If the people of the great state of Texas knew they had just been ruthlessly attacked with weather weaponry, they would rise up and throw off the yoke of the U.S. Federal Government in a day and a night.
The Texas Secession Movement would gain so much steam, so fast, that it could not be stopped.
It ought to be clear to every American by now that the BEAST inside the Beltway cannot be defeated by normal means or on any post-modern battlefield. The countless New World Order globalist institutions domiciled in Washington, D.C., along with the Deeps State and Democrat/RINO Uniparty, effectively own and operate the entire battlefield nationwide.
***Therefore, the only way to really drain the swamp is to first starve the BEAST that lives there.***
Truly, there’s only one way to starve the BEAST!
But before that, the people of Texas must expose the truth about the weather wars that have been waged against them over decades. That wide dissemination of such damning truth will greatly galvanize Texans everywhere to take back their state from the thieves in DC and banksters in London.
With a full airing of the volumes of hard scientific evidence proving that geoengineering has been used to systematically weaponize the weather, that is then aimed directly at the American people, Texas can build an indisputable case for the rest of the 49 states. That’s because Operation Deep Freeze has been so destructive and deadly.
KEY POINT: The true death toll associated with TEXAGEDDON will surely never be known, as the government is determined to cover it up as they do with every manmade weather calamity. However, perhaps someone will be inspired to set up a website dedicated ONLY to keeping an accurate accounting of the number of statewide deaths directly and indirectly caused by Operation Deep Freeze.
Then, all of those responsible for each and every weather war can be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law… and the geoengineering regime can be shut down for good. And, the ubiquitous chemtrail aerosol spraying operations will be terminated forever.
In this way:
Exactly what truth?
This truth:
TEXAGEDDON: A False Flag Geoterrorist Operation
With Multiple Nefarious NWO Goals
State of the Nation
February 21, 2021