Breaking: Graphene Oxide Nanotubes
(Implicated in Blood Clotting) Also Found Now in Astrazeneca Vaccine Vial by Different Spanish Researchers
by Ramola D
The EveryDay Concerned Citizen
Graphene oxide in nanoparticulate form, recorded as seeming folds in the vaccine liquid under the optical microscope and partially lit in a dark field in different microscope settings has now been identified also in the AstraZeneca vaccine vial studied by a Spanish researcher in a different laboratory, as reported by La Quinta Columna scientists on a radio show today in Spain. La Quinta Columna’s earlier finds of massive amounts of graphene oxide in the Pfizer vaccine vial was reported here yesterday.
Graphene oxide, used in flu vaccines as a nano adjuvant, and being studied now for use in intranasal COVID vaccines, is toxic and causes blood to clot, according to scientist and biostatistician Dr. Ricardo Delgado.
Orwell City which offers translations of Spanish videos and reports from La Quinta Columna reports:
“A few moments ago, La Quinta Columna shared an exclusive photo for the Chilean program Dirección Correcta, from Radio El Mirador del Gallo.
The photo corresponds to the analysis of an AstraZeneca vaccination vial. This analysis is being carried out by another researcher from another university in Spain.”
BREAKING: Graphene Oxide has been found in AstraZeneca vaccination vial (Exclusive Photo)/
More pictures have now been shared on their Telegram account, as reported by Orwell City. in a second article with more photos. Some photos here below, but please visit the Orwell City articles for more photographs and a full transcript of the video conversation among the La Quinta Columna scientists:
BREAKING: La Quinta Columna shares more photos of graphene oxide detected in AstraZeneca vaccination vial/Orwell City
In introducing the photograph above, taken via optical microscope, proffered in the preliminary report from the laboratory, Dr. Delgado and Dr. Sevillano had this to say:
“Ricardo Delgado: It also has a different light field, but you can see that it is the characteristic shape of graphene. Here there is a fold that is bending, but it is not exactly the same as in the other one because the other one is a light field and this one is a little bit darker or semi-dark field. But the moment you see these types of sheets, they are the characteristics of graphene oxide. And they share quite well with the scientific literature from what you can get from googling.
Dr. José Luis Sevillano: Let it be clear, Ricardo, that this must not be a vaccine. I don’t know if I make myself clear, eh? I mean, you can’t inject anyone with something like that. That is crap that was put in the vaccine and a vaccine must be clean.
There is a material that you cannot see anything under the optical microscope: no mRNA, proteins, virus, whatever you want. For that you have to use electron microscopes, to reach that depth of discrimination.”
BREAKING: Graphene Oxide has been found in AstraZeneca vaccination vial (Exclusive Photo)/

In discussing the graphene oxide found in the Pfizer vaccine vial, Dr. Ricardo Delgado had stated earlier:
“Graphene is toxic, it is a chemical, a toxic chemical agent. Introduced in the organism in large quantities, it causes thrombi. It causes blood clots. We have all the scientific articles to back it up. It causes post inflammatory syndrome, it causes alteration of the immune system. And when the redox balance is broken, in the sense that there is less of the body’s own reserve glutathione than an introduced toxicant such as graphene oxide, it generates a collapse of the immune system and a cytokine storm. In other words, something very similar to the fashionable disease, isn’t it? “
The toxicity of nano graphene has been studied and reported on previously:
Toxicity of graphene-family nanoparticles: a general review of the origins and mechanisms/Particle and Fibre Toxicology, Ou, Song et al, 2016
Graphene’s property of excitation in high oscillating EMF fields in its electronic absorption bands which correspond to 5G activation bands has also given rise to the speculation that COVID-19 was never about a virus but about chemical poisoning with nano-graphene via flu vaccines and other means in the presence of high frequencies, specifically 5G, further discussed here and in Orwell City’s article on 5G and graphene: La Quinta Columna: ‘Graphene oxide has its absorption band in 5G’/Orwell City.
In other words, COVID-19 (or symptomatized as such) was caused by Nano-Graphene (from flu vaccines), just as much as the COVID-Vaccinated suffering blood clots , death and “breakthrough” COVID-19 owe all to Nano-Graphene in the COVID vaccines.
The Magnetizing of the Vaccinated Has Led to These Findings
Further detail on the amount of nano graphene oxide in the Astrazeneca vaccine and the exact correlation with the magnetizing of the vaccinated is not yet available but presumably forthcoming.
Currently, various theories have been discussed, including the acquisition of magnetic properties once inside the body whereby graphene “becomes magnetic in contact with hydrogen from biomolecules” (Dr. Delgado) or whereby nano graphene lattices are used to carry magnetite or magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles into the cell (discussed here).
All vaccine brands are being studied by La Quinta Columna with the help of the University of Almeria and other laboratories, with breaking news being covered in English at Orwell City, so please stay tuned for further reports on this matter.
Clearly, the findings from these studies are offering us all deeper insight into what is contained in these vaccines, and the analysis of scientists on the correlations and implications, in context of high numbers of deaths and disability accruing from paralysis, strokes, seizures, heart attacks, blood clotting, brain clots, fatigue, anaphylaxis after the vaccines–as recorded in all Adverse Event databases–is sorely needed.
It is remarkable that this research was initiated in light of the several reports of people finding magnets and metals sticking to their bodies post-vaccine.
Dr. Jose Sevillano is hopeful the vaccines can and must be halted at once.
“It ends with this. This was unthinkable a few weeks ago. Who was going to put a stop to this? Well, from heaven they have sent us help, that this is magnetic and visible, because if it had not been visible, my friend…. Farewell! Nobody would have noticed. And with this goodbye, the vaccination campaign is over and all the fraud of this whole issue we have been living through is exposed“
Dr. Jose Sevillano, La Quinta Columna: ‘Graphene oxide has its absorption band in 5G’/Orwell City