SOTN Editor’s Note: There had to be a very good reason for the power elite to implement the utterly reckless, outrageously brazen and insanely desperate OPERATION COVID-19 and Covid Super Vaccination Agenda. The following explanation is not only very plausible, it’s just crazy enough that the “Rich and Powerful Mad Men Who Run The World” would do it.
*Click on the following link to enlarge the text of the preceding screenshot. Then click on the new screenshot anywhere to magnify the print.
Ed. Note continued: Who has not heard the old saying “If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans”? Well, if you want to make God really howl with laughter, make yourself a perfect plan.
That’s exactly what these incorrigible and criminally insane psychopaths who populate the New World Order cabal of globalists have done. Which means that they can suffer a terminal reversal of fortune at any moment of their epic fail-in-the-making.
However, that doesn’t mean that humanity should just wait for their downfall. These Covid criminals will certainly be hoisted on their own petard…just before they’re hung live on the Internet. However, the whole Secret World Government operating in the shadows over decades must also be terminated, after it’s totally exposed for every human being on Earth to see.
State of the Nation
October 26, 2021