If We Refuse To Use This “Key”–The Chains Are Staying Locked!

It Sucks That God’s Not “Cool Enough”.  The REAL “Inconvenient Truth.” What Part Of “God-Family-Country” Are We REALLY Not Getting?

Submitted by Andy’s Awesome Outlook

What is a Patriot? I’ll tell it to you this way.

If you truly love the home you live in, maybe your car, maybe your style and the way you dress, maybe your pets, maybe your husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend; then you apply common sense and are protective of and take care of those things and want to keep it that way. You would probably do what’s necessary to maintain it. You would at least try to not let it fall apart out of neglect; and you definitely wouldn’t intentionally do things to make it change and morph into something totally different from what you love.

And, we apply that same principal to this country.

In my analysis, THAT is the basic Patriot principle.

AND if someone else, outside influences, or even influences posing as people close to you started doing things to morph it, to change it, to take it apart, and rearrange it the way THEY want it, you’d say:

“Hey you. No, no you don’t!”

“This country is already loved and cherished by way more people than just you, you just came on the scene and all of a sudden think you’re in charge. As a matter of fact, you and your friends have been nothing but weasels who should be totally ashamed of yourselves for maneuvering and sneaking and using the system against everybody.”

“The system of laws, which was created to maintain those things that are loved, you’ve now weaseled into and radically changed those laws, to give you — A VASTLY SMALLER AND VIRTUALLY LAWLESS GROUP — control of the folks who are busy enjoying life as it was provided for them … and who are at least TRYING to learn, grow, and gain wisdom with the aging process, UNLIKE YOU.”

So, instead, they’ve used our system of laws to gain power for themselves (through deception and trickery) over the vast majority of law-abiding human beings. That is about as low and weasel-like as a human being can be. Yet we all know, they’re proud as can be about it.

They SHOULD be terribly ashamed when they think about it. That is, when they’re all by themselves and just inside their own heads and they let their souls speak to them, instead of what is leading them from the outside. But instead, they keep their head and soul crammed full of negative influences from the outside sources which they have allowed to be their controllers.

Those same outside influences couldn’t care less about them, and only caring about themselves is the bottom line that they need to come to grips with. And, that all they have created for themselves is a solidarity of selfish human beings, masquerading to each other as a group that is highly intelligent and supposedly enlightened.

Do they really think what they have done and created is going to last?

They all know it’s not. But they are so giddy about the cesspool of power they’ve been given to wade around in, and can see how things are caving in around them and around us, that they flat out don’t care, they choose denial and won’t, and can’t, admit that there are nasty, nasty evil forces everywhere who would kill ALL OF US – INCLUDING THEM in a moment just for laughs.

And they do not look up to anyone who may be older and wiser. They do not seek their counsel or advice. They certainly are not jealous of us “common Americans” because we’re not part of their ‘intelligent’ group. And they certainly do not wish to be led by you and your ‘unintelligent’ cohorts (us).

So what’s the solution?

Fight, fight, fight? I suppose that’s as good a basic thought as any. And although it sounds simplistic, I believe it helps to simplify the whole concept. Because obviously, we can’t just “stop” all that goes on and make things the way we believe things should be. So we have NO choice but to continue to TRY and contribute to the cause in whatever way we can.

https://perfectpatriotproducts.com (A contribution to the cause and way to wear your Patriotic heart on your sleeve and reveal it to whoever God may want to “enlighten”.)

Well, lets see, I personally think all our great Patriot’s dedication to finding out and explaining/reporting on what are the origins of all this evil, all the way up to what’s going on now, in real time, and attempting to expose it to as many people as possible is an absolutely crucial part of the solution, BUT I think there are some other equally important parts that are holding back the success of all these heroic Patriotic efforts, on behalf of the country.

So please indulge me on this “What’s The Solution” and “What Is A Patriot” question.

I’d Greatly Appreciate If You Could Stay With Me For The Rest Of This – As I Feel I Am About To Get A Bit “Passionately Long-winded” But I Have To Express It The Way I’m Feelin It.

