What do we do after the US Dollar collapse?

Using Silver and Gold for Purchases, Barter, and Sales After the Dollar Collapses or During HyperInflation 

by Kalbo

Readers of this website are well aware of the coming hyperinflation of the US Dollar, and its eventual collapse to a worthless level.   We are all hearing the mantra “Protect your Wealth with Gold and Silver”.  

But, how do you buy gas or pay your mortgage with gold or silver?  

I shall explain:

In the initial stages of hyperinflation, let’s say that gasoline is $25 a gallon, milk is $30 a gallon, and a bag of groceries is over $500, the public will continue to use US currency, credit cards, and debit cards.  Victims of  “Normalcy Syndrome”, they will first empty their savings accounts, then drain their credit lines, max out their credit cards, and default on their mortgage and car payments.  Real estate will crash and commodities will rise.  

US Currency will become virtually worthless, but will still serve as a benchmark of value.  A old silver quarter could hold a benchmark value of $25.00, while an ounce of gold is $20,000.  

So, okay…. got my silver coins…. how do I pay for my groceries?  

Answer:  When the buyer is ready, a seller appears.  Or, simply put: nature abhors a vacuum; and when a need arrises, a solution will be invented to fill that need.  Get out of that mindset that “there are only 2 coin shops in my area”.  

The solution will be the rise of the “money changers”.  Banks will not be trusted, and most will have failed during the initial savings draw downs, credit maxing, and debt defaults.  Entrepreneurs will establish money changing storefronts (most likely in vacant bank buildings) where the public can exchange their silver and gold for any currency (Euros, Pesos, Yuan, Rubles) still acceptable in the store they wish to shop at.  Likewise, the same money changers will exchange these currencies for silver and gold.  Premiums likely in the 5-10% range.

Other entrepreneurs will establish barter businesses, where they accept canned foods, liquor, seeds, firearms, electronics, and tobacco products for silver, gold, or still viable currencies.  Those businesses that still insist on straight cash will suffer great competition from the barter businesses, until eventually getting on the bandwagon.

Now the Good News

The good news is that during hyperinflation, items purchased under contract for a fixed amount become easier and easier to pay off.  Your $500,000 mortgage can be paid off with a few ounces of gold.  Your $50,000 auto loan can be paid in full with a few rolls of silver quarters.  This is what is meant by “preserving your wealth”.  $100.00 face value in silver US coins today is $1800 in silver melt value.   Under a hyperinflation economy, that $100.00 face will be worth $18,000 at some point, and perhaps more.  

Note the business opportunity for money changers in the future.  Savvy individuals will prepare for this money making opportunity.  

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