Demise of Ginsburg Foreshadows the
Greatest Political War of the Decade
State of the Nation
In the American legal arena as well as judicial front, it simply does not get any BIGGER that the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
What the nation is about to witness is the single greatest battle in history to control the destiny of the U.S. Supreme Court.
Given that Deep State operative Chief Justice John Roberts has morphed into a hardcore globalist and traitor to the Republic, who actively and frequently legislates from the bench, the replacement for Ginsburg is of paramount importance for the Right.
Of course, that Roberts has routinely cast the deciding vote siding with the far Left-wing justices also makes Ginsburg’s replacement quite crucial for the oppressed Patriot Movement. For Roberts has become the most dangerous Chief Justice in SCOTUS history, regularly doing horrifying and irreparable damage to the country with each session.
Enter Judge Amy Coney Barrett
In light of the utterly repugnant infanticide laws being passed by states across the USA, President Trump is compelled to select a justice who is unequivocal about their intention to overturn Roe v. Wade and protect the unborn form these wicked baby murderers.
At the very least, a Ginburg replacement must be appointed who will support a future SCOTUS decision that permanently strikes down every state statute permitting the premeditated murder of newborn infants[1], as well as the deliberate killing of aborted babies who live through the abortion process but are allowed to die a slow death.[2]
Just who is it that would unflinchingly uphold the U.S. Constitution, especially where it concerned outlawing the cold-blooded murder of the unborn?

AMY CONEY BARRETT: The Best Conservative Replacement for Ginsburg
Bottom Line: Given the monumental import of the passing of RGB, it ought to be self-evident that this profoundly defining moment of the 2020 election is yet another early October Surprise, Black Swan event, Cosmic Curveball from left field and/or awesome act of Divine Intervention. Surely, if the conservative, nationalist, Patriot Movement ever got a good look at deus ex machina in action, this particular VIP departure is it!
State of the Nation
September 19, 2020
[1] INFANTICIDE: Let’s not forget that there nine states allowing the deliberate killing of infants
[2] 19 States Allow Infanticide, Let Abortionists Leave Babies to Die Who Survive an Abortion