I’m gonna bring up the subject of God and risk either losing you now, or keeping you because on one level or another you “feel” the same sense from within that I do. And that “sense” is, that all thoughts concerning God are being so thoroughly dissolved from the minds of our society to the point that when someone brings it up anymore they get disregarded and looked at (even by well-meaning Patriots) as an intellectual lightweight who really can’t add anything of value, so they just revert back to the “removing religion from society” thing.

Well, I think it is the reverse. I think it still holds, and always will hold the position with the HIGHEST VALUE there is, and is STILL the key that we MUST use to unlock the whole thing.

If we don’t base our very existence as human beings, who cling to human life, on a MUCH DEEPER PERSPECTIVE than just the external, then why the heck does all this matter in the first place?

So, the “solutions” have to come from the very core, in my opinion, or there is NO FIX that can EVER possibly have any lasting effect to pass on to the humans who carry on after we are all gone. (I’m not sure if you’re aware of this, but we WILL all be gone sooner or later, no matter what.) LOL.

Here’s an analogy: Gut health is extremely popular these days (thank you supplement pill industry—NOT) but the fact is if your gut is dysfunctional, well you know the deal by now… but is the “solution” to know about the problem, discuss it with one another, and then take probiotic capsules and roll them around on the outside of your stomach, then smear yogurt on your stomach, or do the same with all the foods that would facilitate the cure?

Nope, the good stuff has to be INSIDE. That is the only place it will work, to bring about healing, and prevent things from getting right back out of control.

And we all know that’s just what America’s enemies have been doing – destroying US from within – in peoples’ minds. And since they’ve been so successful at removing God out of sight, well “out of sight, out of mind”, and then the vacuum they created in our culture they instantaneously fill with their crap, masterfully, according to their plan.

So, we have to make a heroic, determined effort to put God back into our minds. There is, in my opinion, NO OTHER WAY. Anyone with young children, I believe, has a huge responsibility on their shoulders. Possibly a country-saving one.(No pressure) And in a bit I’ll talk about my “Self-Boycotting” concept, that sure could help.

So as all of us awesome Patriots continue fighting the good fight, maybe we can double down on including HIM in it! And I don’t mean in a hypocritical — we deserve God’s blessings simply because our name is America — way.

But maybe we can re-focus on giving back to God the vibe that we know HE is THE “big guy” (shut up, Biden) and He knows all things that we do not. And that throughout history He has saved and prospered civilizations; and He has also destroyed them or allowed them to destroy themselves according to what was (and is) in their hearts.

And if we acknowledge to Him that we know our country is not perfect and will never be, and we are forever grateful for His love and blessings regardless, so that He sees that the people of this country are humble and forever GRATEFUL for what He has done for us as a country up to this point, I truly believe that will get the “gut” right again and would magically unlock the healing process in a way that we can’t possibly force to happen under our own human power, no matter how hard we try.

I’ve actually learned the hard way multiple times in my own life when I have asked God to “help me” with something the way I thought I had figured out how it needed to be done.. I floundered. And then when I would finally get my blockhead to change the attitude from “please be my helper” to, “God, Please Do It For Me The Way YOU Want It To Go, And I Will Be YOUR helper”. And BAM!

We need to get “spiritual” again. I say “spiritual” because I feel the word “Christianity” has been used and abused so badly that no wonder most of society is now turned off by it. Seems to me when many of us hear the word Christian used so easily we also hear words like “hypocrite, in name only, fake, entitled, self-righteous, etc.” echoing in our heads at the same time.

So, I’ll use “spiritual” to denote sincerity towards God without those other words echoing around and interfering so we can convey humility, gratefulness, empathy, friendship, etc. again. And we must not confine God to a box that He must reside in and conform to our exact way of believing. (Don’t forget, we’re human–we aren’t perfect, so other people’s ways of believing may be just as good to God as our own and if we judge too harshly, we fall right back into a trap).

