The Rothchilds
(Jacob Rothschild seen above) The Rothschilds, worth $500 trillion own
Reuters, AP, and fix the price of gold…
Like the pharaohs of Egypt who had a grand vizier, Queen Elizabeth 2nd also has a grand vizier who serves as her most trusted advisor. His name is lord Evelyn Rothschild and he is the second wealthiest and most powerful person on earth. He is also lord of the world’s financial capitol, the City State of London. Lord Rothschild and his ring of power hide their identities behind 13 City Council members who stand in as their representatives. Historically, the Rothschild family wealth was hidden in underground vaults. The Rothschild’s secret financial records are never audited and never accounted for. Their family commissioned biographies give the illusion that their family fortune has dwindled. But researchers estimate their wealth at close to 500 trillion dollars – more than half the wealth of the entire world.
Besides their many castles, palace mansions, wineries, race horses and exotic resorts, the Rothschild’s bought Reuters in the 1800’s. Reuters then bought the Associated Press, which selects and delivers the same new stories to the entire world, day after day. They have controlling interests in three major television networks and easily avoid media attention, since they own the media. Until recently, they owned and operated England’s Royal Mint and continue to be the gold agent for the Bank of England, which they also direct. They control the LBMA, London Bullion Market Association, where 30 to 40 million ounces of gold, worth over 11 billion dollars are traded daily. The Rothschild’s earn millions weekly, just on transaction fees alone. They also fix the world price on gold on a daily basis and profit from its ups and downs. Over the centuries, the Rothschild’s have amassed trillions of dollars worth of gold bullion in their subterranean vaults and have cornered the world’s gold supply. They own controlling interests in the worlds largest oil company Royal Dutch Shell. They operate phony charities and off-shore banking services where the wealth of the Vatican and black nobility is hidden in secret accounts at Rothschild Swiss banks, trusts and holding companies. How did Evelyn Rothschild become the rich grand vizier to Queen Elizabeth 2nd and godfather of the black nobility? By birth. Evelyn Rothschild is the great, great, great grandson of Mayer Amschel Rothschild, and will be passing the godfather-ship down to David de Rothschild.
Mayer Amschel´s will
When he died on September 19, 1812, the founder of the House of Rothschild left a will that was just days old. In it, he laid down specific laws by which the House that bore his name would operate in future years. The laws were as follows:
(1) All key positions in the House of Rothschild were to be held by members of the family, and not by hired hands. Only male members of the family were allowed to participate in the business.
(2) The family was to intermarry with their own first and second cousins, thus preserving the vast fortune. This rule was strictly adhered to early on but when other rich Jewish banking houses came on the scene, it was relaxed to allow some of the Rothschilds to marry selected members of the new elite.
(3) Amschel forbade his heirs “most explicitly, in any circumstances whatever, to have any public inventory made by the courts, or otherwise, of my estate …. Also I forbid any legal action and any publication of the value of the inheritance …. Anyone who disregards these provisions and takes any kind of action which conflicts with them will immediately be regarded as having disputed the will, and shall suffer the consequences of so doing.”
(4) Rothschild ordered a perpetual family partnership and provided that the female members of the family, their husbands and children should receive their interest in the estate subject to the management of the male members. They were to have no part in the management of the business. Anyone who disputed this arrangement would lose their interest in the Estate.
Biographer Frederic Morton, in The Rothschilds, tells us that Mayer Amschel Rothschild and his five sons were “wizards” of finance, and “fiendish calculators” who were motivated by a “demonic drive” to succeed in their secret undertakings.
How it all began.
Their story begins in 18th century Frankfurt Germany, on a cobblestone street called Frankfurt on the Main. Mayer Amschel Bauer was the son of a goldsmith and loan-shark, called Moses Amschel Bauer, who hung a red hexagon shield over the doorway of his shop. When Mayer took over his father’s business, he changed his name from Bauer to Rothschild, which means “Red Shield” in German. The red hexagon shield was the symbol for the world revolutionary movement. Family biographers describe Mayer Rothschild as a poor man, who lived with his family above his shop and sold rare coins to Royal customers. On the contrary, Mayer stashed a big supply of gold, precious coins and jewels in special hiding places inside his house.
