Massive CHEMTRAIL operation conducted right over the Florida State Capitol in Tallahassee, Florida
Dear Governor DeSantis,
This is one of several open letters that we have written to you about the extremely dire predicament known as weaponized weather attacks, which the state of Florida is again facing in the form of the geoengineered Hurricane Helene.
Here is a previous open letter that was sent to you two years ago just before the highly weaponized Hurricane Ian ravaged the state of Florida quite deliberately before Election Day.
NWO Globalists Targeting Red States With Relentless Weather Warfare
In point of fact, every single member of the Florida Legislature has been made aware of the stark reality that the once ‘Sunshine State’ has been unrelentingly geoegineered via various chemical geoengineering technologies into the “Chemcloud Cover State”.
To the point, now we see yet another transparently geoengineered superstorm barreling right toward Tallahassee. “Transparent” because the meticulous manmade development of Hurricane Helene, from its very inception onward, has all the signatures of a manufactured frankenstorm. See: NWO Geoengineers Manufacture Yet Another Superstorm To Aim Right At Tallahassee
Did you know, Gov. DeSantis, that Helene was first predicted the day after you did this? DeSantis signs order expediting investigation into Trump assassination attempt, expects ‘attempted murder’ charges
In order to see the hard evidence which conclusively proves that the timing of Hurricane Helene was precisely executed as a threat to you and your administration, please consult the following link.
Here’s the direct threat via geoterrorism issued by the CIA’s
Mockingbird Media against the Florida Government right
after Gov. DeSantisconfirmed the state’s
Trump assassination investigation.
So, there you have it.
You and your fellow Florida public servants are being targeted by the massive and powerful Hurricane Helene because you seek the truth about the assassination attempt on President Trump that took place in south Florida.
Gov. DeSantis, you and Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo have distinguished yourselves as intrepid truth-seekers where it concerned the weaponized Covid ‘vaccines’. So why not reveal the weaponized weather operations which have been aimed at Florida going back to Hurricane Andrew in 1992? See: CHEMTRAILS & GEOENGINEERING: Here’s the science and these are the scientists
Not only have thousands of lives been lost, and countless homes and businesses destroyed, the state has sustained billions upon billions of dollars of damage with each successive superstorm.
Really, how much longer will you permit these catastrophic acts of geoterrorism against the people of Florida?
When, pray tell, will you expose this highly destructive and deadly weather warfare waged against the Sunshine State?!
As stated in our previous open letters to you, there are always multiple goals and objectives behind these cataclysmic geoterrorist attacks.
For example, at least three of the most calamitous superstorms were purposefully perpetrated just before major elections which the NWO cabal obviously intended to rig against you and your Republican cohorts. As follows:
A Geoengineered Superstorm Targeting
Tallahassee and Florida Panhandle—Why!
An Urgent Open Letter to Gov. Ron DeSantis (Major Update)
Globalists Targeting Florida With Weather Warfare To
Disrupt State Elections As The NWO Cabal Has Done For 6 Years
Of course you are grimly aware of the hit to Florida’s economy with each and every frankenstorm aimed at our coastlines. Not only does the Tourism Industry receive an immediate blow, especially in the demolished areas, but the Agriculture Industry is also often adversely affected.
Look it, Gov. DeSantis, we can go on and on about how these weaponized hurricanes are being stealthily used to drive people out of Florida forever. Just the skyrocketing homeowner and auto insurance rates from Key West to Pensacola are forcing many folks to leave.
As you can see below, this open letter is being sent to all of the major elected representatives and officials throughout the Florida State Government. We have been writing these “REQUESTS TO DO SOMETHING NOW” to you for 6 years now to no avail.
KEY POINT: FLASHBACK: Tennessee passes ‘chemtrail’ bill banning airborne chemicals
Perhaps the Hurricane Helene weather weapon will finally compel you to uphold your gubernatorial oath to protect the people of Florida and safeguard their property from these vicious and devastating attacks.
You can begin your new approach by disclosing all that you know about weather warfare and weaponized geoengineering to the residents across Florida so that they will at least know what they’re having to deal with every hurricane season.
At the very least, don’t We the People deserve to know that? You know, how to best protect our families and safeguard our property from these ruthless geoterrorists?
Concerned Florida Residents
Cc: Chief Financial Officer Jimmy Patronis
Attorney General Ashley Moody
Commissioner of Agriculture Wilton Simpson
Lieutenant Governor Jeanette Nuñez
Secretary of State Cory Byrd
Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo
Department of Law Enforcement Commissioner Mark Glass
Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles Director Dave Kerner
President of the Florida Senate Kathleen Passidomo
Speaker of the House of Representatives Paul Renner
All Members of the FL House of Representatives
All Members of the FL Senate
Florida Offices of:
Cabinet Affairs
Chief Inspector General’s Office
Citizen Services
Communications Office
Executive Office
External Affairs
Legislative Affairs