Here’s how we kick the moneychangers out of the Temple in the 3rd Millennium!

“Silver bullets are so much nicer to use in the war we are fighting against the Pilgrims. Lead is so messy.”


Silver Shield 10 oz. bar.

AIMCats, do you see the big picture? This 10 oz bar pictured above says it all. And who are the greedy money changers that Christ is throwing out of the temple? Jesus Clears the Temple of Money Changers

We, too, are throwing out the money changers, now known as the silver and gold riggers. They are behind all kinds of rigging operations from precious metals to elections. This is how they stay in power. They lie and cheat….and we let them. Do not be a victim anymore, AIMCats. Get your hands on real wealth before Klaus Schwab and gang collapse the economy for their own Great Reset …. which you know they are doing. They tell you all the time. You will own nothing, but be happy. First part is true because that is COMMUNISM. The second part is a lie because you will be muzzled, vaccinated, separated from your family, harvested and exterminated. Oh yeah…they told you that, too, on the Georgia Guidestones.

As I pursued my news “fishing holes” today I noticed that the word “silver” is not being discussed on the MSM channels. They do not know where “silver fever” mania is coming from and don’t want to add to the fervor by even whispering its name. They know that it doesn’t take much to create mass hysteria among brainwashed citizens. Look what they did with face masks and social distancing, soon vaccinations. That’s all you hear about when you turn on MSM and mind-numbed citizens absorb the fear.

Shhh. WE are THEIR invisible enemy.

We are using the same techniques, but for precious metals mania.

Here at the American Intelligence MediaAIM School of Truth, we have spent several years educating you (or reinforcing what you already knew to be true) about the rigged markets and how important silver would become when the economy collapsed and the globalshits stole it from us, like they do all the time with wars, conflicts, falling buildings in NYC, collapsing housing markets, and plandemics. This is how they keep covering their massive shorts, which keep getting bigger and bigger until the whole world economy must collapse to keep the Rothschild Pilgrims rich.

We knew that precious metals rigging was the Achilles heel of the Rothschild banking system, just as we know Leader Technologies to be that for the Silicon Valley tech kingdoms. But it would take a large group of us to make a difference and we would need to be decentralized, not centralized like the Hunt Brothers. The Pilgrims put a target on you if they can identify you as holding that much influence. Just look what they have done to President Trump.

AIMCats are a decentralized, global network of influential patriots who are working to achieve lasting world peace and prosperity. Each of you has a network of followers, we call your downline, that you educate and enlighten in the very special way that you, and only you, can. You have been cultivating your downline for months, if not years.

When we saw the leverage point…..that beautiful fulcrum of opportunity that was nestled inside of WallStreetBets January 27, we brought it to your attention.


This truth network was prepared with truth and information from years of educating themselves and growing our networks. This was the opportunity of all time. We could do to silver what WallStreetBets did for Gamestop, except we knew that paper SLV couldn’t be “shorted”, but by buying shares, we could put pressure from top down on their price rigging, while others worked from the bottom up to get their peeps jazzed about buying physical silver. We are creating DEMAND that they can never meet while taking physical SUPPLY away from them at the same time.


These two fronts SQUEEZED silver to the point that the commercial silver markets are feeling the pain.

Excellent article by Ronan Manly!


Removing physical silver from retail and into our possession, decentralized all around the world in the hands of WOKE citizens, has the added benefit of keeping their evil surveillance and control world of the internet of things from working. I just listened to David Lin, anchor of Kitco (industry dude so always read and listen between the lines) interview a commodities expert (video here) who said that Tesla requires 2 ounces of silver per EV. Keep in mind that Tesla is not the only EV company in the world…all EVs will need around 2 ounces of silver. Plus the average solar panels (even those snow covered ones that get no sunlight and produce no energy on the coldest days of the year) need 20 grams of silver, each.

Start adding up all that silver use and you have a problem with SUPPLY if citizens around the world catch SILVER FEVER. The globalishits will have an insurmountable problem with physical supply and price of silver. Plus, how do you source for manufacturing when a critical component is hiding all over the world in the hands of millions of WOKE citizens?

The shortages are occurring all around the world. Galactic Trader posts: “Other reports of #silver bar and coin shortages or huge premiums in Brazil, Switzerland and France.”

VIDEO Perth Mint website to go offline at end of month

anonbombs posts: “I’m 41 – never bought silver in my life.

Not even sure I’ve ever held a silver dollar to be quite honest.

I’ve spent the last 5 weeks educating myself as much as possible to the point where I have now transferred over $25K of my retirement savings into physical silver – every single ounce of it (bars and rounds), bought from local coin shops.

It’s thrilling to be a part of a worldwide movement with an end goal of breaking the chains of financial slavery that we’ve all been under for decades.

My hope is to encourage others to educate yourself as much as you can and then determine what is best for you


This leads to an even bigger problem for their deadly 5G roll-out. 5G units need silver to operate.
 The Silver Institute reports that 5G technology will need at least 16 million ounces of silver by 2025.

No need to battle with legislators and industry on the outrageous laws and regulations that permit these units in your community without your approval. Just quietly buy and hold silver. FOREVER. They will 1) not find enough silver on a regular and consistent basis for manufacturing use, or 2) it will be so expensive to build a national network of 5g units that it will be abandoned

Silver bullets are so much nicer to use in the war we are fighting against the Pilgrims. Lead is so messy.

BONUS: Think about what this will do to the banking industry and stock market. Those sleazy swamp rats that have seized the Republic have offshore bank accounts and bloated investments that are not going to fare well when the financial house comes tumbling down. Now, that, my friends, is how to raid the Capitol. Wink.

AIM Patriot Glory_Bee asked: “So I sit and see a bunch on numbers in my Fidelity acct, have no actual physical stock certificates of ownership, and wonder if things go wrong, then what? It all seems so etheric/vaporous. How does one buy $100,000 worth of actual silver?”

Our reply to Glory_Bee is that it may be too late to get into physical silver, but we hear that most coin shops and the bouillon companies have plenty of GOLD. We also hear that others are thinking the same as you might be. We also hear that gold sellers are reporting GOLD SHORTAGES. Of course, we are not financial advisors with official credentials and licensure that allow us to lie to you and be protected by the financial cabal. We are just a couple of retired school teachers.

The Government is not your friend and the Fed is the People’s enemy. Video on Gab. Share it.

The bottom line is that it is all a big Ponzi scheme and the stock market is a rigged casino. Common sense tells you that the trillions of fiat currency being printed is not sound economics. The BIG UGLY is staring you in the face…..What are you doing TODAY to protect your family and fortune?

VIDEO Physical Silver Short Squeeze: SLV Changes Prospectus Again, Admits Can’t Source Physical Silver



Dollar to silver is $4,816 an ounce. Dollar to gold is $34,685.

Now that you have your wealth protected, get involved in your local precincts so we can restore the Republic, bottom up. It’s really not as difficult or threatening as you may think. Here’s a post inside this link to explain how to get started.


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