Since there are no Patriots anywhere in DC, who sent in the AntiFa Terrorists and BLM Mercenaries?!

News Flash: Washington D.C. Seized By ANTIFA & BLM, That’s Why The Military Was Sent

By Josey Wales


Now this is something that the media has kept a tight lid on, isn’t it?

Washington D.C. has been seized by ANTIFA & BLM.

As JOSHUA PHILIPP’S  Investigates and interviews people in downtown D.C., it seems that there are virtually NO Trump supporters in D.C., it’s all ANTIFA & BLM on the ground in D.C.

With all the chaos ANTIFA & BLM have caused over the last fours years, is it any wonder that the Military has been called upon to keep law and order.

Today will be a day that will go down in infamy…

Now Josh is reporting that the Biden supporters in D.C. do not seem to be happy, now how could that be?

Most people are beginning to realize that this is all part of a script, the fact that almost No One is reporting that ANTIFA and BLM have basically taken over D.C., all motels, blocks and blocks around the capital….and no Trump Supporters anywhere to be found.

Remember, Hegelian dialectic, Problem, Reaction, Solution…. They write the script for their Political Theater, this time they have the whole world watching their show..

Let’s call a spade a spade, ANTIFA & BLM are government sponsored Terrorist Organizations. Just like al-Qaeda, ISIS and ISIL. 

Today’s theater has been planned for a long, long time, they have hyped up their audience and with the stage all set up, complete with a virtual Inauguration. Meaning that all the key players will be in a safe place as they ignite this war on the American people.

It’s all planned, it’s all a stage show and it appears that it is going to get violent as today’s events move forward…and of course it is going to be the Trump supporters who are labeled as the enemies of the State today!

Let’s take the tour of D.C. with Joshua Philipp’s, as he interviews people and gives you the hard facts, on the street, this is real folks, pay attention today…

Crossroads with JOSHUA PHILIPP  #Capitol #inauguration #Washington

Washington Under Lockdown: A Tour of the Capitol Under Military Watch | Crossroads



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