Here’s the Covid Game Plan for
Global Depopulation and the
Enslavement of Humanity
Submitted by The Armchair Covid Crime Investigator
State of the Nation
Anatomy of the Covid Plandemic
International Crime Scene
What follows is the shockingly intentional, step-by-step, criminal conspiratorial plot to commit global genocide and seriously debilitate populations around the globe via various types of COVID-19 bioweapons and the ensuing Covid Super Vaccination Agenda.
Given the sheer depth and breadth of this worldwide scheme to deliberately kill and/or injure as many human beings as possible, it’s clear that every major government, globalist institution, Fortune 1000 corporation and nongovernmental organization (especially health oriented), which is controlled by the New World Order globalist cabal, had to have had foreknowledge of this highly complex criminal scheme. Therefore, each remains an unindicted co-conspirator in the greatest crime spree ever to be perpetrated against the entire human race.
Now, here’s what these inconceivably brazen, desperate and reckless Covid criminals meticulously planned out in advance with great attention to the malevolent details.
1) First, the Covid perps quite stealthily and strategically launched a series of bioweapons across the planet in major metro areas especially where the military deployment of 5G had taken place throughout 2019.
2) Then, they purposefully labeled the sophisticated bioweapon — SARS-CoV-19 — in order to mislead governments everywhere as well as to confuse and confound the international healthcare community. It’s not a coronavirus and has never been isolated scientifically; but is more likely a mix of different pathogenic micro-organisms that includes a parasitical, bacterial and/or fungal component.
3) Next, they knowingly distributed a highly defective COVID-19 PCR Test Kit that was guaranteed to give numerous false positives as well as false negatives. Those kits were mysteriously stockpiled around the world for rapid dissemination prior to the first release of COVID-19 in Wuhan, China. The exceedingly long contaminated nasal swabs were also used to either vaccinate the test victim or transmit COVID-19 to them.
4) In the meantime, the top controllers of this extremely complicated bioterrorist operation were determined to prevent any COVID-19 treatment plans, remedies and/or protocols from being approved by any government on Earth. There has never been such a highly coordinated campaign to dismiss proven treatments for a deadly contagion in world history.
5) By quickly and effectively banning the use of successful medications for COVID-19 throughout the world community of nations, the perps set the stage for fake vaccines to be developed and administered in record time. The various injections, shots and jabs contain gene-altering capability and have multiple detrimental effects on the human bio-organism; and have nothing to do with the prevention of COVID-19.
6) The various highly experimental Covid injections, each of which has an undisclosed different purpose, were manufactured prior to the manmade pandemic that began in January of 2020. They were then distributed to pre-selected nations to be administered to certain bloodlines in order to produce, as yet, other unknown adverse effects.
7) In spite of an extraordinary death toll and rate of vaccine injury caused directly by the Covid shots, the global mainstream media (MSM) was directed not to report that vital data to the general public. Instead, the MSM has been used to trumpet the fake success of the ‘vaccines’ and sell them to every person on the planet like there’s tomorrow.
8) In this way, unaware and uninformed folks were deceitfully coerced and compelled to receive an unapproved ‘vaccine’ that was categorized as “Emergency Use Authorization” ONLY. This universal pattern of deceit — “vaccine by uninformed consent” — was integral to the roll-out of these lethal vaccination programs worldwide.
9) Even children are now being jabbed with the exceedingly dangerous and deadly COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ with many of them experiencing heart inflammation, among other serious health conditions and medical ailments. The often fatal blood clots only become more evident by the day as do other serious symptoms and adverse side effects which are occurring after vaccination with increasing frequency. All the while, the MSM reporting on the real risks remains virtually nonexistent.
10) Particularly throughout the early stages of this preplanned pandemic hoax, the standard medical response was not to issue treatment guidelines for COVID-19 prior to hospitalization. This immense institutional failure is completely without precedent in both scope and magnitude. Deliberately withholding vital treatments and appropriate medications was the real linchpin in this plan to commit genocide.
11) Once a hospitalization occurred, the medical protocols which were routinely administered became the primary cause of death, not COVID-19. Physicians around the world complained as never before in history that the medical treatments were a HUGE part of the problem; and certainly not part of the solution. The planned result was a culling of the global population via medicide whereby iatrogenic death (as well as Covid-like illness) has occurred in record numbers.
12) Just like the Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918, it has clearly been the premeditated medical response that is responsible for the high mortality rate among the elderly and those with multiple comorbidities. Back in 1918, it was the deadly combination of aspirin and morphine that contributed to the deaths of upwards of 100 million people worldwide. Today, both ventilators and heavy sedation have been systematically utilized in hospitals to kill countless COVID-19 victims.
13) Everything points to a similar genocidal playbook being used in 2020 and beyond in the interest of depopulating the planet and bringing the Covid-vaccinated under complete control. The crucial issue here is that only up to 10% of vaccine deaths and injuries are normally reported by VAERS, so we know that the Covid injection injuries are actually much, MUCH worse than being reported. As for the true COVID-19 mortality rates, those are so highly inflated to present the false appearance of a full-blown panedemic, the real numbers will never be known or else the worldwide geriatric genocide would be exposed.
The preceding list of examples of gross medical malpractice, criminal acts of governmental negligence and nefarious schemes perpetrated by the WHO, B&MGF and Big Pharma, and especially the catastrophic roll-out of the Covid ‘vaccines’, confirms the transparent intent to commit global genocide. This NWO cabal-conducted black operation and sinister psyop also demonstrate the strong intention to carry out the stealthily unfolding GREAT RESET (a global implementation plan to enslave humankind) in the wake of the COVID-19 manmade catastrophe.
The Armchair Covid Crime Investigator
State of the Nation
Updated October 14, 2021