Is this the real back story behind the never-ending Trump-Biden contest?

by Counter Analysis

A notion has been churning in my head for some time now. The military industrial complex rivals, if not dwarfs Trump’s camp. It has a certain agenda, program, and demands from political leaders. This complex may be divided on its support for Trump and his rivals. It may have demanded certain war activities from Trump, that he was unwilling to fulfill, but which Biden’s controllers have no qualms about fulfilling.

There may be a backroom deal for Trump to step aside temporarily while Camp Biden does the dirty work of initiating wars, economic collapse, and pro-pharma de facto enforcement of vaccines. Once these objectives are achieved, the complex may allow and even facilitate Trump resuming control, upon which he will look like a hero as he finishes the messes Camp Biden initiated at the complex’s behest. As an aside, Trump may have supported this pro-pharma vaccine bonanza as a payoff to get big pharma to cooperate in lowering drug prices. Will big pharma uphold their end of the possible bargain?

I’m not bashing Trump. He may have had few realistic options. If he were willing to do everything the complex demanded, he would have been sworn in with very little opposition. The problem with Camp Biden, is that it is very serious about destroying America, which in turn, will harm the complex. So the complex will tolerate Biden while he does their initial bidding, and then may turn to Trump to protect America, the complex’s cash cow. Time will tell. If Trump, or his camp reemerges victorious, this will be the most likely explanation imho.


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