No mRNA (Gene Therapy) in Pfizer “Vaccine”
(above, Pfizer vaccine; r. Graphene)
Spanish researchers put the Pfizer vaccine under an electron microscope and found it contains 99% graphene oxide and hardly anything else.
There is practically NO evidence that this “vaccine” is gene therapy. There is ZERO genetic material: mRNA or DNA or spike protein. It means this “vaccine” has nothing to do with a so-called virus. This product wasn’t developed to avoid an infection caused by a virus. The true purpose of this product remains hidden. No official statement from governments or health institutions has been made. The toxicity of graphene oxide is reason enough to stop the global vaccination program.
Makow – If this is true, it would discredit a lot of MDs who are saying it is gene altering. Could that be the purpose?
Jim Stone says this graphene story is nonsense. Says graphene is black. The author refutes him below article.
Related– Covid Vaccine Delivers Nanoparticles for Mind Control
——————– Vaccines Deliver Graphene Oxide Nanotubes for 5G Mind Control
by Des Marxants
The whole world is following the story released on the Spanish web site program la Quinta Columna.
A June 28th report from the University of Almeria (in Spain) supports the findings of the two researchers hosting the daily broadcast.
Suspicions of the two researchers turned out to be true. There is almost NO biological matter in the Pfizer covid-19 vial. What the lab in the University of Almeria found has nothing to do with mRNA.
The main matter found was a substance more alike to nanoparticles of graphene or a very similar nanomaterial. Extraction and quantification of mRNA in the sample, identified that 99% of the whole substance inside the vial was highly probably graphene oxide or something very similar, just very little genetic material was found. Until now, no lipid nanocapsules were identified.
The study mentions that there is a reduced form of graphene oxide (GO.) When graphene oxide is mixed with hydrogen it becomes MAGNETIC (MGO.) It is also known as reduced graphene oxide (this happens when it is injected blood too.)
The study offers solid evidence of possible graphene derivatives because the structure saw in the microscopy is characteristic. Academics who previously worked with graphene oxide were consulted and agreed there is no doubt about the presence of graphene oxide in the vial.
It has been only one brand jab but more tests are needed to be done with other vials. More studies are to come with some other different technics. La Quinta Columna makes a call to other institutes and universities to join this research crusade for the truth.
Related– Jim Stone says this Graphene story is a hoax. If vaccine was mostly graphene, it would be jet black…also can’t pass through a needle.
Des Marxants replies: “In coating technology graphene oxide can be used also. Multilayer graphene oxide films are optically transparent and impermeable under dry conditions. Exposed to water (or water vapor), they allow passage of molecules smaller than a certain size. Glassware or copperplates covered with such a graphene “paint” can be used as containers for corrosive acids. Graphene-coated plastic films could be used in medical packaging to improve shelf life”… wish him luck with his black nose when the nasal version of the covid-19 vaccine get released
Why is Graphene Transparent? and Stone has made a fool of himself
—A French company is already ready to market 5 G / Covid vaccine packages for “augmented human beings” having received nanoparticles allowing Human-Machine fusion.