The Devolution Will Not Be Televised

Submitted by Stonecatcher
If you want to know the big picture watch this TruNews documentary. Rick and his crew have done their homework and have succinctly lay out the plans [both demo and repub] to convert the US Republic to a communist dictatorship–using the well-developed ZioChina Communist Model as the templet. The commentators illustrate many variations to the theme–citing the lizard-king Gates as the largest individual farmland owner in the US [246,000 acres]– while failing to mention that “foreign governments” [primarily China] own 30,000,000 acres of productive farm/processing land/capcity.

Bottom-line the over-throw of the US government is in full play with eyes wide open–while the majority of the world’s 21st century citizens are preoccupied with staying safe and debating the statistical lethality of a phantom virus that never was or will be:

If a coup de tat took place in America and no one was capable or willing to realize it–did the Empire actually fall?

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