VAX: Crime Central – Part 1 of 3.

Submitted by RT

CDC – Centres for Disease Control and Prevention.

Part 1 of 3. The CDC is a for-profit Corporation listed on Dun and Bradstreet with a “mission and vision” – as stated on their website – that the “CDC works to protect America from health, safety and security threats, both Foreign and in the U.S.” As a health protection agency, the CDC is supposed to save lives and conduct critical science for responding to threats when they arise. One could easily metaphorically say that the CDC is supposed to take the “health pulse” of the Nation regularly, but most criticism and failed opportunities reveal just the opposite –  the CDC not working in the best interest of the public it serves, while Corporate and “Pharma” lobbying and positions of control in the Bureaucracy have had fraudulent influence for decades.  Vaccinations are perhaps the most profitable for the drug industry as Corporations have complete immunity from “doing harm” or being sued in Proper Court of Law. In fact, the vaccine industry has their own ‘Court’ and ‘Judges’ now, so the CDC is functioning in complete conflict of interest by publicly promoting vaccines as part of a Business Agenda with financial rewards for those who push the hardest. Since the Supreme Court decision in 2011, Bruecewitz versus Wyeth, the vaccine industry is completely exempt from all liability regarding vaccine products, yet the industry shells out Billions (Taxpayer money) in damages to humans receiving too many vaccines too close together and/or at too young of an age. The CDC refuses to regulate this industry (1) but instead promotes toxic chemicals, synthetic preservatives, dangerous heavy metal toxins, carcinogens and “adjuvants” still listed as ingredients in vaccines, including Mercury (as Thimerosal in flu shots), Aluminium, MSG and Formaldehyde. The CDC has had relationships with Big Business for decades and generations now, if not since its inception.

CDC Scandals, Lies, Lack of Safety Research and Coverups. From 1999 to 2001, the CDC repeatedly lied to the American public, saying they were removing the highly toxic compound Thimerosal, which is approximately 50% Mercury, from all “childhood” vaccines, when they most certainly were not. No matter what you call it, the flu shot is an Influenza vaccine and nearly all flu shots come in multi-dose vials and contain Mercury (many like Flulaval containing 25,000ppb), even at doses thousands of times more potent than the amounts of Mercury found in tap water or fish (that the EPA warns about). The CDC outright removed Mercury from certain vaccines on the recommended “childhood vaccination schedule” but left Mercury in flu shots and began recommending flu shots to pregnant women, infants (over 6 months of age), and even the elderly. Much literature on vaccines now offer “preservative-free” vaccines, to give Americans the illusion they are avoiding toxic heavy metals like Mercury, while pushing Influenza vaccines on the other hand, that have massive amounts of this lethal, neurotoxic heavy metal that causes Autism Spectrum Disorder and other Central Nervous System Disorders. Mercury is not the only dangerous preservative and Carcinogenic (Cancer causing) chemical additive in vaccines, so to suggest that a “preservative-free” vaccine is any safer than the rest, or even the flu shot, is a completely absurd and unfounded, unsafe, haphazard claim based on zero science and zero safety studies. Other vaccine additives, preservatives, emulsifiers and chemical “adjuvants” that are highly dangerous if consumed, much less injected into muscle tissue include Aluminium, Formaldehyde, Monosodium Glutamate (MSG), combinations of Genetically Modified Bacteria and Viral strains, Chicken Embryo, Human Albumin (blood that can contain Hepatitis or AIDS), Sodium Chloride, and much more.

