Google ‘shifted’ 6 million votes to Joe Biden, Democrat researcher Robert Epstein tells Tucker Carlson
Epstein detailed a ‘smoking gun’ his team found that implicates Google
By Calvin Freiburger
November 25, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – Google alone may be responsible for six million of the votes received by former Vice President Joe Biden in this month’s presidential election, a prominent tech researcher and critic of the internet giant told Fox News’ Tucker Carlson this week.
American Institute for Behavioral Research psychologist Dr. Robert Epstein, a Democrat who stated on Tucker’s show that he does not support Trump, is the researcher behind estimates that Google, the company that owns the world’s biggest search giant plus the top video platform YouTube, may have swung as many as 2.6 million votes to Democrat Hillary Clinton in 2016, through the use of various blacklists to “suppress information.”
On Monday, he told Carlson that his team “had 733 field agents in three key swing states this year: Arizona, North Carolina, and Florida, and we preserved more than 500,000 ephemeral experiences,” which constitutes “about 30 times more data than we got in 2016.” They found that Google search results were “strongly biased in favor of liberals and Democrats,” which was “not true of Bing or Yahoo.”
Epstein also detailed a “smoking gun” they found in the form of a “period of days when the vote reminder on Google’s homepage was being sent only to liberals — not one of our conservative field agents received a vote reminder during those days.” He added that Google “backed off” and started sending vote reminders to everyone the same night he publicized the discrepancy, four days before the election.
“The bottom line at the moment is that these manipulations, the ones that we’ve so far quantified, could easily have shifted at least six million votes in just one direction,” Epstein said. “That’s the bare minimum at this point, that I’m confident. The maximum we haven’t even begun to estimate that yet because we have so much data to look at.
For years, conservatives have argued that Google has a left-wing bias and discriminates against conservative groups. Various leaked private conversations show not only that the dominant ideologies at Google are dramatically out of step with the general public, but that the company is willing to enforce those ideologies through its ostensibly neutral services and platforms.
Arguably the most damning of those conversations was a “TGIF” (Thank God It’s Friday) meeting from days after the 2016 election, which leaked in September 2018. During that event, various top Google officials openly discussed making Trump’s first victory, in the words of Senior Vice President for Global Affairs and Chief Legal Officer Kent Walker, no more than a “blip” or “hiccup” in a moral arc of history bend[ing] towards progress.”
In the video, Google co-founder Sergey Brin raised the question of how Google can ensure a “better quality of governance and decision-making,” while Chief Financial Officer Ruth Porat told the audience that Google would “use the great strength and resources and reach we have to continue to advance really important values.” Among the examples discussed in the video were making “investments in machine learning” and “conversation AI” to help combat so-called “misinformation, disinformation” and “fake news.”
Most media outlets have called the presidential election for Biden, though Trump’s lawyers claim they have identified more than double the number of questionable ballots necessary to prove Trump the legitimate winner. Litigation is ongoing.