Something Seriously Wrong With Nancy Pelosi?

Something Seriously Wrong With Nancy Pelosi? – This Brings Up The Question Of Whether Politicians And World Leaders Are Using ‘Young Blood’ To Slow Down Physical Aging


Something Seriously Wrong With Nancy Pelosi? – This Brings Up The Question Of Whether Politicians And World Leaders Are Using ‘Young Blood’ To Slow Down Physical Aging

“Ever notice how seated politicians, excluding the random one here and there, seem to live far longer than the normal average life span of the general populace?

Even over in England the Queen is 95 years old, and her husband who recently passed was 99 years old.

American politicians also seem to live long, just look at the politicians at this link, updated in 2020.

 Former President Jimmy Carter, 96. His wife, 94. Dianne Feinstein, 88.

I could go on and on and on just using American politicians, current and former, but the point is their average life span appears to be far longer than the general populace, more so than what superior medical care can explain.

Many would argue that members of congress and world leaders have access to better healthcare than the average citizen, and that is a point well made, but the largeness of the average gap between the so-called “elite” lifespan in comparison to the rest of the population, goes far past that argument.


What used to be mocked as a “conspiracy theory,” has now been reported by multiple news outlets including New York Times, New York Post, Newsweek, BBC, and many others.

Using young blood to prolong the life of the older.

Via the BBC, in a piece with the headline “The super rich are injecting blood from teenagers to gain ‘immortality’”

At the time of that tweet, I first wondered if the image had been photoshopped, until I saw it elsewhere and in news reports.

By December 2019, the problem with Pelosi’s nose appears to have moved to the outer right side of her nose with a number of images showing her wearing a band aid.

This brings us full circle to the question, which is not without basis given the news reports on the older wealthy “elite” using young blood to slow down the aging process, of whether Pelosi, other politicians and world leaders have been using the ‘Young Blood” process for longer than the media admits it has been happening.

If so, does this explain the mental deterioration we have noted in many of the oldest members of congress and the president, where the body still moves, but the mind doesn’t appear to be all there.

Some flashbacks which do bring Pelosi’s mental state into question.


By DONALD REPORT Reader/Contributor Susan Duclos – All News PipeLine

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