…the Patriot Movement Protects Our National Sovereignty and Defends Our Territorial Integrity
Dictatorial Biden Administration Destined to Crash and Burn
“How many times have we all heard that ‘You can’t fight City Hall.’ Many tried anyway. And got crushed every time. Then… one day… they woke up. And they realized that it would much better to have someone else fight City Hall for them. Something much bigger and much badder than City Hall.”
— The Armchair Political Analyst
Thus begins this absolutely crucial “Take Back Our Country” strategy session.
But, first, some essential background info and an extremely important history lesson so that the American people are not forced to repeat it. As follows:
to Unleash Bolshevik Violence after Election Day
Globalism has been around for the past five to six thousand years.
Yes, the globalists have been at it for that long (think: Roman Empire and the Pharaonic Dynasties before that), although the present incarnation of the New World Order globalist cabal really began in earnest at the outset of the Industrial Revolution and creation of the Consumer Society.
But what exactly what does that mean?
It means that the entire planetary civilization has been completely hardwired by the power elite and their globalist frontmen practically forever.
And what, pray tell, does that really mean?
It means that a very small group of kleptocratic oligarchic families own and operate planet Earth as they have for eons.
Which means that The Powers That Be (TPTB) effectively control every single globalist institution around the world today with no exceptions.
What globalist institutions?
• Federal Governments of virtually every nation on Earth.
• Entire Mainstream Media worldwide
• Military and Intelligence Communities of every nation
• Global Banking and Investment Industry
• Fortune 10,000 Companies
• Global (and National) Military-Industrial Complex
• National Security State of every First World Country
• Every University System and College worldwide
• Every Secret Society that wields real power and influence
• Every major Scientific Organization and Research Institution
• Every substantially funded NGO
• Every Religious Institution across All Faith Traditions
And that’s just for starters.
What this stark state of affairs really translates to is a multi-century total lockdown of the world community of nations that nobody but a very few knew about.
However, with the advent of the Information Age of the Internet, the whole playing field has changed significantly.
All politics are local
In view of the insane odds that Patriot Movements across the planet are now facing, what can realistically be done to take back the planet?
Does it make any sense whatsoever to attempt to drain the swamp inside the Beltway?
There really is only one way out of this seemingly impossible predicament.
People Power Projected at the Local Level.
In the USA, this means that citizens everywhere must first secure their states.
Once each state government takes on the tyrannical and illegitimate U.S. Federal Government, the power will slowly devolve back to the people providing the elected leadership represents the citizenry. This assumes, of course, fair elections that CANNOT be compromised from within or invaded by foreign enemies as the 2020 POTUS election was.
KEY POINT: State’s rights form the bedrock of the U.S. Constitution.
Subsequent to this necessary step, every state resident can begin to take back their counties and cities in a similar manner. Because all politics is really local, this is where the decisions of good governance must be made in the future.
It truly makes no sense to fight with the Washington establishment as TPTB completely control the battlefield; heck, they built the battlefield.
Therefore, what We the People can do is create a whole new battlefield that we control. That was the intent of the framers of the Constitution.
David and Goliath strategy
Now here’s just one of the primary strategies by which the tables can be turned against the NWO globalists.
Consider that each Patriot organization is a “David” on the current battlefield.
And, that each city, county, state and federal government is a “Goliath” just as the Big Tech and Big Social Media behemoths are also.
The trick here is for each “David” to sling their shots at every “Goliath” on the battleground where they are most vulnerable.
For example, here in Florida the Patriot Movement is totally getting behind Governor Ron DeSantis in his epic war with the Biden administration as well as the globalist-controlled Federal Government.
Whereas we Patriots cannot take out the BEAST in the D.C. swamp, the state of Florida can certainly bust Biden upside the head with a four by four.
How so?
By simply resisting every single stupid Covid order and/or mandate to come out of the Biden White House, that’s how.
Isn’t that what Gov. DeSantis has been doing since the fake pandemic began, and with great courage?
This is a perfect example of how one major institution (State of Florida) is set against another HUGE institution (US Government).
However, this powerful strategy will only work when a critical mass of Patriots makes it work. In other words, the Florida governor needs maximum support from the people, especially the Patriots.
The DeSantis administration also requires that the leadership of every FL county and city back him up to the max.
Yes, the blue counties and cities will kick and scream all day long, but they can be dealt with later; after state’s rights are fully restored and the governor’s constitutional powers are adequately re-established and consolidated so that new laws can be passed that shut down each “Sodom and Gomorrah” statewide.
It’s never been so critical for We the People to exercise our God-given rights and inherent powers.
It’s entirely true, people.
Now it’s time to exercise that power to first save the American Republic … … … and then rescue the world community of nations, if that’s even possible at this late date.
Covid Dark Cloud
What every inhabitant of this planet needs to understand is that Covid is really the gift that never stops giving.
That’s because it has united Patriots and Truth-seekers in every nation against the tyranny of COVID-1984.
This unprecedented development alone has brought people together and set the stage for a truly global awakening. But a rapid and radical expansion of the collective consciousness must predate any attempt to take back our civilization from those who have stolen it.
With each draconian Covid lockdown or shutdown, mandate or order, control or restriction, people everywhere are waking up to the globalist-constructed prison they have always lived in.
As awareness is steadily raised in each country, very soon the global population will reach a critical mass of enlightened souls that will break the yoke that the banksters have fashioned over millennia.
The Hidden Powers Behind the Destruction of America
Once the enemy is truly known, and it is today by many, the barbarians inside the gate can be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law after citizen indictments are issued according to common law, not the present corrupt system of fake American jurisprudence.
Never forget, Patriots, that:
But we must remember to exercise that invincible POWER. Because if we don’t use it, we lose it.
State of the Nation
February 11, 2021
Author’s Note
While there are multiple strategies necessary to take down the BEAST, there’s only one way to starve the BEAST to death!