Submitted by The Angry Patriot
These corrupt politicians and criminal bureaucrats have crossed every line.
They are tyrants … and dictators … and autocrats … and despots.
At every level of American government, they have set up petty tyrannies.
They act with total impunity.
They show no regard for human rights, civil rights, or constitutional rights.
They have constantly violated federal law, state statutes, county codes and city ordinances.
They break their own bureaucratic rules and regulations at every turn.
They issue unlawful decrees like they are kings and queens.
They give illegal orders as though they are emperors and monarchs.
They have proven, time and again, that they do not represent or care about We the People.
Because of the mass death and very serious injury now caused by their criminal dictates, they must be removed by any means necessary.
They must be deposed by every means possible.
The country cannot survive their treason and treachery.
If serious action is not taken soon, the nation will surely succumb to their tyranny … and to their expanding idiocracy.
Look it, the barbarians are inside the gate. They have been for many decades.
Yes, it’s that bad and about to get much worse.
It’s either them or US.
These tyrants have shown they will not relent. They will only push harder.
Which means they know it’s really “do or die” for all of them. Just like it’s “do or die” for We the People.
There’s only one solution:
After they have all been properly arrested, tried, convicted and sentenced, of course.
All of this can be swiftly carried out by Citizen Grand Juries.
The perps can be apprehended via lawful citizen’s arrest.
Remember, from this point forward, it’s either them or US.
So, light the torch, pick up the pitch fork, and grab the rope…
…before they turn their many FEMA camps into Covid jab death camps.