GENOCIDAL SUPER VACCINATION AGENDA EXPOSED: Texas Supreme Court Miraculously Halts Unjust Execution Of Innocent Man Falsely Accused Of Murder….

…By Way Of The Utterly Fake Shaken
Baby Syndrome Diagnosis Concocted
By The Big
Govt-Big Pharma-Big
Medical Complex To
Cover Up Their
Multi-Decade Mass Murder
American Babies.

Submitted by A Long-time Vaccine Injury Consultant
State of the Nation

First, everyone needs to read this extremely important exposé written by a “Midwestern Physician”:

A Big Pharma Scam That Covers Up Vaccine-
Infant Deaths & Convicts
Parents Of Murder

Secondly, everyone needs to understand that both the Health Freedom Movement and National Anti-Vaccination Movement have just been given the greatest gift from the Highest Power.

For the only way that the wrongfully Robert Roberson just avoided his state-sponsored murder by the Texas Criminal Injustice System was nothing short of a truly awesome miracle.

Texas Supreme Court halts execution of man in shaken
baby case after lawmakers’ last-minute appeal

In point of fact, Robert had exhausted every single remedy available to him to acquire a just stay of execution.  There was simply nothing left for him to do in order to avoid his deliberate assassination by the murderous Big Govt-Big Pharma-Big Medical Complex, which was determined to use him as a glaring example (and future legal precedent) for their institutionally weaponized vaccine crime waves, except via a very wily and unparalleled intervention by the Texas legislature (that was the miracle, btw).

U.S. Government Colludes With Big Pharma
To Poison The American People

Of course, the most serious aspect of this highly premeditated scheme to murder and sicken infants and school children across the USA is that the parents are unwittingly used as accomplices in this never-ending nationwide crime wave.

Vaccines Killing Infants at Alarming Rate, Children Infected
for Life with Chronic Diseases

The Near Sacrifice of Robert Roberson

Then comes a regular guy from Texas who was purposefully set up to be the poster child for the contrive diagnosis Shaken Baby Syndrome.  Robert unwittingly wrecks and ruins their nefarious plan by throwing a HUGE wrench in their vaccine juggernaut rolling inexorably across the land by fighting like hell against his scandalous conviction.

His sacrifice by Big Govt, Big Pharma & Medical Mafia will blow the extremely dangerous and deadly Super Vaccination Agenda wide open.

To be continued —

A Long-time Vaccine Injury Consultant
State of the Nation
October 18, 2024

Recommended Reading

RED ALERT! Innocent Man Faces Execution On Thurs. Oct. 17 Over Flawed Science

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