The CDC pushes the Flu vaccine full of Mercury while saying Mercury was removed from all vaccines – an outright medical scandal of epidemic proportions. The CDC recently promoted the influenza vaccine after they found out they guessed the wrong strains of Influenza and that the inoculation had next to zero chance of doing any good; knowing it could only do harm they still advised Americans to get it anyway, “just to be safe.” In fact, according to the CDC, vaccines labeled “Thimerosal-free” often have a little asterisk next to those words with a disclaimer: “This vaccine has ‘trace’ amounts of Thimerosal, which the FDA says is ‘equivalent’ to Thimerosal-free products.” Upon closer look, there is still some Mercury (trace amounts close to 3mcg) in those vaccines, but the FDA says 2ppb is the maximum amount of Mercury deemed “safe” in water for drinking, and any water or food containing more than 200 ppb Mercury is considered toxic. Yet, injecting Mercury is far more dangerous to humans, especially infants and pregnant women, than eating or drinking it, because it bypasses normal filtration methods, like the digestive tract, the lungs, the skin, and the cleansing organs. This ‘advice’ and “safety” concern by the FDA, the EPA and the CDC is therefore entirely misleading, inappropriate, and outright dangerous. Here comes the scary part. “Thimerosal-free” flu vaccines contain up to 300 ppb Mercury, so if a child is allergic to Mercury, they will still most likely suffer adverse reactions to a “preservative-free” or “Thimerosal-free” vaccine, including the flu shot and any other childhood immunisation protocol that involves injecting these untested vaccines into muscle tissue. The flu shot is an Influenza vaccine and contains massive amounts of Mercury, contrary to the perpetuated lie the CDC tells saying that Mercury/Thimerosal has been removed from vaccines. Also, the Swine Flu vaccine, H1N1, still contains Mercury, so add that to the List of Lies the CDC tells pregnant mothers. The influenza viruses can also be spread by all of those injected with the Influenza vaccines, as those victims become what is termed “shedders” – often spreading the flu via body fluids, mucus, saliva, etc, for up to two weeks after getting the flu ‘jab.’ All CDC “experts” will blame the unvaccinated for this spreading, never publishing literature admitting the true culprit – the flu vaccine itself.

The Biggest Lies and Coverups in Medical History Perpetuated by the CDC. Today, the “DTP” – Diphtheria, Tetanus and Polio vaccine – is delivered with five injections, given between 2 and 6 years of age, plus boosters “recommended” every 10 years containing Formaldehyde, Phenoxyethanol and Aluminium Phosphate, while flu shots contain up to 25,000 times the allowed amount of Inorganic Mercury in drinking water. Still, flu shots are recommended by nearly every MD in the USA, even for injecting pregnant women and babies. Those same doctors will even administer the Whooping Cough vaccine and the Flu shot at the same time, per the CDC website itself, for pregnant women and their unborn babies, or even injected into the muscle tissue of the baby the day he or she is born… Massive Media Coverup of Vaccine-Autism link Perpetuated by the CDC: Thanks to Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., who was named Time magazine’s “Heroes for the Planet” in May of 2010, just authored a prolific new book called “Thimerosal: Let the Science Speak: The Evidence Supporting the Immediate Removal of Mercury — a Known Neurotoxin — from Vaccines,”  (Kennedy was appointed by President Donald J. Trump to head up the new Vaccine Safety Commission for the United States). Kennedy writes in his new book: “Based upon all of this, it is clear now that Mercury is something to which no one should be deliberately exposed. As such, it is an error to include it in vaccines or indeed in any therapeutics—and in these domains it is an error within our grasp to correct, and prudent to do so. We tend to take a long time to correct error—it took seventy-five years to get the Lead out of Gasoline.” The Mass Media has launched an all-out campaign to silence dissenting voices like Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., who seek to expose the Vaccine-Mercury-Autism link that is real and is very necessary public information that all Americans need to consider before having Mercury injected into their muscle tissue ever again. The Mass Media is calling Robert F. Kennedy Jr. a “vaccine sceptic” and “anti-vax fanatic” and “dangerous anti-vaxxer advocate,” though none of that is true. Kennedy says himself he is pro-vaccine and is simply making the valid case for the removal of Mercury from vaccines, using safer preservative alternatives, and spacing out the vaccine schedule more. Yet still, here is the onslaught of Mass Media Lies perpetuated by the CDC’s False Claims that Mercury is safe, all based on one hoax ‘study’ done all the way back in the 1930s. Mass Media and CDC panic over Trump and Kennedy addressing the dangers of Mercury in vaccines:

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