYSTEM Activated Before Each Coronavirus Cluster Explosion

KEY POINT: The FunVax was initially framed as a military strategy to neutralize terrorists throughout the Middle East. It took the U.S. Military 7 years to deploy that particular bioweapon which manifested mainly in Saudi Arabia as Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) from 2012 through 2020. South Korea, another country with a large American military presence which undergoes constant chemtrailing, also suffered a substantial MERS outbreak in 2015.

Editor’s Note
The FunVax was actually predicted over 100 years ago by one of the greatest prophets of the modern age, the peerless Earth scientist and founder of Biodynamics and Anthroposophy—Rudolph Steiner. See: Over 100 years ago Rudolf Steiner warned of a diabolical plot to vaccinate all of humanity.
A Vaccine to Sever the Spiritual Connection in Mankind
Rudolf Steiner

Action Plan

The only way forward is for We the People to take back our government from the thieves and murderers who have outright stolen it. They have raped, pillaged and plundered the whole world with our tax dollars and done so in our name. It must be stopped—YESTERDAY! Please be aware that the very reason for the COVID-19 biowar being waged against US is that they know we are on to them …. and that we are coming for each and every one of them. Here are just two of the most incorrigible international career criminals who must be dealt with sooner than later.

Public Enemy #1: BILL GATES: A Menace to Society Who Must Be Arrested and Prosecuted for Crimes Against Humanity

Public Enemy #2: George Soros Must Be Arrested, Prosecuted and Imprisoned to Prevent Civil War

For the rest of the article:


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