This post explores the theory that Covid-19 is the new name for “seasonal Flu.”
Bryan from High Impact Flix reported the disappearance of Flu statistics from the Influenza Laboratory Surveillance System.
In April 2020, Deborah Birx reported “We no longer have Flu”. This statement can be translated to mean that surveillance for Flu by testing, symptoms and mortality will no longer be reported. This could mean that Flu symptoms will be “marketed” as Covid-19 for purposes of profiteering by falsely ascribing Flu infections and mortality as a Covid-19 event and without testing for Flu.
This propaganda shell-game is consistent with the finding that the alleged SARS-CoV-2 virus has never been proven to exist through rigors of Koch’s postulates
In 2018 Southern California media published hysterical headlines about a Flu Pandemic. It was reported that hospitals were filling up with Flu patients, but Del Bigtree sent his team into southern California hospitals to discover empty waiting rooms and vacant triage tents. Is it a coincidence that the falsely reported 2018 Flu pandemic is so similar to how Covid-19 was reported in early 2020?
Looking at the surveillance data there are noticeable spikes above previous years in “specimens positive for influenza” beginning in 2017/2018, 2018/2019 and 2019/2020.
Is it a coincidence that the data drops flat to baseline at around April, 2020 when Deborah Birx announced, “We no longer have Flu” ?
Was this the date that Flu cases and other LRI (Lower resp. Infections) would begin to be entered on the newly formatted death certificate as Covid-19?