I think if we can use our spiritual “gut” to try to righteously judge situations again we might actually end up on the same page and pretty darn effectively apply what I call “Self-Boycotting” (by the way, ever notice how the other side seems to be ALWAYS on the same page? It is because they all share the same spirituality, which happens to be on the evil side. They don’t need meetings to coordinate what they do, it just freely flows, but unfortunately happens to be for the benefit of evil).

But, “Self-Boycotting” is simply having your spiritual core be strong enough that it becomes easier and easier to simply not participate in things that provide the fuel that the enemy uses to churn along. Look at the fuel and power we so unnecessarily give them… We make all of the entertainment nitwits, movie actors, TV shows, music performers, news personalities, so out of control big, that we literally give them MUCH more worship than God Himself. We literally GIVE them that power. Then we’re incredulous as to what we can do to stop being controlled by them. We are literally giving them billions, if not trillions of our own dollars to control us, and worse than EVERYTHING else — to destroy our own children!!!

They are the INTERFACE between the scuzbag politicians and the lowly common people, but we sadly, and frustratingly enable them.

Well DUH, us!

I truly believe if we can truly, and humbly, begin to crave that spiritual power again (and possibly for the first time) TOGETHER, as a country, God would make it easy to “Self-Boycott”. And then, all of a sudden, He would unlock our ability as a people to once again begin to find fulfillment and contentment in the ways we used to. And He would swing the pendulum back to His people’s favor. I believe He WANTS to. The question is are we really showing Him we want what He wants.

Food for thought…There is one, and I believe ONLY one way to not be a hypocrite about this whole issue. Ready for this? Fully admit you are one, and are not perfect, but continue to keep trying. (that was not meant to be a self compliment, by the way, many times I end up being forced to admit it)
And I believe that should be the “official attitude” of our entire country.

Another “Solution” I believe we need to implement is the need to “Self-Boycott” the “Fake Church” … or at least admit the degree of how much it contributed to our problem and has been complicit in the destruction of our culture. And, how much it needs to be straightened out, YESTERDAY if not sooner!!

Our own “churches”! Why would a “Christian” support any organization that refuses to speak out about the topics that its own members intuitively know have to be resisted and said NO to, JUST BECAUSE THE GOVERNMENT/ IRS SAYS THEY’D HAVE TO PAY TAXES IF THEY DID? So instead, they are incrementally EMBRACING one issue after another. Ironically, in my opinion, Churches run themselves as “for profit” businesses anyway, and in this way the profit is literally the taxes they keep, at the expense of actually giving fellow believers a place to be fellow believers together. But sadly, many end up becoming politically correct “CINOs” and most don’t even bother to vote. One of the worst performing voting blocks in our country is “Evangelical Christians” when it SHOULD be the highest performing!

*CINO = Christian In Name Only

That is a CRIME and a slap directly in Gods face. In my opinion, if a church isn’t willing to take the risk to work FOR God, then it should just shut down instead being THE main source of our country’s spiritual problem. EXACTLY like the hypocrites Jesus railed against over 2,000 years ago! IT NEVER CHANGED!

“What Is A Patriot?”

I’d much rather be a Patriot who says he or she loves God, doesn’t “attend Church” yet tries to really practice being a believer in everyday life, than to say, “I love God” and then attend a “church” that does nothing but work against Him and the good of our country. And one that is actually a pretty darn efficient tool for the progression of evil instead of a place where His believers can spiritually flourish together.

Well, anyway, if these possibly over-simplistic “Solutions” and answers to “What Is A Patriot” resonated with you, then I say I am grateful to call you a friend.

If they offended you, well that sucks like a Hoover, Dyson or whatever brand you prefer.

Hopefully we can just agree to disagree. And try again next time. One thing I think we can ALL agree on.

This is bigger than all of us. Much bigger!

CLICK HERE: https://perfectpatriotproducts.com


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