In 1773, Mayer Rothschild invited 12 wealthy revolutionary-minded men to his goldsmiths shop. Together they formulated a plan to seize control of the worlds wealth. Using his connections, Mayer teamed up with prince Wilhelm IX Landgrave, who was the ruler of Germany’s Hesse-Kassel district. Wilhelm had a reputation as a cold-blooded loan-shark, who trained and rented out his Hessian solders as mercenary troops. When Napoleon and his troops marched into Germany in 1806, Wilhelm feared for his life and his vast fortune. He left 3 million dollars in the hands of Mayer Rothschild to pay the Hessian solders. Then he escaped to Denmark to stay with his royal relatives.
Mayer Rothschild received a stock-market tip from his world revolutionary network. Instead of paying the Hessian solders with the 3 million dollars that was left to him by Wilhelm, he bet the money on his insider stock market tip. With his new fortune, Mayer Rothschild set up 5 family banks to be run by each of his 5 sons in London, Paris, Naples, Frankfurt and Vienna. On Sept. 19th 1812, Mayer Rothschild died at the age of 68. He left instruction that the amount of the inheritance must never be made public, that secrecy and ruthlessness must be used in all business practices and that family members must intermarry with their own relatives to keep the family fortune all in the same family.
All 5 brothers dedicated themselves to their ancestor’s world revolutionary dream to control the entire world. Mayer Rothschild’s most successful sons were Nathan, who ran the London bank, and James who ran the Paris bank. Together they changed the face of history and became known throughout Europe. Their father had given them a detailed plan for world control. It was a futuristic plan that would put specific individuals over the next century into political power positions.
Taking control of the Bank of England.
Nathan and James Rothschild had come up with a scheme that would put the plan for world domination into action. It would also make them filthy rich. The brothers helped finance both sides of Napoleon’s famous battle at Waterloo, between the French and the English. With advanced knowledge of the British victory, Nathan Rothschild spread lies that the British had been defeated, which caused a crash in the value of British Government bonds. While panicked English investors sold up their life savings, Nathan Rothschild bought-up their bonds for pennies on the dollar. When official news of the British victory at Waterloo arrived, the English bond-market skyrocketed and so did Nathan Rothschild’s wealth.
International Banks and Multinational Corporations.
By 1818 they had fleeced the French investors, by crashing the French Government bond market.
By 1823 the Rothschilds were guardians of the entire papal treasure and took over the financial operations of the Catholic Church. Enraged citizens accused the Rothschilds of trying to control the world’s money markets. Fearing for their lives, the Rothschilds retreated into the shadows and cast their eyes on the youthful USA. To avoid publicity, the Rothschilds made themselves invisible by creating and hiding behind two front companies. J P Morgan and Kuhn and Loeb. By 1906 J P Morgan’s bank controlled 1/3 of America’s railways and over 70% of the steel industry. He eventually had a major stake in the 20th century’s major companies. Among them ATNT, ITT, General Electric, General Motors and Du Pont.
The Opium trade with China.
The Rothschilds bought controlling interests in British East India Shipping Company and the illegal Opium trade with China. They offered junior partnerships to New England’s leading American families. The Russell, Coolidge, DeLeino, Forbes and Perkins families became fabulously rich smuggling Opium aboard their Clipper ships into China. In 1820 Samuel Russell bought out the Perkins syndicate and ran the Opium smuggling operation with his partner Warren DeLeino Jr. who was the grandfather of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Britain had finally found a commodity that China would take, Opium. Imported from India, just a few chests at first, and then thousands. When the Chinese authorities tried to stop the Opium trade, the British sent in their Gunboats. After nearly 20 years of turmoil the treaty of Tien-Tsin in 1858 not only allowed Opium to be imported, but handed over China’s ports and all her International trade to Western control. After the war, Opium poured into China on an even greater scale and her Emperors were powerless to stop it. In 1842, the British stole Hong Kong from China in an Opium drug-deal called the treaty of Nanking.
