Is Francis Bergoglio the antichrist, or should we expect someone else?

Chancellery BCP

Is Francis Bergoglio the antichrist, or should we expect someone else? Go and tell people the things which you hear and see: Many who were able to see are blind, many who were able to hear are deaf, and all have a false gospel preached to them. (cf. Gal 1:8-9; Mt 11:2-5)

A false gospel in seven points:

1) Enthronement of the Pachamama demon

In 2019, Bergoglio enthroned the Pachamama demon in the main basilica of the Catholic Church. He thus made a gesture of public betrayal of Christ as the only Saviour and, at the same time, a gesture of embracing the spirit of antichrist. By his crimes he caused his serial excommunication from the Church. He completely fell away from God and committed a supreme betrayal. This must be clear to every ordinary Catholic, and all the more so to every bishop and priest. If it is not clear to them, they are spiritually blind.

The conditions for the current betrayal of the faith and for embracing the spirit of pagan idolatry were encoded in the Second Vatican Council (1965). Pope John Paul II partly decoded and implemented this pernicious agenda before the public in Assisi in 1986, and Bergoglio completed Vatican II’s apostasy in 2019.

2) Legalization of sodomite unions

In 2020, Bergoglio spoke out in favour of the legalization of sodomite unions. He thus denied that sodomy is an extremely grave sin which brings down a curse and destroys the moral foundations of society. He deceived sodomites into believing that they need not repent of this sin. If anyone believes him, he cannot be saved without repentance! Bergoglio has assumed the position of the antichrist – he acts as a saviour and benefactor, but secretly draws deceived souls into eternal destruction. Bergoglio boycotts the Scripture’s warning: “Sodom and Gomorrah gave themselves up to perversion. They serve as an example of those who suffer the punishment of eternal fire.” (Jud 1:7)

3) Idol of abomination in the holy place (Mt 24:15) and closure of churches

On the most important religious feasts – Easter and Christmas – Bergoglio closed the churches on the artificial ground of a pandemic plan. Top medical experts have exposed the fraud and urgently warned against genocidal vaccination. If Bergoglio had spoken out in defence of truth, there would have been no global pandemic! Bergoglio, however, has taken sides with globalists who declared a pandemic with a specific aim – vaccination and reduction of humanity.

The coming of the antichrist at this time is an apocalyptic sign of the times. The highest moral authority is abused for mass satanization and both temporal and eternal destruction of mankind.

4) Vaccine alters the human genome

The new mRNA vaccine alters the human genome, which will result in the annihilation of the human race as such. It is a crime against humanity and God the Creator, crying out to heaven! Such a crime can only be promoted by the antichrist! Bergoglio intensively promotes this fatally dangerous vaccine and declares that it must be for all.

5) Enslaving chipization

The new vaccine also contains a hydrogel with organic nanoparticles. It is a form of chipization. Chipization deprives a person of free will and hence of a chance to repent. The consequence is eternal damnation in the lake of fire. By promoting this vaccine, Bergoglio proves to be the antichrist. Under the guise of religious phrases, he commits the most serious crime in the history of mankind.

6) Ultimate aim – genocide of humanity

The ultimate aim of forced vaccination is the genocide of humanity. Gates admitted: “If we do a good job with vaccines, we will reduce the population by 10-15% (in the first stage).” This means genocide of one billion people. Bergoglio promotes this genocide in Vatican documents under the motto “vaccine for all”. He cynically boycotts true experts in medicine who warn against vaccination. He blindly promotes the line of population-reduction globalists. He is of one spirit with satanists. This is the sign of the antichrist’s policy.

7) Culmination of the Vatican’s apostasy

Before Christmas, Bergoglio’s Vatican entered into a global alliance (pact) with Rothschild, Rockefeller, and so-called “The Guardians”. Their assets amount to $10.5 trillion. Their aim is to enforce the Great Reset and the reduction of humanity. Vatican II itself set a clear agenda – a change of spirit – with its aggiornamento. Through aggiornamento, the Spirit of God was gradually replaced by the spirit of the world. Therefore, in 1983, John Paul II could open the door for the Masons to occupy key positions in the Church when he abolished the penalty of excommunication against Freemasons in the new Code. On 8 December 2020, Francis Bergoglio only completed the unity of the Vatican with the Masonic elite by joining the Council for Inclusive Capitalism.

