Cultural Marxists Determined Take Over the Capital and Financial Powerhouse of Europe—GERMANY!

German Parking Garage Unveils Dedicated Spaces For LGBTQ And Migrant Drivers

Today in “our obsession with inclusiveness is once again leading us back to segregating people” news, a car park in Germany is unveiling dedicated parking spaces for LGBTQ and migrant drivers.

The three “diversity” parking spaces were put up in an underground car park in Hanau city centre, according to the Daily Mail.

Hanau is considered a city of diversity already, the report noted. Hanau’s population was “already ethnically diverse” before the 2015 migrant crisis.

The aim of the spots was to “help people who feel a special need for protection,” according to Thomas Morlock, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the lot.

Morlock told the Daily Mail the spaces were built to set a “conspicuously colourful symbol for diversity and tolerance”.

He said they “are not necessarily meant” to be used by a “seperate group of people”.

And of course, as the Daily Mail puts it, the kicker:

“It is not immediately clear how the authorities intend to monitor whether people who park in the spaces are in fact part of the LGBTQ community or migrants…”

Keep up the great work, Herr Morlock. 


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