IF you are going to defeat your evil enemy, you at least need to know WHO he is, right??? (Must Read!)

Wow, I can hardly believe it.

Submitted by GA

I’m watching WW2 movies, that make it clear that WW2 was ALL about the War between the Jews and the Gentiles.
Jews = Communists.
Hitler was at war against the Communists, and that is why he stopped the attacks on England and turned to the East and attacked the COMMUNIST Russians.
We have been told this is a “great mystery” WHY Hitler went against the Russians.  No one knew why.  Hitler was a crazy man.
But in fact, when you factor in that the Jews controlled and Destroyed Russia, killed the Czar and His entire family and Enslaved the Russian people in COMMUNISM,
After the Jews Conquered Russia, they went after Germany, to destroy it, and make it Communist too.
…….I think you can see the truth.  Hitler realized it was only a matter of time before the Jews came after Germany and the rest of Christendom, as they are NOW!!!!

Jewish Rabbi and Historian Admits Adolf Hitler was Right in his anger toward Leftist Jews!


Now these Rabbis I would call GOOD JEWS.  They recognized EVIL and pointed it out to the World.
But most Jews would NEVER do this!
But Hitler interfered with their evil plans.
It amazes me, that people knew all about this back then, during WW2.  Something I have only recently discovered.
So the Enemy that the Germans were fighting in WW2, are the exact same enemies we are fighting now……except now, because we fought WITH the Communists during WW2 (USSR),  our Enemies NOW have flourished and have total control over ALL of our Media, all of our Education System and they control our Government and our healthcare too.
Stupid me, I thought this was a new revelation, but it is not.
All that has happened, since we fought on the wrong side of WW2, was now our Enemies are NOW in CONTROL of EVERYTHING in our Lives.
Not much fun now, is it?  In fact, it looks like there is no way out of this mess that we have naively gotten ourselves into believing the BIG LIE that the JEWS are our FRIENDS and are JUST LIKE Christians.
Christians don’t shove the New World Order down people’s throats.  Christians have no desire to ENSLAVE mankind to them.  Christians do NOT LIE, they tell the unvarnished TRUTH.
The truth is, I see very little in common between Christians and Communist Jews…..extremely little, in fact I would say they are the exact POLAR OPPOSITE of each other.
One is good and seeks good and seeks only righteousness, and cares for their fellow man……and the other is only out for self gain no matter how they get it, no matter how many people they have to stomp on and MURDER in cold blood to get it.  I see ZERO similarity between the 2 distinct groups.
That is what we are fighting now: Jewish New World Order—aka COMMUNISM. 
That is the group forcing these mandatory KILL SHOTS onto innocent people…to genocide them.
That is the Jewish Communist group Censoring Free Speech.
I mean when you think of all the people the Communist Jews have Murdered in cold blood…
Communist Jews make HITLER
look like a Choir Boy!!!!
They always said they would WAR against the Gentiles by Deception.
And this exactly what they have done.
This breakthrough knowledge I have only recently gained…….is in fact very, very old news.
I would have known it earlier, but Communist Jews have had total control of our Education system, (yes even during my time…..when I was “required” to read the Communist Manifesto in college, but NEVER “required” to read the Bible, and in fact the Bible was pooh-poohed as mythical nonsense).
My God how we have been deceived.
I don’t like the idea of putting a whole race of people to death, like the Nazi’s did.
But I have to admit, like Hitler did, how in the world are WE supposed to know “who is who” among the Jews???
Who are the Jews who have bought into the plan to CONTROL THE WHOLE WORLD AND FORCE COMMUNISM DOWN EVERYONE’S THROATS and Force ALL Gentiles into SLAVERY, and if they won’t submit to MURDER THEM…..and who is not????
You can’t know.  They refuse to rat on their fellow tribe.  <<<That’s the “tell”.  If they refuse to point out these ugly truths, you KNOW they are part of these evil plans.
So even if there are a few who are not actively working against us, to ENSLAVE us, they will NEVER rat out their fellow tribesmen who ARE ACTIVELY WORKING TO ENSLAVE US ALL IN COMMUNISM AND THEIR DAMNABLE “NEW WORLD ORDER”.
WHY?  Because they plan to BENEFIT from this EVIL plan.  They will be the first ones up to the plate to brush off their family tree and PROVE they are Jewish, and thus WORTHY to be part of the Criminal Jewish Communist New World Order Elite.
There have been many other WW2 movies, where this point was clear, IF you were looking for it, and IF you knew what to look for.
Biggest box office movies on this planet come from Hellywood.
Who owns and controls Hellywood???
Yes, the communist Jews.
Are they going to tell the TRUTH about their deceptive GOALS???
Of course not.
Deception has always been their goal.
Let’s see, how does “deception” line up with the 10 Commandments of the Old Testament of the Bible???
I believe it is one of the “Thou Shall NOTS”.
Just like Jesus warned us, but we did NOT listen, or take JESUS seriously at His word:
See I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan. Revelation 2:9

Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satanwhich say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. Revelation 3:9
THAT is who we are fighting today: The Synagogue of Satan LIARS and DECEIVERS.
I am depressed tonight.
Enlightened, but depressed.
We live in a fallen world.
It escapes me how Jews could have fallen so far away from the cherished principles of Goodness and Righteousness that God taught them.
But the point is, this is the unvarnished truth.
This is what we are up against.
IF you are going to defeat your evil enemy, you at least need to know WHO he is, right???
Otherwise you are just flying in the blind.
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