Quote from the press release: “The new partnership signifies the urgency of joining moral and market imperatives to reform capitalism into a powerful force for the good of humanity.”

Commentary: The good of humanity means that no one will be able to buy or sell except one who has the mark of the beast… Is this what moral and market imperatives signify? The systematic destruction of private entrepreneurs enabled by absurd quarantine is probably also a means of achieving the good of humanity. An artificial pandemic is intended to create a need for compulsory vaccination. Gates openly declares that vaccination will help reduce the population, i.e. mankind. Bergoglio abuses church authority to “morally” protect this planned genocide. Such a thing can only be done by the antichrist.

Quote: “The press release of The Guardians celebrates this report on its website as ‘historic’, adding that ‘The Guardians are inspired by the moral imperative of all faiths’.”

Commentary: The creation of the Council was already planned at the Global Forum in Rome in 2016 with the participation of Bergoglio. On 8 December 2020, Bergoglio’s Vatican joins the pact of the so-called Council for Inclusive Capitalism. This is truly a historic and, above all, another tragic event for the Church. Headed by the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, it creates a global economic and spiritual alliance with elites dedicated to the prince of this world – the devil. Bergoglio is reported to have assumed the position of their spiritual and “moral” leader. Was this the enthronement of the antichrist?

As for “inspiration by the moral imperative of all (pagan) faiths,” one must realize: a pagan is not an atheist, but a worshipper of the devil and demons. This is what pagan anti-morality is based on. Christian morality, on the other hand, is based on the love of God and neighbour.

Bergoglio’s Vatican thus implements a programme of unity of spirit with all pagan cults that worship demons. Documents about the Amazon and the gesture of enthronement of the Pachamama demon (2019) were a public sign of the satanization of the Vatican. On 8 December 2020, Bergoglio’s Vatican officially merged with a shadow world government to implement the plan for the dechristianization and satanization of humanity. This symbiosis is really the work of the antichrist. The historicity of this event also lies in the Catholic Church being transferred to the satanic anti-Church of the New Age.

Quote: “The Council for Inclusive Capitalism is a movement of the world’s business and public sector leaders…”

Commentary: What place does Bergoglio have in this elite group? The plan of these guardians – “The Guardians” – is to subordinate the Vatican and, through the Vatican, the entire Catholic Church and all Christian nations to their agenda – satanization. Bergoglio plays a key and irreplaceable role in this.

Go and tell people the things which you hear and see: Many who were able to see are blind, many who were able to hear are deaf, and all have a false gospel preached to them. (cf. Gal 1:8-9) Is Francis Bergoglio the antichrist, or should we expect someone else?

+ Elijah

Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate

+ Methodius OSBMr              + Timothy OSBMr

Secretary Bishops

26 December 2020


Response to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith

concerning anti-Covid-19 vaccines

The Congregation has prepared a Christmas present, this time to defend Herod’s plan. Let us quote from the Congregation’s proclamation of 21 December 2020:

Citation“…vaccines against Covid-19…, this Congregation desires to offer some indications for clarification of this matter.”

Response: How is it that the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith did not desire to offer some indications for clarification of the matter of the enthronement of the Pachamama demon in the main Basilica? It was a grave sin of idolatry and apostasy, and that concerns the essence of the faith! But now this Congregation desires to offer some indications for clarification of vaccination. In fact, Bergoglio and his Congregation notoriously boycott the clarification given by top experts in virology and immunology who are persecuted for the truth and reject vaccination. The Congregation has confused its powers. Should the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith de facto approve Satanism manifested in removing the tissue of unborn children and injecting these cells into human bodies? This is no Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith any more, but rather the Congregation for the Satanization of the Church!

Citation“The fundamental reason for considering the use of these vaccines morally licit is that the kind of cooperation in evil in the procured abortion is, on the part of those making use of the resulting vaccines, remote.”

