“THE GREATEST CYBER ATTACK IN HISTORY” … and no one in the current US Govt has responded to it!?!?

Comment posted by ElPolacko

“Since Mike Lindell of MY PILLOW fame has released his long-promised documentary on Democrat voter fraud, I do not see any way that it can be shrugged off or discounted.

The evidence is real, comprehensive and undeniable. The whole election was an exercise in computer fraud, ballot cheating and election crime in general.

The documentary takes you step by step through the entire process of fraud from the local traitors to foreign governments; and the fact that the government bodies that were created for just such an attack (FBI , NSA, CIA, etc.) did nothing.

The Justice Department, when confronted with the evidence, decided not to get involved.  [That’s misprision of felony.]

THE GREATEST CYBER ATTACK IN HISTORY and the Dept. of Justice, the Attorney General, and even the Supreme Court decided not to get involved.

What this tells me is that the DEEP STATE, the Chinese Communist Party and the Global Socialist have dirt, either real or manufactured, on most leaders in the highest positions in the U.S. government.  Or, that they are being bribed on a mass level unprecedented in US history.

Perhaps it’s time for some radical action to counter this blatant unprecedented attack on our Republic. Perhaps it is time, for the first time in our history,  for the military to “Cross the Rubicon” and put an end to the insanity, once and for all.

It is time for the US Military to act and uphold their oaths to “protect and defend the Constitution from all enemies, Foreign and Domestic”.

Like John Wayne on a white horse, the military must come in and save the day before these evil Communists do too much damage… or we fall into Civil War.”


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