The Russell family who controlled the US arm of the Rothschild drug smuggling operation, set up the Skull and Bones fraternity at Yale University. America’s big money families formed the fraternity’s inner power circle. Taft, Russell, Schiff, Haremon, Bush, Warburg, Guggenheim, Rockefeller, Stemson, Weighouser, Vanderbilt, Goodyear and Pillsbury were all members. These families intermarried over the generations to form America’s big money aristocracy. Skull and bones member Alfonso Taft catapulted his son William Taft right into the top job at the White House. President Taft’s 17th. Amendment to the US Constitution guaranteed the right of big-money insiders to hand-pick Senators and buy control of the US Senate. Today, the most influential members of the CIA, the US Government, and big finance are Skull and Bones men.
A House of Rothschild Bankers
The Rothschilds have been in control of the world for a very long time, their tentacles reaching into many aspects of our daily lives. So who actually controls today’s world banking system?
The ownership of the 10 Central banks are: 1. Rothschild Bank of London, 2. Warburg Bank of Hamburg, 3. Rothschild Bank of Berlin, 4. Lehman Brothers of New York, 5. Lazar Brothers of Paris, 6. Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York (Now Shearson American Express), 7. Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy, 8. Goldman, Sachs of New York, 9. Warburg Bank of Amsterdam, 10. Chase Manhattan Bank of New York.
I found this an interesting read however the Rothchilds don’t own all the Central Banks.
Who’s behind the world banking cartel? The Rothschild family!
Though Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, and Carlos Slim are supposedly “the richest men in the world,” their combined wealth of $180 billion would qualify them as mere servants for the House of Rothschild.
Rothschild owns the Bank of England and the London gold bullion exchange where Rothschild sets the daily international market price for gold. Rothschild owns the gold and diamond mines of S. Africa and major extractive industries such as Rio Tinto and British Petroleum.
Rothschild financed England and France in the Napoleonic wars. Rothschild knew who won the Battle of Waterloo a day before the King of England and British investors. Rothschild caused a selling panic in the London bond “consul” market intimating to investors that England lost to Napoleon. Bonds issued by the Bank of England to finance the war crashed and sold for pennies on the dollar.
Rothschild sold to drive the price down and then bought all the bonds back at rock bottom prices. The next day when word of England’s victory over Napoleon hit the market, bond prices soared. Rothschild made 40 times his investment in one day on insider knowledge. Rothschild also made 30 percent interest on the gold he loaned to the kings to fight each other.
The king issued bonds as a debt obligation to Rothschild to be paid by future taxes on British citizens. The ensuing debt was so much that Rothschild was able to take over ownership of the Bank of England, which subsequently financed the mercenary German Hessians to fight the American revolutionaries in colonial America because Washington issued its own money called greenbacks. It wasn’t about tea.
Rothschild owns major European Central Banks: England, Switzerland, France, Germany, and Belgium – central bank for the Euro. Rothschild partnered with the original seven American families who became the regional depository banks in the US Federal Reserve. The Bush family and J.P. Morgan are the political and financial dynasties evolved from their original ownership of the Federal Reserve. Political propaganda confuses American citizens into thinking the U.S. government owns and prints its own money. Not so. Bush, J.P. Morgan and five other banking family institutions own the Federal Reserve in partnership with Rothschild.
Rothschild owns Reuters News Service, which bought the Associated Press. Rothschild owns or virtually controls every major media outlet in America, Europe and Israel. Rothschild controls the message of who really owns $500 trillion of hidden untaxed wealth equal to half of annual world GDP.
Ron Linker Millfield – Source
Cecil Rhodes and George Soros are two of many Rothschild agents. Lehman Brothers, listed in the first article as being one of the ten central banks owned by Rothschild, went bankrupt (along with others) during the latter months of Obama’s first election which made him a key in for winning. Obama’s 16 trillion, stolen from the FR-American people, went to prop up failing European Banks – probably Rothschilds since he owns most of the banks – likely the reason he selected and got the then unknown Obama elected.