Response: The Congregation’s manipulative statement about a “remote kind of cooperation in evil in the procured abortion” is reprehensible. In fact, all this manipulation is nothing but a defence of the Pfizer and other companies that are involved, whether remotely or not, in the crime of killing unborn children. The abortion debate is intended just to divert attention and inconspicuously promote a fatally dangerous vaccine for all as part of Bill Gates’ plan. The vaccine shall be used for depopulation, i.e. the genocide of humanity. Covid-19 is a mere cover-up.

Citation“In fact, the licit use of such vaccines does not in any way imply that there is a moral endorsement of the use of cell lines proceeding from aborted fetuses.”

Response: The Congregation makes total fools of people. If licitness does not imply endorsement, then what does licitness mean?

Bergoglio’s Vatican has provocatively announced that in early 2021 the Vatican employees would receive a vaccine from Pfizer. It is a double crime – firstly, the promotion of genocidal vaccination and secondly, manipulation into mass suicide which is to be carried out through vaccines. Gates has revealed it: “If we do a good job with vaccines, we will reduce the population by 10-15%,” i.e. perpetrate the genocide of one billion people in the first stage. Bergoglio and the above-mentioned Congregation are complicit in this crime.

Citation“The moral duty to avoid such passive material cooperation (in abortion) is not obligatory if there is a grave danger … in this case, the pandemic spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes Covid-19.”

Response: Covid-19, as evidenced by many doctors, can be easily and effectively treated with simple medications, especially using vitamins D and C. It is already known that Covid-19 does not pose any serious threat. In addition, the imposed vaccine is not intended to treat Covid. Its hidden purpose is to change the human genome, to chip the population and to reduce it in number. The Congregation should urgently warn against the new vaccine, threatening with sanctions! The Congregation does the exact opposite. It thus betrays Christ, mocks God the Creator, commits a sin against the Holy Spirit and a crime against humanity. With its misleading document, the Congregation criminally and massively influences public opinion. Treacherous hierarchs around the world will appeal to its false arguments, deceive the people, dull their conscience, and lead them to mass genocide through vaccination. The corrupt Judases in the Church are now repeating like a mantra: “Roma locuta…” That is why all the blame for the planned worldwide vaccination disaster falls on the archheretic Bergoglio and the apostate Congregation!

The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith today is in line with Gates and the Gates-funded WHO, the NWO, elites, and false mainstream media.

Citation“…the morality of vaccination depends not only on the duty to protect one’s own health, but also on the duty to pursue the common good. … Those who, for reasons of conscience, refuse vaccines produced with cell lines from aborted fetuses, must do their utmost to avoid … becoming vehicles for the transmission of the infectious agent.”

Response: The Congregation suggests that vaccination is the only possible solution to an artificial problem. This is gross manipulation. The Congregation totally ignores medical knowledge about viruses and their mutations. Vaccines are no miracle cure for viruses. On the contrary, due to the virus mutation they are ineffective and, moreover, fatally dangerous for humans. Threatening those who refuse to submit to the vaccination dictatorship not to become vehicles for the transmission of the infectious agent is a utopian demand because everyone catches a virus during the winter, this is normal. The Congregation’s declaration is totally frivolous and has nothing to do with real experts in virology.

Conclusion: True medical experts warn that:

1) the new vaccine contains modified RNA that alters the human genome, which is a crime against the human race and against God as the Creator of man;

2) the new vaccine contains a hydrogel with organic nanoparticles, which are already a form of chipping, against which the Holy Scriptures warn speaking about the punishment in the lake of fire. A person deprived of free will is unable to show repentance necessary for salvation even at the hour of death.

In short: Covid-19 vaccination is not meant to protect health; it is a big scam. It shall mainly be exploited for so-called reduction of the population, i.e. chipping and annihilation of the human race.

+ Elijah

Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate

+ Methodius OSBMr                                     + Timothy OSBMr

Secretary Bishops

23 December 2020

The Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate (BCP) is a community of monks, priests and bishops living in monasteries. The BCP is headed by Patriarch Elijah with two Secretary Bishops, +Timothy and +Methodius. The BCP arose from the need to defend the fundamental Christian truths against heresies and apostasy. It does not recognize pseudo Pope Bergoglio and is not subordinate to him.


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